I liked how I responded. Nicely, listening, understanding, not defensively ... and still protecting myself.
This morning I feel more relaxed. Maybe it IS possible to practice a different response and move away from unnecessary upset.
Here's the upside of the rollercoaster.
The hike was fun and fast with great weather. It was expected to be overcast, windy and cold ... but nice weather stayed all morning.
I got a bunch of goodies at the craft fair. Not much time to shop (probably for the best lol). I'll share some pictures as I use things. A few gifts for people and a few gifts for me. I like being prepared with gifts for upcoming needs. Taking it off my plate ahead.
New mug from a ceramic vendor I bought from last year and a few coasters with favorite books from a new vendor. I had nice chats with both crafters. Edited myself to not get an expensive floor quilt for the baby. I have ones from my son's baby years and I'll use those instead.
I booked a "big" trip for August with the hiking club. Up a local mountain to stay in a bunk house inn for 2 nights. Hiking with all the stuff (so heavier backpack), everything comes back out. Three days of hiking. I wanted to try this as a little practice moment ahead of planning our El Camino de Santiago adventure next year. I'm a little nervous and a lot excited. That checks the right boxes. It's big for me because this is completely out of my wheelhouse. From no ac in August (eek), to sleeping in a room with no bathroom (I'm fussy), to prepared foods, shared showers, possible spiders, etc. I need to rough up myself a little lol.
This is a really full week with a few out-of-the-box experiences for me and a lot of stuff around a big learning curve for volunteering. Remembering words matter, I've stopped saying "hard week" and started saying "fun week." Why fun? Because it's full of learning, curiosity and accomplishment. Exactly what I say I want from my life. This has it in spades.
Time to get moving. Heading to Asheville today with the dogs and hubby too :) I need to water plants and pack before we get on the road. I want to get there in time to get to the teahouse -- always try to make this my first stop in Asheville.
Hope you're having a good weekend. Later gators.
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