Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Dead Time and Thrift Stores

I'm doing a good job to keep me in the mix of things, even though I have plenty of outside commitments this month. I'm rearranging and reconfiguring to get opportunities to hike in February. Right now hiking is important to me. I hadn't hiked with my hiking club since fall. Some was circumstance (height of spider season, weather, a little back flareup and travel), but most was because I let it slip from priority. 

I hold my commitments. What I'm changing is my schedule and my available slots. Holding open for hiking choices. I'm not changing dates or times of coffee or lunch because someone else wants to add something to their day -- we'll need to cancel instead. 

Have you ever realized you have a totally open week, but you aren't able to do anything that YOU want to do? That's what was happening with hiking. 

It's about something called DEAD TIME. Changing things or scheduling things so you have plenty of pockets of time, but no time long enough to do THE THING. This can happen for loads of reasons and this is what was happening with hiking. Hikes are usually in the morning, registration is in advance and fills up, cancelations are limited with penalties so letting someone change lunch plans 3 times can be enough to have no hiking opportunities that week. 

Once I get a fill of hiking I might not be as intense about this, but for now, I like what I'm doing. I have a very long list of UNAVAILABLE times that I'm leaving open for hiking. I'm hiking again on Thursday and am attempting to get into 3 more hikes next week. A couple might be hard because they'll be super popular. 

Anyway ...

I also gave up on "My Name is Resolute." 400 pages and I still didn't like it. Time to let go. I have a few library books coming up (I have a problem -- I can't stop reserving recommendations). I was a book-less last night and probably today so I started one of the books my friend gave me for the LFL. It's a little book so I should finish it tomorrow. It's quirky, but I haven't gotten into the story enough to make a judgement though.

A friend sent me a just-because package. Her friend makes earrings from vintage tins and gives them away for free. She also found an old ornament meant for a gift long ago. She sent it as a little joke.

I started to throw it away, but it has a tag on it. I decided to decorate it and drop it at the Goodwill. It's cheesy, but you never know. 

Bees cut from a napkin

I have coffee with my DIL's mom this afternoon. She initiated plans, but asked me to pick the coffee place. I'm heading into a different town so I have a list of non-Goodwill thrift stores to check out after coffee. I'm trying to get a feel for the local thrift stores. I've visited a few that are off my list -- dirty, unorganized, junky stuff. I know it can change week-to-week as far as inventory, but this is more about an overall feel. So far, I have 2 favorites. One for more vintage things and one for more current items. I hope today adds another to the list.

Hope your week is going well. Later gators.

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