Monday, February 26, 2024

Hike Recap

It was a BIG hike. We got a little turned around and suddenly it was 4 hours and over 12 miles. Lots of rocks, creek crossings, tree roots, sand areas, waterfalls -- we got everything on this hike. It was a super hike. I totally enjoyed it. As expected, I'm glad I said 'yes.'

Spring wildflowers are starting.

Lots of flat water falls

Granite rock at the top --
felt like we were on the moon.

Even cactus!

Red algae -- grows only
at the top of the mountain.

More cactus.

Barren rocks for miles

"Moon" walking

Pretty lake on the way
to the rock top

Rock trail for a few miles

I was pooped by the time I got home. Cooked food and sat on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon -- 4 o'clock by the time I got to sofa surfing. I started watching Marcella on Netflix -- like it a lot so far.

I'm behind on my advanced packing for Puerto Rico so I'm focusing hard on that today. I definitely don't want to be in a last minute packing situation for a beach trip -- it's one of the harder ones for me to pack since I don't go to a beach very often (or wear my swimwear). Man, I hate packing.

But first, nail appointment -- yes! It's been a minute so this will feel good.

Have a good Monday. This is a split week for me with the trip starting on Thursday. Not my usual week, but adventure is what I want, right?!?!? Yes, but all the other stuff that goes with an adventure I could do without. And, it's nothing to complain about. Poor me, taking a vacation. I hear it.

Later gators.

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