Friday, February 16, 2024

Hello :)

Let's catch up. It's list time.

1. Our grandson is doing super well. Clean bill of health and home with his mom and dad -- who are already beautiful parents. This is one lucky little boy.

I got to meet him and
take a little buggy ride.

2. My volunteer position is in full swing. I meet the child on Saturday. I'm a little nervous with lots to learn. 

3. Grow room is almost ready for seeds next week. We were planning to final sealer coat the raised garden bed this afternoon, but rain overnight so it'll wait until next week. It needs 24 hours of dry time outside.

4. I've been hiking -- finally. Fast hike yesterday (perfect weather), big hike on Saturday (cold!), long hike next Sunday.

5. Saying yes too. Remember the Chimp 5k Event I invited a friend to join me? Well she got a group together and now it's a girls' weekend. I'm excited. It's not until March so more on this later.

6. I've been trying to say 'yes' more. I AM capable of doing more than one "thing" each day. Time to build up some endurance. 

7. I got this decanter for my bedroom in Asheville. Fill with water and a drinking cup sits on top. This is a vintage knock-off from Amazon. Dishwasher safe with thick glass. I was keeping 2 water glasses on my dresser -- this consolidates and gives me more water. Plus I like that it's covered.

So pretty!

8. Antique oil painting from online IG. I've gotten a few things from this account and I love them all. This is my favorite. It's going up to Asheville. It's so charming in person. Mailman delivering the mail in the countryside.

9. Got this card in the mail from my artist aunt. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE getting handmade cards -- made my day.

10. Had a coaching call about my hobbies feeling like work. Guess what? Apparently that word carries a lot of meaning to me. Switching my language to I'm playing (rather than working) helps. It's also connected to officially retiring from nursing. Need to feel I'm working to justify worth. Interesting. I knew this was in my head (so to speak) and I'm practicing some new thoughts and this shift in wording. These hobbies are meant to be FUN, not a dreaded drag.

11. I got a speeding ticket. OMG (!!) I've never had a ticket before. It was a camera on the drive home from Asheville. It says no association with license or points so I paid it on the down-low from hubby. Why? Because I'll never hear the end of not using the smart cruise control. He already bugs me about it, but I don't like the way it feels to give over so much control to the car. I didn't slow down quickly enough through a park area (goes from 55 to 45). I got flagged at 56. BTW, the highway is the same through the park -- 4 lane, divided. If you miss that initial sign, you are screwed because the speed limit changes a mile before you can see the park entrance, but the road is still the same highway.

We are headed to the park today for some grandson time -- 2 parents, 4 grandparents and one precious baby.  

2024 has felt like quite a ride -- so many emotional happenings. I'm trying to get myself back to a calmer state and back to enjoying things (aka get this anxiety under control). 

Hope you are well and set for a good weekend. Later gators.

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