Thursday, February 22, 2024

I Did It

It was a long day, but I did it AND enjoyed it. Even the volunteer work -- gave me a feeling of accomplishment. 

I keep rewording the thought -- I'm doing too much. It isn't too much. This is a thought on autoplay and I want to stop thinking it, especially since it's rarely true and it keeps me moving very slowly through life.

The farm planting went well. I'm not planting the seeds until I get back from Puerto Rico, but I filled the seedling pots and picked out seeds. We had to meet at 2 locations because the house on the farm has mold. That makes sense now and it wasn't big deal as it turned out. I was early so I walked around the farm. The chicken coop is fun -- some pretty birds.

I read a quick book from the library -- nothing like I've read before. The writing is beautiful. I have 2 more library books to read before Puerto Rico because I have a problem lol. Honest to god, why?!? I can't stop reserving books and when there's no wait, I can't suspend the reservation. 

Today is also a full day, but an easy morning. I have a journal making class tonight -- I'm curious how to use recycled books.

Hope you're set for a good day too. Later gators.

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