Thursday, October 26, 2023

The Monday Feels (on a Thursday)

It feels like a Monday -- in a good way. Back in GA. Back to organizing and moving forward with all-the-things happening. Full life = some overwhelm ... and it's worth it.

I had a few FS things happen yesterday that made me feel good. 

Connection has been a goal and something I've worked toward -- yesterday felt like that was paying off.

1. HS reach out about the memory of visiting my friend in Italy in 2019. Prompted renewed interest in getting together sooner rather than later. Not sure if that will happen, but it feels nice.

2. Making plans with old friends from dog fostering days. It was a joint effort to get on the calendar and she wrote such a nice message. We can't get a date until mid-January, but it's on the calendar. Yea!

3. Got a reach out from a bookclub friend who moved to Paris. Nice to continue a little connection and book conversations.

4. Signed up for a long hike in November. It checked all the hiking boxes and I'm making an effort to do it. The hike leader is fun to chat with and I enjoy her a lot.

None of these connections are "regular" (i.e. not looking for a best friend) but they make me feel good. The connection is the reaching out and I'm not focused so heavily on the results. Friendships can look lots of different ways.

Other FS stuff happening today too. Swearing in for volunteering program. This has been on my goal list for over a year. Finally happening and I like that I didn't rush into this decision since it was a big one.

Still semi-procrastinating the garden assembly and the LFL (because of our schedule). But I AM moving forward -- snail's pace forward, but oh well. This can't surprise anyone lol!!

Off to the park to run Duke. Later gators.

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