Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Downtown ATL

I did BOTH yesterday.  Trader Joe's and the local coffeeshop -- thanks, FS.  Turns out the online coffee order is for next week so I absolutely needed an emergency supply and I like supporting local business.

* sitting happily drinking coffee on this cold morning*

It was a blistery fall day -- enough so that I needed the new jacket the kids got me for my birthday.  Took a picture to show them.  It's lightweight, lots of pockets and fits well.  Hello, true fall.  I don't think we're going back to warm again this year.

Headed to walk the dogs.

I'm driving downtown this morning to shop at The MART in Atlanta with my girlfriend.  She wants to look at accessories for Christmas gifts and we both need to visit the jeweler to get our rings checked.  It's by invitation only and limited shopping for the general public (you need a small business license otherwise).  Wholesale boutique things on a few of the floors.  While the rings are being serviced, we'll leave the building and go to lunch downtown.  I found a local restaurant with lots of fresh options.  We usually eat at a crappy cafe in the building -- changing it up a little.  Pays to have a plan.

I ordered this used classic.  I don't recall reading it, but I know a little of the story.  It's such a pretty cover and a longer book than I expected -- legitimate novel length.  I'm curious if I'll like it.  Stay tuned.

That's all for the day.  I'm up early to get in a Peloton ride before battling the end of morning rush hour traffic.  The rings can take up to 4 hours to be checked and polished (depends on how busy they are) so we need to drop them early and kill a lot of time.  We'll leave just in time to catch the start of afternoon rush.  City traffic in the ATL.

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

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