Saturday, October 7, 2023

Library Stack

Library pickup.  I didn't manage my reserved holds well -- I thought I was still long on the list for most.  6 books, no renewals, 2 weeks.  Can I do it?  Probably.

I finished Behind Closed Doors in one sitting.  Recommendation from my sister.  Sinister suspense book.  

I finished Be Your Future Self.  Mostly skim read this short book because I'm well versed in the ideas -- no new takeaways and I like how I think about FS a little better.  "My" way (from lots of sources) is a little more existential and a little less type A goal setting, but it was a good reminder.

I started The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store last night.  The writing is good and the story is interesting (I'm only 3 chapters in).

Outlive will definitely be a skim book too.  Frankly, first glance it looks boring and longwinded.  I listened to a podcast with the author.  Good use of the library -- aka FREE.  I thought it was worth a look.  I'll report more once I give it more than a passing glance, if it even holds my interest for a skim.

Two other fiction reads after that.  I have my other holds suspended ... just in case that list gets super short again.  Technically a reader can have 3 weeks (one to pickup and 2 to read) ... or they can suspense (or remove) themselves or it can be just a day to pick up and read and anything in-between.  It's hard to predict.  I've waited FOREVER when I'm 2nd on the list and gotten books when I was 10th just days before.  6 books since I didn't check my holds while we were in Asheville.  Rookie mistake.

Stuck at home with the grand-dogs so it should be a reading afternoon.  Hope you have a good Saturday.  Later gator.

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