Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday, Monday

Hello, new week.  Another week with a spattering of fun and some FS things too.  I've said this the last 3 weeks -- looking for a feeling good kind of week.  Maybe this is the one.  

I finish the antiviral on Wednesday.  Phew.  I started taking this daily synbiotic (pre and probiotic) because I've been taking a lot of medication lately and my stomach isn't happy.  I'll see if it helps.

I finished this book.  It was a good, quick read with a little twist at the end.  I understand why it's a good bookclub pick -- lots to discuss.

I'm listening to Tyler Merrit's "I Take My Coffee Black" -- Jen Hatmaker's August bookclub pick (he's her boyfriend, BTW).  I got the audio from the library.  I heard it was best to listen to the book.  I'm halfway and it's really good.  I've never enjoyed an audio book -- he knocks it out of the park.  Tyler has a theater background and you can tell -- also, I can see why JH fell hard for him :)

Hubby and I started watching Hijack on Apple+ -- it's good.  Entertaining, lots of holes, but fun to watch.  We have 3 episodes to finish up.  It's one of those "real time" shows.  Flight is 7 hours so 7 episodes.

Today is relatively solo day for me -- i.e. nothing planned and hubby is golfing.  I'm going to walk at the park, grocery shop, make a new recipe, read.  A little homebody like (even though I'm leaving the house a couple of times).  Recovery day.  Big storms expected this afternoon so I want to finish up early and be home.

Fingers crossed for a fun week.  Later gators.

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