Thursday, August 17, 2023

A Nice Day

I focused most of yesterday on FS stuff -- remembering to do the things that make me happy.  

I almost got through the whole day until I opened a letter in the evening with an insurance problem over my mammogram.  App says in-network, but they say the app isn't always correct (what??!?) and it's out of network.  I have a screen shot of clearly an in-network facility.  Insurance is a headache and a bitch.  Let the $640 battle begin.

Anyway ... back to the good stuff.

I ran at the park -- cooler morning and it felt good.  Cleaning crew mid-day so I decided to take myself out for an iced chai and read.  Finished this book.  Not my favorite.  Very detailed story, but I didn't like it.  But sitting outside and reading was really nice.  Making an effort for me.

I stopped at an antique store that I pass on the way to the coffee shop.  Turns out it's only a few antiques outside, the rest is a boutique, Christian bookstore and a hair salon.  Tell me you're in the countryside without telling me you're in the countryside lol.  I got a plant holder for $10.  I need to figure out where to hang it.  

Since I finished the book, I stopped back at the library to pick up next reads -- didn't time these holds well.  I sat in the poetry garden and read a little bit longer to kill time.  It's so pretty and the weather was so nice to be outside.

Late afternoon I met my GF for coffee to catch up.  Nice conversation.

I finished up a couple of rocks this week.  I've been in a big slump with painting.  I'm not leaving them on hikes anymore -- lots of controversy about "polluting" the trails.  I don't agree, but I can respect that opinion.  These same people are also upset about stacking rocks -- it's "not natural" and they encourage knocking them over.  These are groomed, man-made trails with benches, bathrooms, etc.  Come on, a bit extreme.  I'll leave them in LFLs and urban settings -- out of respect, but also people who hate them are throwing them away.

Little dog in the back looks possessed!
Oops.  Tried to fix it, but nope lol.

This morning is the Thursday fitness hike.  Last one I can do until late October -- I'll definitely miss this one.  The group is going to lunch after, but I'm going to pass.  Not everything needs to add food to it -- one of my FS "things."  Also, I can't leave the dogs that long.  Makes me wonder if the hike will be shorter since there's a lunch.  I hope not.

That's all from here.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

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