Thursday, August 10, 2023

Hike Canceled

PT was helpful.  I have a plan which includes a lot of daily work for a few months, but hopefully that'll be enough to move my back forward (that sounds funny).  After that, it's maintenance plan (much easier) unless I have a flare up.  I'm going back for a 1/2 session in 2 weeks for some spine mobility therapy and that should be the last one.

I signed up for the other coaching program.  Not only am I worth it (lol), but this will be helpful for the volunteering position I have coming this fall.  It starts in September.

Sported some fun sneakers that were a gift from my son a few years ago.  I couldn't wear them for a bit because of a foot issue.  They aren't the most comfortable so I'll reserve them for less walking moments, but they look GOOD :)

I forgot to mention, a former dog adopter called.  She's widowed without family in the area and wants to will us her dog (Bear) because she's having some health issues and surgery this week.  We loved Bear and agreed to adopt should she be unable to care for him.  She adores him and was really worried if something happened to her.  That's how you care for your pet as family.  She'll be just fine, but we are now part of her plan.

Today was a group hike, but it's rained (stormed) out.  I'll ride the Peloton instead and hit my 900th ride.  I enjoy milestone rides -- tons of high-fives.  A little bit of stranger connection makes the ride go quickly.  I'm not a fan of live rides (even though I've gotten a couple of shout-outs) because the ranges aren't posted until it replays.  It's surprisingly hard to remember without the reminder in front of me.  Turns out it's just as fun to do a recent playback ride for the milestone.

Speaking of Peloton, I've been cleared to start strengthening workouts beginning Sunday (need to get through garden bending for the volunteer day tomorrow).  Arms and core.  YES!!!  I have marching orders for very specific classes with very specific instructions of what moves NOT to do.  

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

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