Thursday, August 31, 2023


I came to Asheville to for HVAC problems and the main unit needed to be shut off until a part can be ordered.  Dang and double dang -- no AC.  Temps are okay, but humidity is high.  Maybe the storm will pull it out for the rest of the week.  I just took step outside -- phew, it's cool and feels better.  Windows open for now, fingers crossed.

I also scheduled myself a bit strange this week and because the teahouse (my favorite staple) doesn't open until 10am and the marsala chai is caffeinated, looks like NO chai this trip.  I'm still wondering if I can find room, but it seems unlikely.  Maybe I'll still go in the late afternoon, but get something decaffeinated instead.  I like to sit and read and people watch -- guess this is a good compromise and an excuse to try something new.  

Mixed bag.  Dang the 50-50.  

I arrived right before the rainstorm (very outer parts of the hurricane rain) started.  First stop was picking from the yard.  Some hydrangeas had fallen so I got a big bouquet.  I enjoy fresh pickings.  That was a little win on a dreary day with a $$ HVAC bill and no AC.

Looks like I need a few problem solving hats this trip.  I brought food for Wednesday because I knew I'd arrive too close to the service repair appointment, but I don't have anything to eat today.  I need to find time to squeeze in lunch plans.  I won't complain though -- it's a Future Self thing to keep food at a lower-rung priority.  I spent decades with food too high on the list.  A walking tour of the River Arts District is far more interesting.  That said, there's a fun GF taco shop on the river that gets packed for lunch, but maybe I can squeeze in.

The wrench today is a coaching call I scheduled with my best guess of a good time -- I guessed wrong.  And I don't really have anything to coach on, but if I don't schedule ahead, I can't get appointments.  I should've canceled when I had the chance.  It was inside of 24 hours when I realized my issues though and that means a $50 cancel charge so I'm doing the call.

Hmmmm ... that gets me thinking about problem solving.  I COULD take the call in the car and that might open up some options.  Let me stew on it to see if it's worth figuring out.

I need to take a deep breath -- somewhat metaphorically (probably in the way of a mountain walk) and reset.  Looks like my monthly is coming soon and, dang, I'm an emotional mess.  Nothing sounds fun to me.  I want to sit in bed with the covers over my head.  This is the time to move into the action line and just do what I know makes me feel better.  Actions will eventually trickle up to a thoughts and feelings upgrade.  That mixed with a little Asheville flare and I'm planning to salvage this day/week.

I'm off to revamp my schedule with the focus on feeling well -- a little problem solving.  Hope you are well and safe after the storms.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Silly Worries

The calendar is full for the next bit -- and I'm glad.  And I'm also anxious because that seems to be my pattern.  There's nothing to be anxious about, but my mind can find a way.  Might rain in Asheville at the exact times I want to do a mountain walk.  What if the bears are on my walk?  Walking tours might be canceled and then what will I do?  Homework for the volunteer classes next week -- what if I forget?  What if the new nail place gives me a fungus?  What if I ruin my pedicure running errands?

Woke up to all those thoughts and probably a few more I forget.  Geez.  It's a wacky place in my head.

Today is a bit extra full with errands and nails.  I'm trying a new place because the nail tech I use has been out of town for over a month.  The timing of all the things is a little wonky today and that has me a bit undone.  Probably why I woke up in crazy thought town.  I still don't have it worked out.  Everything is opposite areas and many school zones -- timing is a must.

What I need to do is make a plan -- and then stick to that plan.  Who really cares if I have a little school traffic?  (Me, but I need to get over it.)  And I need to remember this is a FUN day.  Much needed nail appointment and fun to check out a new place.  Pick up of fall plants -- looking forward to a fall garden.  So many library books.  And a few other errands filling in.  Packing for Asheville tomorrow.  Nothing ugly, all good. 

Short and sweet this morning.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday, My Old Friend

This is a good week for a re-group since I'm Asheville bound Wednesday - Saturday.  Asheville seems to be a deep breath for me.  As I've said before, I know it's ME that makes being in Asheville what it is -- and that's great, but it's sure easier to be my future self there.  I want to find more of that magic for Atlanta too.

We'll get rain from the storm on Tuesday and that should put some good weather behind it.  It's been miserable here.  Today is so muggy with the storm moving closer -- not even cool and overcast feels nice.

New library read and it's really good so far.  

UPDATE:  I finished this and it was excellent.  He's the author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and this book is related (no spoilers).  I had no idea.  He writes the most shocking endings.  

I don't have a lot on the agenda today.  I finished most of my chores yesterday -- go, me.  

On 2 happy notes, my eldest and DIL invited us to go baby furniture shopping next weekend to check out the big sales.  I'm really excited to be included.  AND, my youngest and his GF invited us for dinner in 2 weeks.  Both invites were unexpected and a treat.

I have a lot on the calendar coming up.  This is a good week to get my shit together AGAIN.  

Hope you are off to a good start too.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

New Week on the Horizon

My back feels good enough for a Peloton ride this morning -- phew.  

I dodged an interesting bullet yesterday.  I bought a Cracker Barrel cheese block from my usual Publix store.  I check dates of a lot of things, but not cheese from this busy store because it moves quickly.  Sliced a piece, ate it and it tasted horrible.  Looked at the date -- it was expired by almost a FULL YEAR (!!)  Cue the gagging, etc.  I'm "off" cheese for the immediate future.  Same thing happened when I got a bad egg (didn't even eat it, smelling was enough).  Fortunately, no stomach issues.  I googled and the answer was anywhere from "don't worry about it" to "you might die."

Hubby got his car -- Audi convertible coming in about a month.  That "drama" is finished.

I finished these books.  New library pick up this afternoon.

It's the method I used for alcohol.

Interesting love story.

Maybe I'll chat more about The Choice Point in another post.  I heard the author on a podcast.  It's about visualization and allowing thoughts to elaborate into stories that cue feelings, emotions, etc.  Basically, romanticizing things.  When you do, you want those things.  It works the other way too (like the bad cheese is now thoughts that cue gagging and disgust lol).  You have a moment to choose to toss the thought, otherwise, your brain begins the story and emotions.  I really like the concept and I unknowingly used this method regarding alcohol.  The book itself was okay -- lots of fluff to fill in the concept and prove they researched it (as books like this do).

Bookclub is last minute virtual today.  The woman who organizes the meetings dropped the ball AGAIN.  This time it's a family issue (understandable, of course), but she's been dropping the ball for 6 months.  She asked if I would take it over until next year.  I haven't responded yet, but I'll probably do it.  I'm not going to the meeting though.  I don't enjoy virtual and last minute isn't getting any response.  I'm a bit grumpy about it.

That's my Sunday in a nutshell.  I'm kind of in a bad place mentally right now.  I need to pull out of it (again).  I hate to declare a big promise, but that's what is on the horizon.  Big girl panties on.  Dang, hormones are hard.  Chat for another time when I actually have progress to report.  Right now it's all doom and gloom :)

Hope you are gearing up for a good week.  Later gators.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Some Weekend Updates

Things didn't go as planned on Thursday.

Hubby and I had a dreadful "date" afternoon.  We bickered about my choice of parking in the construction area of the model home.  I was heavily annoyed with myself for not parking where I wanted to park.  I tripped over uneven pavement and almost fell hard.  I caught myself but there went my back again.

We continued on to get him a Dunkin' Donuts and he doubled down on telling me where to drive, how to park, etc.  Boy has balls.  I didn't listen so that started the argument up again -- I was doing it "wrong."  Why was I driving?  Because he had a bug bite that itched.  Don't get me started.  I don't often drive him because he's a regular, insistent backseat driver and it annoys me to no end.  Funny enough, I suggested we postpone the afternoon.  Gut feeling.

His car was in for a maintenance service on Thursday and they found $8,000 in repairs.  We aren't repairing it because he was planning a new car in January -- his car has over 100,000 miles.  THIS good news came in after our date afternoon.  The fun kept rolling in.  He's car shopping today.

The final "fun" on Thursday was information on his new job.  Because of specific trade show and board dates, he'll be in Europe over the ONLY TWO DATES I need him home for the next couple of months.  Of course.  The dates fall over the first court training session and the last session -- both all day (others dates are half days).  I also happen to be watching the grand-dogs those dates too.  Good lord.  I know this isn't always true, but it feels like every time I have something important, I don't get any help.  In fact, I get crapped on.  I have to chat with my son about his dogs.  Geez.

All is okay now after a few long conversations.  I didn't go to East Lake because of my back.  He took a friend.  Moving on ...

Not sure what the weekend holds or my back or anything right now.  I don't feel like chatting about it anymore.  Hopefully, tomorrow is a back-in-action day (just caught the pun).  Later gators.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Some Thursday Updates

List time because I'm lazy.

(1) Date day was nice.  Lunch at a usual spot.  Car service was uneventful.

(2) 4th bird left the nest -- phew.

(3) Hubby got a job sitting on a board for an international company.  He flies overseas in September and October.  He's been interviewing for this for a couple of months -- we thought it was a no-go, but ... surprise.  The dates aren't the most convenient for this year's board meetings, but I'll figure it out.  

(4)  Books.

Finished this one.  It was good.  Another easy reading historical fiction.

Library reads up next.  I have a hair appointment this morning so I'll make a dent in one of these.

(5)  Still enjoying Gilmore Girls.

(6)  YEA (!!)

(7)  Volunteered at the community garden.  Setting up for transferring seedlings.  I might need hubby to built me one of these tables.

(8)  Another date afternoon.  Coffee and a model home tour in a neighborhood going up around the park.  Just because we're nosey.  

(9)  I have Asheville all set.  Booked 2 more walking tours in the area.  It's a fun way to get to know the neighborhoods.

(10)  PGA East Lake tomorrow.  It's going to be HOT.  We get tickets from our banker -- tent is on the 18th green this year.  Just hubby and I going so we chose weekday.  It'll be fun but the heat definitely affects the enjoyment.

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Take Off

Three of the 4 baby birds have successfully left the nest.  We watched them practice and fly away.  One little one is still there -- not sure if he's ill or just needs more time.  Constant vigilance to keep our dog away is driving me nuts.  This was him yesterday.  He's afraid of the pen (gate) and NEVER touches it.  It's our (their) saving grace, but he's got a super high vertical so he can't be completely trusted to stay put.

I picked up a golden watermelon at Whole Foods yesterday.  I thought it was the yellow flesh variety our local farmer sells.  Nope -- just a red one.  It tasted a little different, but it wasn't worth the price tag ($10).

I started this book from my home TBR pile.  I have 15 holds at the library.  A few are close because they're older titles.  Not sure how any of them are timing out.  I really love the library.  

Today is another car service (not fun), but hubby and I are going to lunch while I wait (fun).  A little date day.  We were supposed to have a financial zoom meeting after lunch (not fun), but it was handled by phone -- finally a cancel in my favor (fun).

My PT appointment tomorrow was postponed until September because she doesn't feel I need it this week (I agree).  Mammogram was processed correctly ($0 balance).  Feels like things are settling down, smoothing out.  It feels good.

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Another Week ...

Hello, Monday.  I feel a lot better this morning.  That was a big reaction -- I'm really glad I scheduled to have a low-key (do nothing) day after the vaccination.  BTW, Gilmore Girls is good.  I'm not sure how it holds up for 153 episodes in a steady binge, but you know I'll give it the old college try :)  I'm still on season 1.  

I also finished this.  Incredible man.  He has a TED talk from a few years ago.  Since then, both he and his wife have passed.  

I left today open as a catch-all day if I needed it -- and I do.  I need to hit the grocery store, run a few errands and get caught up on some house chores.  The rest of the week is pleasantly full minus one canceled hike.  I'm a little bummed that it was taken off the calendar because it was a longer hike that fit my back criteria.  

I'm not sure about a workout this morning.  I need to move around more (sat ALL day yesterday) but I don't know if I have the energy for a full workout.  I'll start and see how I feel.  Best to listen to my body after that strong of a reaction -- she's working hard for me :)

The summer garden is quickly winding down.  Last 2 cucumbers from one of the original plants.  My new cucumber plant is trying to get going but something is killing leaves like crazy.  It was an impulse buy from Lowe's so maybe it's not a healthy plant.  The tomato plant is dying too and the last of the tomatoes are ripening.  Strawberries and peppers are still going though.

Here's the irony -- 3 years ago I had the cherry tomato plant on the deck.  Some of the tomatoes dropped below.  Each year tomatoes grow like crazy, but I don't eat them because they get runoff from lawn treatments.  Maybe it's the fertilizer that makes them grow so well.  Mother Nature laughing at me!  I let them grow for the birds and the bees.

Hope you have a good start to the week.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Shingles Vaccine #2

The shingles vaccine kicked my butt.  Felt like the flu overnight.  In some ways, I'm happy I had an immune response so I know it meant something to my body.  (I know that's not a direct correlation -- response and effectiveness, but still.)  I don't want shingles again.  

Feels like I was hit by a Mack truck.  

That means, it's a NOTHING day today.  Rest and more rest.  I didn't get very much sleep, but I don't want to go back to bed because I'll won't be able to sleep tonight.

Good news is I found a new series to binge.  I'm very late to the game -- Gilmore Girls.  I've watched a few episodes so far and I like it.

I finished these books -- did I say this already?  Both were fun reads and I'd recommend.

This is what I'm reading now.  Somber story.

Baby birds aren't doing well.  We angled the watering can over a blanket to make an exit easier.  Mama bird hardly comes and the babies are barely moving -- we were hoping that would help.  Geez.  Hope they're okay.

Short hello this morning.  I'm too tired to sit up at my desk.  You'll find me and the Gilmore Girls hanging on the sofa today.  Later gators.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Dentist Day

I'm not feeling great this morning.  My thyroid hurts -- strange, I know.  At first I thought it was a very deep sore throat, but it's on the outside.  Who knows if this is anything.  I'll wait and see if it gets worse.  I'm also a bit sniffly but that often happens after a hike.

The hike was okay -- weather wasn't bad and we finished 5 1/2 miles.  Some strange people, but few good conversations too.  Someone had the idea to run part of the trail and then totally face-planted.  Geez.  It was an odd group this week.  

I think I resolved the mammogram issue.  I have verification it's in-network and it should be reprocessed today.  I'm not holding my breath (can it be this easy?), but it's moving in the right direction. Pays to explore further because I had a different outcome with the first call.

I'm craving a slow morning.  The last few days have felt rushed.  Hubby comes home today and I don't have anything tomorrow until the shingles vaccination in the afternoon.  It should be a low-key day.

The birds hatched in the watering can.  All four eggs (!!)  I hope mama bird knows what she's doing and the babies can get out -- it's a steep, tricky exit.

Dentist early this morning.  I think I'll switch to afternoon appointments going forward.  Dentist is bad enough and dentist without morning routine is that much worse.  I used to think early to get it over.  Changing it up seems like a good idea.

Happy Friday.  Hope you're gearing up for a good weekend.  Mine will be quiet and resting (shingles vaccine recovery if I feel unwell).  Later gators.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

A Nice Day

I focused most of yesterday on FS stuff -- remembering to do the things that make me happy.  

I almost got through the whole day until I opened a letter in the evening with an insurance problem over my mammogram.  App says in-network, but they say the app isn't always correct (what??!?) and it's out of network.  I have a screen shot of clearly an in-network facility.  Insurance is a headache and a bitch.  Let the $640 battle begin.

Anyway ... back to the good stuff.

I ran at the park -- cooler morning and it felt good.  Cleaning crew mid-day so I decided to take myself out for an iced chai and read.  Finished this book.  Not my favorite.  Very detailed story, but I didn't like it.  But sitting outside and reading was really nice.  Making an effort for me.

I stopped at an antique store that I pass on the way to the coffee shop.  Turns out it's only a few antiques outside, the rest is a boutique, Christian bookstore and a hair salon.  Tell me you're in the countryside without telling me you're in the countryside lol.  I got a plant holder for $10.  I need to figure out where to hang it.  

Since I finished the book, I stopped back at the library to pick up next reads -- didn't time these holds well.  I sat in the poetry garden and read a little bit longer to kill time.  It's so pretty and the weather was so nice to be outside.

Late afternoon I met my GF for coffee to catch up.  Nice conversation.

I finished up a couple of rocks this week.  I've been in a big slump with painting.  I'm not leaving them on hikes anymore -- lots of controversy about "polluting" the trails.  I don't agree, but I can respect that opinion.  These same people are also upset about stacking rocks -- it's "not natural" and they encourage knocking them over.  These are groomed, man-made trails with benches, bathrooms, etc.  Come on, a bit extreme.  I'll leave them in LFLs and urban settings -- out of respect, but also people who hate them are throwing them away.

Little dog in the back looks possessed!
Oops.  Tried to fix it, but nope lol.

This morning is the Thursday fitness hike.  Last one I can do until late October -- I'll definitely miss this one.  The group is going to lunch after, but I'm going to pass.  Not everything needs to add food to it -- one of my FS "things."  Also, I can't leave the dogs that long.  Makes me wonder if the hike will be shorter since there's a lunch.  I hope not.

That's all from here.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Decision

Okay, Future Self conversation.  I'm not sure if I even want to write about it, but also, why not.  And this isn't anything big, just same old stuff with another twist.

When I decided to switch workouts to the morning (30 years ago), I decided and then the next week did absolutely NO morning workouts.  Set an alarm.  Snoozed and had to workout after work -- worst of both worlds.  I HATED that period -- when I "decided" but then didn't do it AT ALL.  THAT discomfort was enough to make the change. I've never looked back.  Morning workouts rock :)

When I gave up soda (26 years ago), I decided I needed to stop (I was drinking it all day, nothing else) and then I had the biggest soda binge ever.  What happened to The Decision?  And this was after trying to cut down, moderate for YEARS.  Then I thought I was getting a neurological problem from the aspartame (spoiler alert -- it was the increased caffeine from the binge) and I gave it up for good.  I've also never looked back.

When I decided that I'm only an occasional drinker (like once or twice a year for extra, extra special, specific things), I started drinking almost daily during that decision (about 2 weeks).  What the hell?!?  This was after a couple of years of experimenting, being curious, figuring it out.  I didn't rush anything.  It was careful and informed AND I started drinking at that final mark of saying goodbye to it.  Started drinking when I HADN'T BEEN DRINKING for months and month.  Then I really stopped.

I think this is where I am right now with food choices.  I KNOW what makes me feel better ... and I mean a lot better.  Probably related to hormones, but it doesn't matter.  I know.  I really know.  So I decided I'm finished flitting around.  Time to stop doing what I know hurts and do what I know helps.  And, it's not awful.  I love what I can eat.  This isn't a diet, it's not arbitrary rules.  Walk the walk.  (I judge people HARD for this very kind of thing in THEIR lives -- key word is "their," easy for me to sit on my throne.)

I decided.  And then I acted the fool and threw it out the window.  Hello, snacks, sugar, junk food ... not even enjoying it.  Paid the price mentally, physically, energetically.  Did it again ... for the last 5 nights.  I actually DID NOT LIKE how it tasted in the moment, yet I ate all evening.  Is this crazy or what?!?!  

But then I remembered all these other decisions and the pattern they followed.  Then I got excited.  Maybe this is the final sputtering death of this crappy habit.  Maybe this IS THE DECISION finally winning.  Doesn't make it easy all the time, but makes it an actual decision.  An actual identity.  

Hello, Future Me.  You've arrived.  I've waited a very long time for this moment.  I'm focusing on the excitement.  This is my pattern.  I'm confident and not confident.  Was I like this for the decisions before?  I think so.  It's harder to remember for the older ones -- the ones that have proven themselves to be lasting.

I have an almost desperate worry that this isn't the end.  I know it's up to me.  It feels different this time -- scarier and maybe that means it's really The Decision.  I still have to do the work, but the negotiation ends.  When negotiations stop, the real work happens.

Thanks for reading this rambling.  I'm trying to focus on being excited and picturing what my world looks like after this decision.  I've had moments to experience it and it's as good as I imagined.  It's hard, but as Tim Ferris says ... what if it were easy?  Something to think about.

Later gators.


Yesterday was a herculean effort to do what I said I would do.  This is the hormone energy issue -- it's not so much that I don't have energy as in I need a nap.  It's I don't have motivation energy to do ANYTHING.  The simplest thing or the best thing.  Nothing.  It's almost what I imagine depression feels like without the depression part.  Does that make sense?

But I did things.  All the things I said I would.  And just knowing I did things boosts my mood.  

Today is another kind of chill day.  I have a late afternoon coaching session and a library book pickup.  Hubby leaves for Asheville around noon (still about a 50-50 that he goes today). 

I finished this quickie yesterday.  I said I only had long books, but I guess I had a couple of YA that were quick reads.  It was fun -- beach, plane read kind of book.

Hubby and I had a movie night.  We watched Heart of Stone.  I thought it was a romance -- nope, an action spy movie.  Silly, ridiculous but entertaining.

My latest obsession in drinks is Trader Joe's chai with hand foamed almond milk and a sprinkle of spice.  Every afternoon instead of kombucha.  I'm on a downturn from matcha again.  I'll probably start it up when the weather turns or I get tired of chai.  I use the matcha whisk to foam the milk.  It's such a pretty drink.  I have to limit on all three (kombucha, chai, matcha) because of caffeine.  I have some decaf substitutes but they aren't as good.

The summer garden is winding down quickly.  I still have tomatoes, a few cucumbers here and there, some herbs and peppers.  The new cucumber plant is struggling like crazy.  I'm not sure it's going to take off.  And the sweet potatoes that I planted from the freebies at the farm haven't grown at all.  I imagine they're a bust too.  I'm okay with the break.  I'll plant some seeds for fall soon -- maybe, since I need to assemble the big garden.  PT says I need to wait a month before that bending over project (permission to procrastinate lol).

Hope your week is going well.  Later gators.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Drum Roll ...

Our little grandson MIGHT be an OWEN or an ELLIOTT.  I love both names!  Owen was my correct guess -- the name is rapidly gaining popularity.  I also knew they leaned toward vowel names (so do I).

Maybe even Owen Elliott.  I can't wait to meet this little guy.  I call him blueberry because he was the size of a blueberry in his first picture.  He's now the size of a lemon.  Growing like crazy.  Our DIL has the start of a bump and looks adorable.  

We chatted a bit about our the trip to Ireland with my youngest and his GF.  I'm excited for this trip.

We played Code Names.  Fun, easy-to-learn game but when I was in the "hot seat," hubby wasn't nice to me.  He gave me a sideways sorry at the end of the night.  This sometimes happens when we're with the kids.  He puts me down and calls it teasing.  It hasn't happened in a while so I thought it was over.  I know this is about him and not me, but I don't like it.  Not sure how to handle it yet.  The kids noticed and that feels even more upsetting.

The only other bummer of the evening was the corn was full of worms and rot -- all dozen ears.  Dang.  I made roasted veggies instead.  

The library book is still in transit so I decided to start another book.  It's not horribly long so I should finish it in a couple of days at most.  Descendants of Watson and Holmes are in a boarding school together and a classmate is found dead.  They're both suspects.  It's YA and it'll read fast.

Today is low-key Monday.  I'm using it as a mental health day -- not the kind where I sit on the sofa and feed my face, but the kind where I remind myself of my FS stuff.  My mind has been straying lately.  It's like I'm forgetting how to be her.  Back to some basics for the good of the order :)

Hubby is going to Asheville Tuesday-Friday.  I'm looking forward to time alone, as I do.  He says he's going and says he's staying all week, but he's prone to changing his mind.  Fingers crossed.  

As far as the rest of the week, it's also pretty low-key.  Coaching call, a hike, dentist appointment, shingles vaccine #2.  I don't have any social stuff with actual friends.  That feels okay to me.  I want to spend some fun time with myself.  I need to figure out some things to add to the week.  I wish I were going to Asheville hah!  The reason I'm not is because of the appointments and we have the cleaning crew this week too.  Planning some fun is part of my mental health day.  Adding fun is one of the FS things I forget to do.  The good news is my definition of fun is quite low so I don't need to find a glam event to make the week nice.

Hope you're in a good position to begin a fresh week.  Have a good Monday.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Exciting Day

We're having the kids over for a grill out -- burgers, farm corn, mashed potatoes.  I have everything prepped and most already made.  I want to spend time with everyone and not just time in the kitchen while they're here.  

I ordered veggies from the farm stand and picked them up Saturday.  Cooked bacon, made loaded mashed potatoes, rice crispies, prepped burgers, squeezed limes (for those having cocktails).  All set.  We're playing Code Name game for the afternoon and then an early dinner.

What's exciting about today, you ask??  Kids are sharing their top 2 name picks for the baby.  What?!?!?  They said they weren't sharing, but changed their mind.  I'm so excited.  Of course, this can change and who knows how they land, but it's fun to hear what they're thinking.

The baby has a picture and a gender and now maybe a name.  It's so real and so fun.  

My guesses I wrote down on gender reveal day ... Owen, Carter, Ian, Luke, Nico and Louis.  Let's see if I'm close.  I think I got one of them right based on the response from my son.  Stay tuned ...

Another fun part of today is planning our Ireland trip with my youngest and his GF.  We've begun looking at the details and want to talk to them a bit more. 

I read this quick read.  Turns out I did have a short book in my TBR pile.  It was sweet and made me cry, real tears cry.  I don't often cry reading a book, but this just hit in the right place.  Feel good stuff at the end.  I have a library book that'll be ready for pickup tomorrow.  

That's all from here today.  I have stuff to chat about -- FS stuff, but it requires some thinking.  I'll share when I get the motivation to type it out.

Name reveal day.  It's going to be a good day.  Later gators.

Friday, August 11, 2023

More Storms

Thunderstorms are expected this morning.  Rain doesn't cancel the garden volunteering, but storms do -- so this means volunteering is up in the air.  Hello, uncertainty my old friend.  

I guess this is the lesson I need lately (says the universe).  Plans change.  Things change.  Life changes. 

UPDATE:  I looked at the weather -- storms though 10am so I canceled.  Too much weather for me.  I like that I made my own decision.  

I finished this book.  The idea was clever, the writing was good, but I think the story needed to be longer.  Since this world was so different with AI and cloning, etc, I wanted more to really vest in the story.  Still, fun and fast read.

I have a few library books ALMOST ready so I need to decide to start something new today or not -- a lot of books I have on the TBR are long.  

I'm taking the pre and probiotics and they're doing something.  My digestion is better and without TMI, my bathroom situation is more "normal."  I'll see if these changes last.

A couple of pictures from yesterday ...

From the Crepe Myrtle in our yard

Duke in belly rub mode.

Short and sweet today because I need to get going for *maybe* garden volunteering.  One thing is certain, if it happens, I'll be a muddy, wet mess by the end.  Rest of the day is errands and prep for a family dinner on Sunday.  

Weekend is here.  Hope you're set for a good one.  Later gators.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Hike Canceled

PT was helpful.  I have a plan which includes a lot of daily work for a few months, but hopefully that'll be enough to move my back forward (that sounds funny).  After that, it's maintenance plan (much easier) unless I have a flare up.  I'm going back for a 1/2 session in 2 weeks for some spine mobility therapy and that should be the last one.

I signed up for the other coaching program.  Not only am I worth it (lol), but this will be helpful for the volunteering position I have coming this fall.  It starts in September.

Sported some fun sneakers that were a gift from my son a few years ago.  I couldn't wear them for a bit because of a foot issue.  They aren't the most comfortable so I'll reserve them for less walking moments, but they look GOOD :)

I forgot to mention, a former dog adopter called.  She's widowed without family in the area and wants to will us her dog (Bear) because she's having some health issues and surgery this week.  We loved Bear and agreed to adopt should she be unable to care for him.  She adores him and was really worried if something happened to her.  That's how you care for your pet as family.  She'll be just fine, but we are now part of her plan.

Today was a group hike, but it's rained (stormed) out.  I'll ride the Peloton instead and hit my 900th ride.  I enjoy milestone rides -- tons of high-fives.  A little bit of stranger connection makes the ride go quickly.  I'm not a fan of live rides (even though I've gotten a couple of shout-outs) because the ranges aren't posted until it replays.  It's surprisingly hard to remember without the reminder in front of me.  Turns out it's just as fun to do a recent playback ride for the milestone.

Speaking of Peloton, I've been cleared to start strengthening workouts beginning Sunday (need to get through garden bending for the volunteer day tomorrow).  Arms and core.  YES!!!  I have marching orders for very specific classes with very specific instructions of what moves NOT to do.  

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Good-bye Shingles

I had a fun day meeting my aunt for lunch and a little shopping.  I "retirement edited" a lot of things, but I got a few new clothes for fall and a couple of gifts for a friend.  Pictures as I wear them -- 2 blouses and a jean skirt.  

PT session today.  Looking for next steps and a longterm plan.  This may be my last session for awhile based on her follow up emails -- we'll see.

Yesterday was the last day on the shingles medication.  I was prescribed 10 days (instead of 7 like last time).  The course is 7-10 days so I'm choosing 7.  The medication is a lot for my system and the shingles have completely cleared up.  I scheduled my next vaccination in 2 weeks.  Hopefully this was my last go around.

I've been lax on the calligraphy class.  It's hard and not particularly fun.  I think it's not a skill that's going to translate to rock painting.  The class was free.  The tools were a gift.  Maybe I'm letting this go.  I'm practicing basic strokes, not getting any better -- I've only done 3 of the classes.  I'll check out a few of the later weeks and see if it's worth continuing. 

I'm joining another monthly membership -- cancel at anytime.  There's a coach I love in SCS, but her private stuff is $$$$.  She's changing things up a bit and adding a monthly program for $100/month for this year.  I always said if I get a chance to be in her program, I will choose it.  I do all her free stuff (which is incredible).  It feels like I'm spending a lot on mental health, but I also need it.  Peri is no joke.  I can't suspend my other membership because I'll get locked out for a year (smart marketing) and lose the status that gives a lot of additional benefits.  How will I justify this??  I'll find ways to save that money every month.  Shouldn't be hard and if the program isn't worth it, I'll cancel it.

That's all for this morning.  I'll leave with a little poem that has a nice message.  Hope you're having a good week.  Later gators.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday, Monday

Hello, new week.  Another week with a spattering of fun and some FS things too.  I've said this the last 3 weeks -- looking for a feeling good kind of week.  Maybe this is the one.  

I finish the antiviral on Wednesday.  Phew.  I started taking this daily synbiotic (pre and probiotic) because I've been taking a lot of medication lately and my stomach isn't happy.  I'll see if it helps.

I finished this book.  It was a good, quick read with a little twist at the end.  I understand why it's a good bookclub pick -- lots to discuss.

I'm listening to Tyler Merrit's "I Take My Coffee Black" -- Jen Hatmaker's August bookclub pick (he's her boyfriend, BTW).  I got the audio from the library.  I heard it was best to listen to the book.  I'm halfway and it's really good.  I've never enjoyed an audio book -- he knocks it out of the park.  Tyler has a theater background and you can tell -- also, I can see why JH fell hard for him :)

Hubby and I started watching Hijack on Apple+ -- it's good.  Entertaining, lots of holes, but fun to watch.  We have 3 episodes to finish up.  It's one of those "real time" shows.  Flight is 7 hours so 7 episodes.

Today is relatively solo day for me -- i.e. nothing planned and hubby is golfing.  I'm going to walk at the park, grocery shop, make a new recipe, read.  A little homebody like (even though I'm leaving the house a couple of times).  Recovery day.  Big storms expected this afternoon so I want to finish up early and be home.

Fingers crossed for a fun week.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Tailgate Market

Leave it to Asheville to have an incredible market that is actually filled with FRESH VEGGIES (!!)  A lot of markets around here have a few veggie stands and the rest is filled with craft stands, sweet treats, food, etc.  There were a few at this market, but it was overwhelmingly farmers with incredible produce.

Open year round (how did I miss this?!?!?).  You can purchase wooden coins to pay to make transactions easy.  Free parking.  I walked over and walked back to get my car.  Too much to carry -- such a delight to walk around.  I walked and ate cherry tomatoes and talked to lots of people.

I saw the local woman from the history tour too.  We exchanged 'hellos.'  It felt like a small town community event.

The most interesting stand was jars of SPELLS from the Wiccan society.  $25 a jar.  I didn't partake because what if it's the wrong spell lol.  I couldn't take a picture without seeming rude, but it's an interesting find -- never seen anything like it before.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but the bowl of tomatoes is HUGE.  I bought 5 pints of cherry tomatoes (all from different stands).  Farm eggs that can sit on the counter.  A few big boy tomatoes and some cucumbers (I'm in a lull with my plants).

There was also a house plant stand.  These are low maintenance from the succulent family.

I'm planning to give this Bear Claw
as a gift, but it might be hard to part ways.

They look so pretty!
The 3rd one is on the big plant table.

I went to the teahouse and finished this book.  It was excellent -- top read list.  The writing was incredible and I don't say that often.  It was a read-every-sentence-carefully kind of book because it was amazing.  Beautiful book.  

Got home and ran to the library.  Here's what I got (not pictured is a travel guide for Ireland).

Spoken word from "The Moth"
My girlfriend recommended.
All short stories.

Started this first.  HUGE wait
list so I want to return it first.

Today is a homebody day hanging with the family.  I have a few more things to chat about but I'll save them for later.  It feels good to feel better.  The only lingering crap is from the medication side effect.  It's like a full fog has lifted. 

Hope you have a good Sunday.  Later gators.