Sunday, August 1, 2021

Better Updates

I've been lazy about journalling here lately.  Guess I'm in an ebb phase right now, but I thought I'd give a random mix of updates today.

(1)  We have a HUGE hornet nest in our stone wall.  Hubby ordered a bee suit and plans to kill them tonight.  What could go wrong with this plan?!?!  Why not an exterminator, you ask (as did I) ... $400 and he's going to his grave CHEAP AS F*$K.  Updates if the bee suit arrives on time today.  (Also, follow up questions -- how much for a bee suit on Amazon?  $35) 

The dirt piles are the "doors" of the nest.
These suckers are ENORMOUS (!!)

(2)  Flowers from Trader Joe's.  Took the orange and yellow arrangement to my friend last night.  The leftover greens are in a pitcher from Pottery Barn that I got free with my points.

(3)  Fun night at our friend's house.  Beautiful job on their house renovation.  We sat and munched all night.  Favorite was the German Beer Cheese Spread.  Couldn't be easier and it's a crowd pleaser (stores up to a week too).  I made it before, but hubby never tried it.  Goodness, but last night he loved it.  BTW, getting easier and easier to CHOOSE not to drink in social settings.

Beer Cheese Spread

(4)  I reviewed the 21 for 2021 list and have knocked a few off (plant something to eat, get colonoscopy, get new eye glasses, bake with the yeast I bought in 2020).  Some I'm behind on (wear the green dress, sub 24 min 3 mile run).  Some might not happen because of the pandemic (visit friends, indoor pottery class).  Some are in the works (21 hours of Spanish study, put up Christmas lights on porch, take a 5 mile run).

(5)  I FINALLY putting the tiramisu recipe on the calendar.  This was leftover from 2020.  I bought the dang special cookies and I'm going to try to remake the recipe from Italy.  It's happening in August (!!)  I've been waiting for a night with the kids -- that's not happening this month, so I'm doing it solo.  

(6)  Looked up my furniture delivery and WOW -- it's all ready for scheduling.  The ottoman is coming for my office after I get back from Asheville and the Asheville furniture is scheduled for the end of the month (since they only delivery an order that big T,W,TH we had to wait a month).  

(7)  Polly is recovering and I'm picking her up on Monday.  Sweet girl has a broken jaw too.  

(8)  New TV is up and running.  That's hubby's superpower -- electronics.  Glad he's on top of those things.

(9)  Life is morphing again.  What feels safe, what doesn't.  Not as bad as before, but definitely isolating more again.  We have some things in August that I wouldn't have scheduled knowing what we know now. I'll wear a mask and modify.  No other plans going forward again though.

(10)  Making the 7 day chocolate chip cookies again.  I brought the Guittard semi-sweet double chips from Whole Foods.  BEST chocolate chip cookie -- crazy perfect.

Chocolate Chip Cookie

Have a Fun-Day Sunday.  Later gators.

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