Friday, August 13, 2021

One More Day

Changed up my plans because monthly is kicking my butt.  Hubby will go to Asheville tonight with Polly (easiest of the 3 dogs) and come home Sunday night (because of work) with our dogs.  I'll go tomorrow morning with our dogs and stay until Monday with Polly.  Co-dog parenting at its finest.

(All this said -- that storm will head up north this week -- might change up our travel days if it's coming through Asheville.)

Craziest thing happened -- I'm TOTALLY out of coffee beans, decaf or regular.  I brought so much up to Asheville, I didn't leave any for here.  Really?!?!  Dang.  I drink decaf so it's not about the wake-up factor, it's just what I love in the mornings.  Might need a Starbucks run for some beans.

Staying another day also gives me a chance to get a few more things finished here since next week is rushed.  Heading for the wedding is giving me all the worries so the more prepared, the better for me.  Also, airplane travel for the 1st time since February 2020.  You know I get the travel nerves every dang single time.  This will be extra, extra with the pandemic hanging overhead.  The only good news is I've never let my nerves stop my plans.  I'm also worried since this is the first time Monti is going to a sitter -- he'll be an anxious mess, poor baby.

That's all from here.  Short and sweet.  Have a great day -- later gators.

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