Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Weird Day

It started with a call, then texts from the furniture delivery.  They wanted to deliver yesterday between 12-2 ... almost the exact time I was headed to lunch with a new friend.  My delivery day is Wednesday.

I explained no, they agreed, then asked again, I said after 3 ... they came at 1 o'clock and threatened to leave it all on my porch since I wasn't home.  "We can be expected to wait for you."  Seriously??

The cluster of crazy resolved after many phone calls by changing delivery to Saturday.  I have little hope for a smooth delivery. 

Lunch was nice -- outside, mostly shaded.  It's my favorite local pizza place, but I had a salad with mushrooms.  They make great salads because the plate and greens are cold.  Toppings are warm and it makes a good combination.  Service was great too.  Lots of drink refills and such.

We chatted rescue group drama near the end of lunch.  Long story short, the rescue has a new acting "head" and she's doing a horrible job.  Group has become clicky, she complains about everyone behind their back, control freak and is using the rescue for her own personal agenda (long story).  I stopped my monthly donation and I might be finished with fostering for this rescue.  I'll hang on for a bit, but I don't think it's the right group for me anymore.  That was a big emotional "thing" yesterday.  I have trouble letting go of things and I love fostering.  Since we aren't fostering until we figure out Asheville anyway, I'm holding on any decisions.  Maybe another foster group?  Another thing ending for me has me all up in arms.

I read (read-skimmed) a book yesterday.  Super depressing, but an interesting take on dying in the western world.  Being Mortal (Atul Gawande).  It was a random number draw pick from my Read Shelf.  Next up is American Dirt (Jeanne Cummins).  It's already good, but another emotional read.

Today is a birthday celebration with my girlfriend.  I'm focusing on finding lots of upbeat and happy today.  This afternoon checks all the boxes.  Friendship, connection, variety.  It's not until 2 o'clock so I can have a long, easy morning too.  I'm still sitting in heavier feelings that a good morning routine will help sort.

I saw this yesterday and it sums up what lots of us are feeling.  2020 was this strange offshoot and then back on the linear grind again -- sort of a skip year, yet a profound year.  Transitioning is another effort.

I ended up down a podcast rabbit hole and have some new stuff to chat about this week.  I have a few more to listen to before I'm finished.  

Best get at the dog walk.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

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