Friday, June 18, 2021


Good morning -- good much later morning.

I slept in until 6:30 this morning.  That's super late for me (I usually get up by 4:30).  This isn't a brag -- I go to bed by 8 o'clock if we aren't doing anything.  I just felt like staying in bed and I dosed off again.

I thought I'd give a few updates in list form to make it all easy peasy.

(1)  New perfume from France (I Am Trash) smells great and last about 15 minutes.  Then NOTHING.  Not even a hint of lingering smell.  Dang -- I feel ripped off.

(2)  Coaching call yesterday was fine, but I didn't really have anything on my mind.  I asked about feelings and how to "allow" them.  It was helpful, but not earth shattering.  I submitted a question for Ask-A-Coach and it was answered, but nothing helpful.  I'll stay one more month to finish listening to archived content and then tapping out.

(3)  DRAMA on the dog rescue front.  I asked a question, got HAMMERED and did not care one bit.  I stand by my question and I'm so proud of how I responded.  The group is being run by someone new who is gaslighting, passive aggressive and a bless-your-heart snarky brat.  We've lost a few good fosters because of her attitude and disrespect.  The question wasn't personal, but her response was defensive and aggressive.  THAT'S what I answered back to and I'm glad I had my own back.  Well done, ME (!!)

(4)  Hubby and I decided no birthday gifts this year.  Our birthdays are a week apart.  This makes me so happy.  Had no ideas for him.

(5)  Cleaning crew wanted to change days to the day of my colonoscopy.  No can do so we are skipping a clean.  UGH and double UGH.  Next two weeks are jammed packed and my back doesn't need to clean both houses.  (Yes, I get that's a problem that's not a problem.)

(6)  I got bags of perennial wildflower seeds.  I'm trying to start a couple of pots.  This isn't the season for planting so they might not grow (too hot).  Giving it a try though because I have tons of the seeds.

(7)  Errands and more errands today.  

(8)  Easy BBQ for Father's Day.  I ordered the meat from a favorite BBQ place and I'm doing simple side dishes.  The only hiccup is something for munchies.  I run out of new ideas when we entertain regularly. 

(9)  Spanish -- doing my range every day.  10 - 30 minutes.  All vocabulary.   

That's all from here.  Dogs are chomping for a walk.  Happy weekend.  Later gators.  

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