Friday, June 25, 2021

New Year -- #51

Quick hello on my birthday morning.

I had a good day yesterday.  After the car ride here, I walked a mile to my favorite vegan lunch cafe.  Picked up lunch and dinner -- both delicious.  While I was waiting, I popped into a shop and found a few things for my office in GA.  Pictures to come.  Called hubby for a pickup since I couldn't walk back with all the loot (!!)

We hung a big mirror and did some garden weeding.

I ran into a neighbor and we got an invite for drinks and munchies tonight.  I'll bring kombucha for me -- holding off the alcohol.  She didn't want us to bring anything so I have to figure out a hostess gift.  There are a couple of well-known chocolate stores downtown that seem like a good "bring."  Hubby is picking me up again (from the spa this time) and driving me downtown since time will be tight.

I had to watch a video about the salt water deprivation tank.  This is going to be an adventure.  AND, I forgot my hair cap.  I thought it was in a bin and it was in a box I decided to leave home.  I have a lot of open skin areas between poison ivy and my raw bottom.  Wish me luck and fingers crossed.  The whole experience is out of my comfort zone -- but choosing the bigger life which means choosing outside my box sometimes and finding the FUN.

We also got an invite for yard games on Saturday evening from another neighbor, but we have dinner plans.  It's a nice group of people on our street.

I'm still recovering from the colonoscopy and lack of sleep and discomfort.  I'm bloated and my stomach is off.  I seem to always need extra recovery time from anything that "stresses" my system.  I got a good night's sleep, but could use more downtime.  Hopefully a 90 minute massage and an hour float will help recovery.  

That's all from here.  Happy birthday to me.  Later gators.

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