Thursday, June 24, 2021

Frame of Mind

I'm tired.

Broken, low sleep all prep night and my stomach was upset last night so I didn't sleep well.  We have to be on the road early to meet the HVAC service company this afternoon and I have a lot to do this morning.

I should have told hubby to reschedule the annual service.  I needed to sleep in and let my body recover.

I super duper don't want to spoil this birthday fun feeling crappy.  I need a new frame of mind and plan to feel better.

My stomach is still bloated and upset.  My backside hurts.  My energy is tanked.

The plan ... rest today.  Even if that means a nap this afternoon.  I don't love napping because I fall into such a deep sleep that I won't sleep well at night.  But maybe I need it today.  And gut rest.  I'm going to do easy foods for the next 2 days.  Saturday is a hike and dinner and I need my stomach feeling better.

I planned to walk into town this afternoon and do a bit of gift shopping for a thank-you gift.  Not sure if my backside or my stomach can handle the walk.  

My frame of mind is from FUN to REST today.  Whenever my body goes through something, I seem to need more recovery than I expect -- especially when my sleep is off.  I barely slept on prep night because I was in the bathroom over and over.

Rest and gratitude today -- I'll focus on both.

My mindset is wonky this morning because I don't feel well.  I'm thinking that the birthday massage and salt water float won't be amazing because I don't feel my best.  I need to change this pronto.  That thought isn't helping anything.

Wish me luck.  Last day being 50.  It's been quite a ride this year.  Next stop ... 51.  Later gators.

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