Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Asheville Updates

I'm sitting at the kitchen table in Asheville.  This is the first morning in well over a year that I don't have a BREATHING THING with me.  No people, no dogs, just me.

It's strange and delightful.  Hubby left with the dogs last night and it was odd being totally alone (especially here).  I had cleaning to finish and my back was a hot mess.  Because of that, I didn't "do" anything fun.  Everything that would've interested me was closed for Memorial Day (we took a long walk around town that morning to see what was open).  It was a little lonely, but I was interested to explore that idea of alone.

Then I found Defending Jacob on Apple +.  It's one of my favorite books of all times and the series is equally as good.  I stayed up until 10 o'clock watching -- 3 episodes in.  I don't know how many are in total, but I absolutely love it.

Bedtime was great.  No company so the connected bathroom was back in use and so dang easy.  Windows opened, comfy bed. It was nice.

Waking up alone was incredible too.  No talking, no rushing dogs out, no feeding dogs.  I have the morning to myself and all the decisions are mine.

Don't get me wrong.  ALONE would become lonely very quickly, but this little time is so nice after a BIG together weekend.

We had a great time, but I have lots of tweaking to do with my routine AND how things happen when company is here.  It's a long story, but the general cliff notes for our Sunday in VERY crowded Asheville (record breaking crowds) was we sat at a brewery for over 3 hours and I sat with a glass of water.  The seats were great and it was fun at first, but then I wanted to go.  I can't drink and all the food was gluten bar food.  Dogs needed to be let out, kids wanted to continue there.  I WANTED to leave them to their evening, but no one would let me go.  "What do you want to do?"  LEAVE and you stay.  Over and over and got nowhere.  Conversation turned to my boys arguing over sports and such.  Not fun.

Anyway, eldest spilled his beer down his pants and had to go home to change.  We couldn't find a restaurant with any availability so we got takeout pizza and watched a movie.  Lots of tension and grumpy energy that night.  I already have a plan for next time -- won't happen again.

It's also a lot because the last 3 times I've come, we've had the kids here.  That's a ton of "mothering" and hosting for me.  I'll get a break in June.  Both visits are just hubby, dogs and me.  That'll be nice.

This was a heads up on boundaries.  I tried, but didn't get results.  I have ideas about doing it differently and I already talked to hubby about it.

Back to this morning.  Washing my bedsheets, workout and pack the car.  I can stop for a bathroom break so I can grab a coffee if I want -- big excitement for the drive.  

I leave with a picture of our new den table.  Fits really well.  Tomorrow is WEDDING pictures -- they came yesterday (!!)  Hope you had a great weekend.  Later gators.  

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