Saturday, June 5, 2021

Hello, Weekend

Well, weather changed and rain all weekend.  Hike is canceled for tomorrow.  It's a good weekend to be home though.  I made a list of 5 things to get off my plate this weekend -- not all bad things, but things that I want to get a move on.

(1)  Call West Elm about my office furniture.  I did this one yesterday and, turns out, everything is ready except the ottoman.  They're willing to deliver the rest now.  Coming on the 16th (my first available day).  That was an unexpected surprise :)

(2)  Pay bills -- always on a list.

(3)  Wedding picture downloads.  Turns out the problem with resolution was ME (of course).  I dragged the thumbnail instead of downloading the pictures.  Now I have to delete thumbnails and do things the very, very slow way.

(4)  Once this is finished, order the Framebridge picture group.  4 frames for my office.

(5)  Finish Goldfinch.  It's 800 pages and I'm at the 500 mark.  It's good, but holding up the reading works.  I took a reading break for almost a week so it feels like I've had this one going for too long.

That's it.  Feels doable, but is also procrastinatable (!!)  Easy to do nothing on a weekend like this -- rain plus 4 dogs.

I think today is a lot of reading and maybe paying bills.  Hubby is gone all day and that's when I can get uninterrupted reading.  

Hope you have a happy Saturday -- later gators.

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