Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Weekend Prep

I'm in a stretch of prep for the weekend.  I was planning to do easy vodka drinks, but my youngest wanted lime drinks ... squeezed and froze 2 Costco bags of limes (!!)  Freezing ahead is a nice time saver.

BIG, 7 day cookies baked beautifully.  These are monster cookies and would be awesome for ice cream sammies.  I used Guittard large, flat chips (ordered through the website).  Cookies are Caputo's Sea Salt recipe.  I think they look even better in person.  Took all afternoon to bake the double batch.  

After I get home from hubby's colonoscopy, I'm making wonton meatballs for munchies.  Nom Nom Paleo recipe and they taste exactly like wontons.  I put everything in the food processor (shrimp, pork, scallions, mushrooms, etc) and it's relatively quick to make.  This is another freeze-ahead recipe.

Thursday is grocery shopping in Asheville and that's most of the work until Saturday and Sunday.  I can prep a few things on Friday, but not a lot more ahead of the weekend.

Weather forecast cleared nicely so we are set for a good time.  Hike guide reached out and I'm excited for fun trek in the mountains on the 4th.  Looks like it's all coming together.  Whew (!!)

Have a great day -- later gators.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Birthday Recap

It was a FUN and FULL birthday weekend.  Here's the quick scoop ...

(1)  Esalen Massage -- BEST massage EVER (!!)  Long strokes from your head to your toes.  Different arm and leg positioning for change in muscle tension.  It was relaxing and felt ridiculously good.  They blend their own tea in a homemade tea bag -- delicious warm spices without overdone.  Top notch spa.

(2)  Salt water sensory depravation float.  I did it!  Only freaked out once.  Bees wax and water proof bandaids helped any stings from the high salt water.  13 inches of water in a tank about 5' x 12'.  1000 lbs of epson salts dissolved.  It's crazy buoyancy.  Water is body temp so you don't realize you are moving at all.  First time my head floated up against the wall, I jumped a mile.  I enjoyed the experience, but I'll stick to massage.  It was worth experiencing once though.

(3)  Chocolate and kombucha in the city.  Quick trip into town for chocolate to bring to happy hour (and some for us AND some as a thank-you gift).  Also, got craft brewed kombucha from the local Bucci Bar -- amazing.  Asheville is totally a hippie foodie town.

(4)  Happy Hour.  My god, our neighbor's gardens are incredible.  1/2 acre of nothing but beautiful natural gardens.  She's an amazing painter and is going to paint something for our house this fall.  It was casual and easy.  She put out a little cheese, crackers and strawberries.  We stayed for a couple of hours.  Very nice evening.

(5)  Forging Tour.  3 hours in fields and the woods.  It's incredible to learn, not only what's edible, but how different everything tastes.  We forged and then had a little cooked taster using what was found.

(6)  Dinner at the Grove Park Inn.  EXPENSIVE (!!)  But it was delicious.  We got a puff pastry dish using the forged items.  I got a forged mushroom dinner and wagyu beef tartar starter.

And that's a wrap.  Next stop, hubby's birthday and a family weekend which I'm in full swing prepping for it all.

Busy week.  Last of the BUSY for a few weeks and I'm ready for some downtime.  I'm extra out of practice (!!)  We super duper over-scheduled these 2 weeks.  Two long, fun weekends smashed between colonoscopies for both of us, contract work on both houses, appointments, etc.  Will I ever learn?

Hair appointment today, grocery shopping and cooking for the weekend (to freeze ahead).  Full day.  Let's have a terrific day anyway :)  Later gators.

Friday, June 25, 2021

New Year -- #51

Quick hello on my birthday morning.

I had a good day yesterday.  After the car ride here, I walked a mile to my favorite vegan lunch cafe.  Picked up lunch and dinner -- both delicious.  While I was waiting, I popped into a shop and found a few things for my office in GA.  Pictures to come.  Called hubby for a pickup since I couldn't walk back with all the loot (!!)

We hung a big mirror and did some garden weeding.

I ran into a neighbor and we got an invite for drinks and munchies tonight.  I'll bring kombucha for me -- holding off the alcohol.  She didn't want us to bring anything so I have to figure out a hostess gift.  There are a couple of well-known chocolate stores downtown that seem like a good "bring."  Hubby is picking me up again (from the spa this time) and driving me downtown since time will be tight.

I had to watch a video about the salt water deprivation tank.  This is going to be an adventure.  AND, I forgot my hair cap.  I thought it was in a bin and it was in a box I decided to leave home.  I have a lot of open skin areas between poison ivy and my raw bottom.  Wish me luck and fingers crossed.  The whole experience is out of my comfort zone -- but choosing the bigger life which means choosing outside my box sometimes and finding the FUN.

We also got an invite for yard games on Saturday evening from another neighbor, but we have dinner plans.  It's a nice group of people on our street.

I'm still recovering from the colonoscopy and lack of sleep and discomfort.  I'm bloated and my stomach is off.  I seem to always need extra recovery time from anything that "stresses" my system.  I got a good night's sleep, but could use more downtime.  Hopefully a 90 minute massage and an hour float will help recovery.  

That's all from here.  Happy birthday to me.  Later gators.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Frame of Mind

I'm tired.

Broken, low sleep all prep night and my stomach was upset last night so I didn't sleep well.  We have to be on the road early to meet the HVAC service company this afternoon and I have a lot to do this morning.

I should have told hubby to reschedule the annual service.  I needed to sleep in and let my body recover.

I super duper don't want to spoil this birthday fun feeling crappy.  I need a new frame of mind and plan to feel better.

My stomach is still bloated and upset.  My backside hurts.  My energy is tanked.

The plan ... rest today.  Even if that means a nap this afternoon.  I don't love napping because I fall into such a deep sleep that I won't sleep well at night.  But maybe I need it today.  And gut rest.  I'm going to do easy foods for the next 2 days.  Saturday is a hike and dinner and I need my stomach feeling better.

I planned to walk into town this afternoon and do a bit of gift shopping for a thank-you gift.  Not sure if my backside or my stomach can handle the walk.  

My frame of mind is from FUN to REST today.  Whenever my body goes through something, I seem to need more recovery than I expect -- especially when my sleep is off.  I barely slept on prep night because I was in the bathroom over and over.

Rest and gratitude today -- I'll focus on both.

My mindset is wonky this morning because I don't feel well.  I'm thinking that the birthday massage and salt water float won't be amazing because I don't feel my best.  I need to change this pronto.  That thought isn't helping anything.

Wish me luck.  Last day being 50.  It's been quite a ride this year.  Next stop ... 51.  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Dang, I had a pre-cancerous polyp.  It's out for biopsy, but doc said BIG + FLAT = pre-cancerous.  He said it would've developed into colon cancer if left.

Screening is a must.

Because of the size, I have a metal clip to prevent bleeding.  Low activity for a couple of days and no heavy lifting.

Never ever would have expected it.  Super duper GRATEFUL (!!)

I'm now on a 3 year rotation.  I'm seriously dumbfounded I had any polyp, let alone this kind.  Goes to show you never know.  

P.S.  The procedure was a breeze.  Apparently, I woke up strangely saying I was driving and I kept trying to sit up.  I remember dreaming about driving.  Wild to be awake one minute and then it's over.  This was my first anesthesia experience aside from c-section blocks.  

Off to Asheville tomorrow -- hubby, dogs and 7 potted plants LOL.  My bottom is SORE.  Hope the ride with 2 dogs on my lap goes smoothly.

Let the BIRTHDAY FUN continue :)  

Little Itty Bitty Garden

A bit of progress ...  soon I'll need to move the herbs inside.  Days around 90 degrees are too hot for herbs to hold up.

Hopefully, I get to eat them before the birds get them :)

New pots with wild flowers.
Basil is great -- all from a few seeds.
Still getting lettuce leaves.
Chives in the front.

Up early for the final prep drink.  No issue drinking -- tastes fine.  Worst part was hunger in the afternoon and interrupted sleep for the night. 

Almost over ...

Later gators.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

30 Hours

This morning starts the colonoscopy 30-hours-until-it's-over countdown.  Prep day is here.  Procedure is scheduled for 11 o'clock tomorrow.

I needed a day when hubby was home and off work (he's had these vacation days planned all year).  Tomorrow was the day that worked and the only time available was later in the morning.

Nothing begins until this afternoon.  I need to remember to not eat anything (!!)

What am I doing on a clear liquid day?  Prepping food for hubby's birthday weekend, of course.  Cooking bacon for freezing and making a new recipe for chocolate chip cookies that has to sit in the refrigerator for 7 days before baking.  More on that next week if they turn out okay.

Once prep begins, MY time begins.  Feet up, book in hand and bathroom close.  Taking care of ONLY myself.

Man, I'm glad to get this over.  I don't know why I've been dreading it because it's not a big deal.  I think it's everyone's complaint stories that have me all fussy and I'm anxious to know everything is fine.

Monti decided he didn't want to cuddle on the new office chairs yesterday -- he HAD to be held.  Love this little boy.  He slept for an hour like this while I sat and listened to a podcast.  

Have a great day.  I'll be out of commission tomorrow morning and then leaving for Asheville for my birthday week continuation.  Hellos will be spotty, but lots of fun to chat about.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Fun Father's Day

This is the first morning I'm at the new desk.  When hubby isn't home, I do my morning routine from bed so the dogs can cuddle -- they take a first nap 15 minutes after waking up lol.  The desk and chair are a little different proportions so it feels different, but good.  Have to get used to typing from a new angle.

Father's Day BBQ was fun.  I'm super happy I got the meat from our local BBQ restaurant.  Big time and effort saver.  I haven't made a family meal from this house in awhile.  It was nice to entertain in a bigger space again.  I forgot to take a picture of the crostinis -- traditional ricotta with tomatoes and then goat cheese and strawberries, both using herbs from my itty bitty garden.  They looked so pretty on the platter from Anthropology.  I pan grilled the crostini to get some char on the bread.  I made and decorated cupcakes (hubby's favorite ... boxed yellow cake with jarred chocolate icing).  Decorations were sprinkles and candy.  It's was a nice looking setup, if only I remembered to take pictures.  Dang.

The next 3 days feel like the colonoscopy prep channel.  Only lean protein and easy carbs today -- with reduced volume (aka -- be a little hungry).  Clear liquids on prep day tomorrow and then the colonoscopy midday on Wednesday.  Free cleanse and a little sleepy juice before a birthday weekend.

Guess this is an entire ME week.  

BTW, mammogram is normal.  Breast pain is what I hoped -- HORMONES.  Last preventative care for the year this week.  Then I'm caught up from 2020.  Woo hoo (!!)

Birthday week begins.  Later gators.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

New "Office" Furniture

It's more of a sitting room with a desk.  I want a space where I can read and have quiet, alone time without interruptions.  Before it was a desk and a bed -- neither good for comfortable sitting and no room for adding a chair.  

The arrival didn't happen without more hiccups, but we got it worked out and finished within minutes of down pouring rain.  The only thing left to deliver is a vegan cream leather ottoman.  Guess that's the fancy term for pleather now.

I have styling and decor to do -- that's the fun part.  It'll take a bit.  Using leftovers and probably a few new pieces too -- wall stuff and maybe a rug-over-rug to add some texture and pattern.  More pictures to come.

The chairs are comfy.  One for lounging and the other for sitting and reading.  I MIGHT stick a TV on the console table.  My hesitation is that I'll end up watching TV instead of other things.  Still thinking about it.

Lounging chair.
Waiting for ottoman.

Tons of storage.

Desk is the same length, but wider.
Chair is a swivel and I love it.

The arms on this chair are
super comfortable to sit and read.

I was worried I wouldn't like the style difference -- midcentury modern look instead of my usual.  It's great though.  Something difference, but something I still like a lot.

Hubby is on the way home today.  He said he's leaving at 8:30 but I got a camera notification and he left 2 hours earlier.  Best get moving or he'll be home before I even get to the point of a shower.

Happy Father's Day (!!)  Later gators.

Friday, June 18, 2021


Good morning -- good much later morning.

I slept in until 6:30 this morning.  That's super late for me (I usually get up by 4:30).  This isn't a brag -- I go to bed by 8 o'clock if we aren't doing anything.  I just felt like staying in bed and I dosed off again.

I thought I'd give a few updates in list form to make it all easy peasy.

(1)  New perfume from France (I Am Trash) smells great and last about 15 minutes.  Then NOTHING.  Not even a hint of lingering smell.  Dang -- I feel ripped off.

(2)  Coaching call yesterday was fine, but I didn't really have anything on my mind.  I asked about feelings and how to "allow" them.  It was helpful, but not earth shattering.  I submitted a question for Ask-A-Coach and it was answered, but nothing helpful.  I'll stay one more month to finish listening to archived content and then tapping out.

(3)  DRAMA on the dog rescue front.  I asked a question, got HAMMERED and did not care one bit.  I stand by my question and I'm so proud of how I responded.  The group is being run by someone new who is gaslighting, passive aggressive and a bless-your-heart snarky brat.  We've lost a few good fosters because of her attitude and disrespect.  The question wasn't personal, but her response was defensive and aggressive.  THAT'S what I answered back to and I'm glad I had my own back.  Well done, ME (!!)

(4)  Hubby and I decided no birthday gifts this year.  Our birthdays are a week apart.  This makes me so happy.  Had no ideas for him.

(5)  Cleaning crew wanted to change days to the day of my colonoscopy.  No can do so we are skipping a clean.  UGH and double UGH.  Next two weeks are jammed packed and my back doesn't need to clean both houses.  (Yes, I get that's a problem that's not a problem.)

(6)  I got bags of perennial wildflower seeds.  I'm trying to start a couple of pots.  This isn't the season for planting so they might not grow (too hot).  Giving it a try though because I have tons of the seeds.

(7)  Errands and more errands today.  

(8)  Easy BBQ for Father's Day.  I ordered the meat from a favorite BBQ place and I'm doing simple side dishes.  The only hiccup is something for munchies.  I run out of new ideas when we entertain regularly. 

(9)  Spanish -- doing my range every day.  10 - 30 minutes.  All vocabulary.   

That's all from here.  Dogs are chomping for a walk.  Happy weekend.  Later gators.  

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Fun Pre-Birthday

The tea house was a home run.  It's newly opened in an historic building our local downtown area.  Vintage EVERYTHING.  Owner lived in London (with her British husband) for years.  Totally felt like the real deal high tea.  

This was my first time sitting inside.  My girlfriend requested a private table so we were alone in a beautiful back area.  The food was fantastic.  Scones with the fixings, GF quiche, tea sammies and lots of little desserts.  The tea was nice too (although drinking hot tea in a hot room in hot-lanta set off both of us with hot flashes lol).

After we visited a European fragrance shop that focuses on non-toxic ingredients (hence the European connection).  I got a new perfume with a funny name -- I am Trash.  It smells great, but the scent doesn't last very long.

Then headed to her garden for a tutorial.  Got some good information.  Community gardens are such a great option.  I live outside the area or I'd love to try it. 

What a difference a year makes for birthday fun.

Rounded out the day with a catch-up call with an old friend and a chat with my aunt.

Since the delivery screwup, I have a blank slate day today.  It's a rest day for my workout so I'll bring the dogs to the park.  I ran there yesterday with a bit of guilt that they didn't get some outside time.  The roads are too hot to walk by mid-morning. 

I'll run a few errands too and take some quiet time.  Yesterday was FUN, but lots of socializing.  I could use a down day.

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Weird Day

It started with a call, then texts from the furniture delivery.  They wanted to deliver yesterday between 12-2 ... almost the exact time I was headed to lunch with a new friend.  My delivery day is Wednesday.

I explained no, they agreed, then asked again, I said after 3 ... they came at 1 o'clock and threatened to leave it all on my porch since I wasn't home.  "We can be expected to wait for you."  Seriously??

The cluster of crazy resolved after many phone calls by changing delivery to Saturday.  I have little hope for a smooth delivery. 

Lunch was nice -- outside, mostly shaded.  It's my favorite local pizza place, but I had a salad with mushrooms.  They make great salads because the plate and greens are cold.  Toppings are warm and it makes a good combination.  Service was great too.  Lots of drink refills and such.

We chatted rescue group drama near the end of lunch.  Long story short, the rescue has a new acting "head" and she's doing a horrible job.  Group has become clicky, she complains about everyone behind their back, control freak and is using the rescue for her own personal agenda (long story).  I stopped my monthly donation and I might be finished with fostering for this rescue.  I'll hang on for a bit, but I don't think it's the right group for me anymore.  That was a big emotional "thing" yesterday.  I have trouble letting go of things and I love fostering.  Since we aren't fostering until we figure out Asheville anyway, I'm holding on any decisions.  Maybe another foster group?  Another thing ending for me has me all up in arms.

I read (read-skimmed) a book yesterday.  Super depressing, but an interesting take on dying in the western world.  Being Mortal (Atul Gawande).  It was a random number draw pick from my Read Shelf.  Next up is American Dirt (Jeanne Cummins).  It's already good, but another emotional read.

Today is a birthday celebration with my girlfriend.  I'm focusing on finding lots of upbeat and happy today.  This afternoon checks all the boxes.  Friendship, connection, variety.  It's not until 2 o'clock so I can have a long, easy morning too.  I'm still sitting in heavier feelings that a good morning routine will help sort.

I saw this yesterday and it sums up what lots of us are feeling.  2020 was this strange offshoot and then back on the linear grind again -- sort of a skip year, yet a profound year.  Transitioning is another effort.

I ended up down a podcast rabbit hole and have some new stuff to chat about this week.  I have a few more to listen to before I'm finished.  

Best get at the dog walk.  Have a great day.  Later gators.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Quick Trip

I had a fun overnight in Asheville.  

First up ... carpets in Carriage House.  I ordered synthetic carpets from Pottery Barn because they were inexpensive (Target pricing).  Well ... they are Target like quality too.  That said, while super thin, they're perfect colors for the room.  I have a pad under the big one so it does the job.  Pictures next time because I forgot. 

We hung a couple of pictures I got super cheap from a vintage vendor.  Both work for the upstairs bedrooms.  I'll keep the main floor a bit more traditional, but I like vintage for upstairs.

It rained most of the day Saturday.  We thought the rain was over so we walked to dinner sans umbrellas.  Got there just in time for a torrential downpour while the sun was still shining (couldn't see a rainbow from our seats though).  Dinner was delicious, service was great, seating was on a covered porch open to air.  I talked to the hostess and we got our indoor seat reservation for July 4 moved to a great location on the porch.  Restaurants like "the locals."  Can't beat a 10 minute walk to that restaurant -- no rain on the walk back.  

I didn't do anything Sunday but worked out and packed to leave.  We have hydrangeas in the yard so I clipped some to take back.

This week has a lot of fun scheduled and I'm taking it all.  I have to do Father's Day "work" later in the week and colonoscopy requirements start on Sunday for the Wednesday procedure.  This is a great week to do me stuff basking in ALONE TIME.

Today I'm going to lunch (outside) with another foster from the rescue group.  While it's lunch (you know my issue), this is about seeing a new friend.  We've never gone out together and this'll be nice.  We became friendly right as the pandemic started.  

Tomorrow my girlfriend is taking me for a birthday surprise.  She called this weekend to tell me it's High Tea at a new tea house in town followed by a visit to a scent store to mix your own perfume.  Yea -- totally fun.  Tea will be all GLUTEN things, but I'll manage and I'll enjoy it all.  I LOVE mini sammies and scones.  

Wednesday is the furniture delivery for my "office" space.  This room will be very necessary once hubby retires.  I need a place to comfortably sit and read and be left alone (!!)  Pictures to come and fingers crossed I like the look of it.  It's TOTALLY different than my usual.  Starts with pink velvet ... I was in an odd mood when I ordered everything.

Fun few days.  A little bit of errands in the mix too, but nothing crazy.

I finished the bookclub book, All Adults Here (Emma Straub).  I like the inclusion premise of the book, but the story and characters fell short of any depth.  She tried to do too much with too many storylines.  I'll miss bookclub because it's over my birthday weekend and I'll be in the car driving home.  I also read I Hate Running and You Can Too (Brendan Leonard) -- podcast mention perk my interest.  It was little and full of inspirational quotes, but felt more like I read an article than a book.  Just a surface scratch of a book.  I'll pick from my pile for another book -- new pick day is exciting.

Have a great start to the week.  Later gators.

Saturday, June 12, 2021


This is the second time in as many weeks that I had an overnight without a soul -- including dogs.  The first was in Asheville and then at home last night.  Both times, nighttime felt strange and lonely.  Too quiet.  

But, mornings are incredible.  I spend so much up-and-down time with the dogs in the morning.  Just getting up and taking care of myself is perfection.  I'll see them by lunchtime so I don't need to miss them lol.

I got a lot of stuff finished yesterday and I'm glad I stayed back.  I weeded the area beyond our fence ahead of getting more pine straw.  It's a steep drop to a privacy fence that surrounds the neighborhood.  Hubby and I moved furniture and emptied the bedroom ahead of the new furniture.  Lordy, I hope I like it after all this time.  I was in a mood for "different" and now I'm a little unsure.

Then I put together 2 Christmas trees I ordered from Balsam Hill.  I was looking for a small tree for the Asheville house -- hard to find a tree around 3.5 feet.  Turns out, lots of sales and I found a 6.5 foot tree for our house here.  We had 2 trees, one died last year and one (20 years old) was being propped up for it's last breaths (lights didn't work, needles falling off, section broken).  

These trees are SO NICE (!!)  Guess years later a lot has changed.  I can't believe how easy they are to put together.  I didn't get a picture of the bigger tree, but it looks much more like a real tree than our other ones.

This got me started on some Christmas decorations.  I promised myself I'd do porch lights this year -- but I "promised" last year too.  I ordered a couple of lights and the hooks to place them.  Feeling organized and prepared.  I also got a few things for simple decorations in Asheville.  

The pictures don't do the tree justice and I didn't fluff the branches all the way, but you get the idea.  It's exactly what I wanted to sit on the side table in our den -- something big enough to see out the window.

That's all from here.  I've got a few things to get finished before I leave for the overnight.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, June 11, 2021

To Drive or Not to Drive Today

Asheville is going to be a rainy mess -- today and tomorrow.  That stops our paint organization and purge plan because we need to pull it out from a little under-the-house storage and do everything on a patio.  Open, stir, match, discard or keep.  There are probably 60 old, dusty cans.  Not a job for a rainy day.  That leaves us with placing two rugs, hanging two pictures and organizing new glassware.  Not huge tasks, but still enough to make the trip ahead of big weekends coming up. (Hubby is using this weekend as a stopover for a VA week and we also have dinner reservations.)

Do I drive today or tomorrow?  That's the question.

The upside is I get some solo time (hubby will drive after work).  Downside is I got my monthly and I'm feeling crappy for a drive.  We also have to disassemble the bed and desk in my office since furniture is arriving next week while hubby is gone so morning is pushed.  Downside is also dealing with dogs and rain and no fenced in yard.  We won't get a Saturday coffee run and neighborhood walk because of the rain.  

I'm leaning toward staying home today and leaving first thing tomorrow.  Still raining, but then I get today at home and I could use that time.

** Just chatted with hubby **

I'm driving in tomorrow.  He might go tonight after work since we have to take two cars anyway.  I'm happy with this decision.  Feels like I'm choosing me and what works best (easiest).  If he goes tonight, I'll have the dogs for the drive, but, oh well.

I had a coaching call yesterday and it was good.  I asked about a decision to go to a family wedding in August.  Going honors my future-self plans.  Staying honors where I am now.  She asked a bunch of good questions.  Conclusion -- no decision is right or wrong.  Like the reason for the decision and own it.  It doesn't have to be This or That -- it can be both.  I'll think on it.  She's a good coach.

My girlfriend came over for coffee yesterday.  She brought me greens, garlic and herbs from her garden.  We chatted garden stuff and she gave me some advice.  I still need to tour her community garden plot.  I'm leaning toward keeping a porch garden instead of a raised bed in the yard.  Critters and dogs might be tough to stop from messing it up.  I don't want an elaborate setup, costing $$.  A few more pots and that might be a perfect amount of "garden" for me.

Next planting adventure is FLOWERS.  I ordered some seed and bulbs for fall planting.  This looks fun and easy.  Dabbling in a little bit of everything and seeing what sticks.  I pass a yard in the neighbor hood with the prettiest daisies.  Turns out it's a perennial plant -- Shasta Daisy.  They grow so nicely, I decided to give those a try too.

Have a great weekend and stay well.  Later gators :)

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Some Motivational Learning

I'm hooked on a new podcast -- Jon Acuff's All It Takes is a Goal.  It's a newbie -- maybe 30 episodes.  Most are about 20 minutes.  I listen to (all but one) podcasts on 1-1/2 speed so this feels extra quick.  Jon is a funny guy and has interesting insight.  

Of course, bought his latest book, Soundtracks.  It's the thought work stuff that Brooke Castillo teaches a little bit reimagined.  I'm not sure if this will be totally redundant from the podcast, but I was interested enough to pull the trigger.  Stay tuned ...

Anyway, lots of good stuff.  He keeps info simple and then gives a bunch of stories that explain his point.  It's funny and quick.

That leads me to an interesting tidbit from the podcast that's helping me with Spanish learning.  Jon interviewed Greg McKeown and they discussed a goal having a lower limit and an upper limit.  Lower limit to get you to do something (write one sentence in your journal daily) AND an upper limit to prevent burnout (write no more than 2 pages).

The lower limit is a Brooke Castillo concept too -- minimum baseline, but she never talks of an upper limit.  It's easy to feel you need to do more and more, especially on a big goal.  This leads to burnout or overwhelm and you can end up giving up. 

Greg McKeown suggests a manageable upper limit.  If the habit becomes a true habit with no chance of burnout, let the upper limit go.  Until then, stick to it as strictly as you do the lower limit.  He used swimming as an example.  He hadn't been in a pool in years and wanted to get back in swimming shape.  He put an upper limit on laps so he didn't burnout.  Once he was back in shape, he let the upper limit go.

I'm using this for Spanish.  It's easy for me to think every little free minute should be Spanish vocabulary study and I will absolutely burnout.  This goal is BIG and LONG -- marathon of goals and I need to pace myself.  Especially at first when this is so foreign to me and I don't have my study brain in shape.

Lower limit: 10 minutes
Upper limit: 30 minutes

For now.  I love this idea.  It's freeing.  And while it seems like VERY LITTLE, it's what will get me started for this long game.  "Little by little, a little becomes a lot."

Good stuff between Brooke Castillo's coaching calls and Jon Acuff's new podcast.  On a side note, iPhone updated and I don't like the podcast organization now.  Why do they change what works???  Anyway, have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Sitting on the porch during a rainstorm
watching a live coaching call with Brooke Castillo.
Love this cuddle bug (!!)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

What the HECK?!?

I ordered a swim cap that covers ears for the salt water float on my birthday.  I don't want to ruin my keratin hair treatment or my hair color and don't need any ear issues.  Reading reviews, most complaints were caps are too small for large heads.

I have a HUGE head.  

So ... I found a cap for large heads -- bingo.  BUT, it must also be for a lot of hair too.  Thankfully, the float is totally private (naked with THIS cap LOL -- it's going to be a look).  It also squishes my face skin -- I'm going to look interesting after being compressed.  I actually "tucked" my forehead skin into the cap.  Humbling for #51.  Brings back trauma of swimming in gym class with a cap (on my large head) and nose plugs.  

Today is my yearly mammogram about 5 months delayed.  I have an insurance change so I'm headed to a new place.  In 2 weeks -- first colonoscopy.  That will catch me up with all my delayed prevents because of the pandemic.  The colonoscopy feels extra delayed since the age was backed up to 45 recently.  Oh well.  Nothing I can do but get it done now.

I started working on a new goal.  A few things finished off my goal list (yea!!) and it's time to go in another direction.  Heading back to working on an old longterm goal -- SPANISH.  I've tried several (or more) times and never got very far.  Rosetta Stone, phone apps, adult CE class.  I'm doing it differently now.  The way I learn best.  I don't "hear" the words well without first knowing what I'm listening for.  I do this in English too.  New word?  Spell it or let me see it written down.  I'm starting with straight up vocabulary.  Learning words.  Then I'll work on phrases.  Then onto a class or tutor for speaking and such.  This is a decade long goal -- no rush, but I want to work forward on it again.  I keep trying to let it go, but it won't go away.  I took French in HS and when we visited France a few years ago, I realized I retained more than I thought.  It was all because I knew the words (a little) and could piece together the rest.  

More on this goal soon.  I listened to a podcast about something else and there was a tidbit that caught my attention.  Not trying for a cliff-hanger :) but dogs need to go out.

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

HBD Duke and Monti

Duke is 5 today.  He's an owner surrender who was puppy purchased by his original owner so we know his actual birthday.  We adopted Monti on Duke's birthday so they have the same celebration day.  It's fun (!!) Monti's age was an estimate, so we had to start with something -- he's 11 today.

They got groomed yesterday and Monti was matted.  Hello, summer buzz-cut.  The other groomer wasn't doing the best job I guess.  He looks so different, but so adorable :)

Yesterday was an early cleaning crew so I didn't end up posting anything.  When I'm on a "hormone" time, it's harder to get up early.  I didn't have the mental energy to do much (up at 4 o'clock).  I drank my drinks, listened to a podcast and took a Peloton ride.  

This week is much lighter and I'm here for it.  I have a mammogram tomorrow and a few little things on the calendar, but nothing much.  I'm going to Asheville on Friday for a quick weekend trip.  Trying a local restaurant and setting up a couple of rugs in the carriage house.  I'm also exchanging some glassware because I needed something smaller and multiple colors so everyone didn't "lose" their glass with every sip of water (our dishwasher is small).  We're also doing a paint can clean up to the dump.  There must be 50 years of paint colors in the storage area.  I debated if this was enough for a trip, but why not.  The next couple of weekends are long and busy.  Calling this a working weekend.  

I'm fussing with food again -- specifically dinners.  I'm bored with the usual suspects and I don't have the desire to figure out anything for dinner.  That means snacking for dinner and that adds to my zapped energy.  I'm going to think on this today -- maybe I need to "force" myself to cook.  Soups tend to be a good option -- I have a couple of summer soup recipes.  

Today is nothing major.  Costco run after my morning routine and that's it.  Guess I will put SOUP on the calendar for today too (do I sound excited lol).

I started the Jen Hatmaker bookclub selection -- All Adults Here (Emma Straub).  I'm not far enough to have a big opinion other than it's not instantly good.  I've been reading, but haven't been massively inspired to read.  Reading is one of the signs I'm in my stride -- lots of reading.  I have no idea why that correlates, but it does.  When I'm pushing myself to read, I'm usually pushing myself in other areas too.  Not flowing, just pushing lately.  And I know it's all MORE on the hormone weeks.

That's all the rambles today.  Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Humidity Has Arrived

GA has been so kind with low humidity this spring.  It couldn't last forever though -- hello, soup bowl.  The rain front did nothing to pull the tropical air so we're in thick yuck.  Looks like rain most of the week too.

I got a chunk of my weekend list finished.  Pictures downloaded and initial orders placed.  Some prints will wait until the frames arrive.  Read another 150 pages -- should finish the book today.  Only bill paying left from the list.  Yea.  Glad to have it all finished.

I have a back muscle that got wonky after sleeping the first night with 4 dogs.  It's progressively getting worse and last night was a hard sleep.  It's not my usual muscle so I expect it to heal quickly, but it's in spasm mode today.  Not sure about a workout ... sometimes a workout helps my back and other times it doesn't.  Problem is it'll feel good during the workout and it's not until after that I figure out if it was helpful or harmful.  On the fence ...

Here are the vintage pieces from the antique market.  Plants stand and an old picture for Asheville house.  Vintage "hunting" is so much fun.

This is a full week, but a lot less work than the last few.  Not needing to cook and prep for company has freed up a lot of time.  Hubby is on his first business trip since the pandemic so it'll be a quiet week with me and the dogs.  

It's also the start of hormone time for me.  I've had a hormone headache for a couple of days and hot flashes are back in swing.  Fun times.  A workout would feel good -- but I need my back in play again too. Dang.  

Another season of Kim's Convenience dropped on Netflix.  I think this is the funniest one yet.  I thought someone said it was over -- maybe this is the last one.  I'm sure I'll finish it on this rainy Sunday.

Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Hello, Weekend

Well, weather changed and rain all weekend.  Hike is canceled for tomorrow.  It's a good weekend to be home though.  I made a list of 5 things to get off my plate this weekend -- not all bad things, but things that I want to get a move on.

(1)  Call West Elm about my office furniture.  I did this one yesterday and, turns out, everything is ready except the ottoman.  They're willing to deliver the rest now.  Coming on the 16th (my first available day).  That was an unexpected surprise :)

(2)  Pay bills -- always on a list.

(3)  Wedding picture downloads.  Turns out the problem with resolution was ME (of course).  I dragged the thumbnail instead of downloading the pictures.  Now I have to delete thumbnails and do things the very, very slow way.

(4)  Once this is finished, order the Framebridge picture group.  4 frames for my office.

(5)  Finish Goldfinch.  It's 800 pages and I'm at the 500 mark.  It's good, but holding up the reading works.  I took a reading break for almost a week so it feels like I've had this one going for too long.

That's it.  Feels doable, but is also procrastinatable (!!)  Easy to do nothing on a weekend like this -- rain plus 4 dogs.

I think today is a lot of reading and maybe paying bills.  Hubby is gone all day and that's when I can get uninterrupted reading.  

Hope you have a happy Saturday -- later gators.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Birthday Weekend

My birthday is coming up.  I decided to do EXACTLY what I want to do without thinking of what anyone else wants to do.

This was some insight after listening to a coaching call with Brooke Castillo.  "Nobody is valuing what I want."  Actually, I'm NOT valuing what I want.  I complain no-one notices me bored at a bar for 3 hours, yet I picked that bar and that activity.  I didn't take myself into consideration and then complained others didn't either.

Starts with me.

So for my birthday, I'm having a fun couple of days.  First, at a spa.  Intuitive massage and then an hour long salt water floatation in a sensory deprivation tank.  Don't worry, the water is filtered, cleaned, etc.  It's the #1 rated spa in Asheville (by a few sources).  I can't wait for both -- I'm relaxing just thinking about it lol.

The next day hubby and I are going on a forging walk with botanists.  Pick and learn about edible plants in the mountains and make a snack at the end.  We take the extras and drop them at The Grove Park Inn restaurant that afternoon.  Return for dinner and the chef makes a dish from the mountain finds.  That dish is free, dinner is ours to pay.  

Fun, variety -- an excellent birthday celebration tailored for me.

(Of course, the next weekend is hubby's birthday, July 4 AND full house of company to entertain.  That weekend will be very different and a lot of work -- hah.  I'll still add a little bit of "me" to the weekend though.  Another opportunity to work on how to enjoy the weekend and still feel well -- spoiler alert, it's all about what I eat and how I sleep.)

Turns out my girlfriend just forgot to respond to the text yesterday.  We met at the antique market, wore masks and got some great deals.  Both of us are furnishing rooms so the timing was great.  A brand new restaurant opened next door so we sat outside after and I had iced tea (eek, caffeine).  Perfect compromise that didn't compromise to the point of losing my choices.  She ate, I didn't, but enjoyed relaxing and chatting for an hour.  Win for both of us.  Also, the restaurant was empty so not eating didn't feel like a guilt trip for me.

I'll take pictures of a few of my finds for the Asheville house this week.

Next outing with my girlfriend is a field trip to her community garden.  I want to pick her brain about growing veggies -- she's a master at it.  Something fun, simple and NO LUNCH (!!)

June feels full with lots of stuff to do and lots of stuff that needs doing.  I had a restless moment last night thinking of everything (mini panic).  I stopped myself and was able to go back to sleep -- good lord.  I need to make a plan the next couple of days because that will relax me (then I KNOW I will get it done and not forget anything).

We're dog-sitting this weekend.  Tomorrow hubby golfs most of the day so perfect time to plan and knock a few annoyances off my list.  

Today is an organization day too.  Grocery store runs and an afternoon of house chores.  Dogs come this evening.

I'll leave with another IG goodie.  Have a great Friday -- hello, weekend.  Later gators.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Self-Coaching Scholars

I had the second 20 minute video coaching yesterday.  It was just okay.  She was a couple of minutes late to the call and didn't smile at all.  Her questions weren't as insightful as the first coach and sometimes felt aggressive.  She spend a lot of time asking me WHY.  Why do you care?  Why do you do that?  Duh, that's what I'm getting coached.  Lazy coaching or lack of coaching skill, if you ask me.

I asked about managing life after the pandemic.  I "found" myself during the pandemic and I feel it slipping away though many small compromises with different people as life returns.  By the end of the week, I adjust myself frequently enough that I feel like the week wasn't what I would've done if I was living MY choices.  But, relationships ARE compromise and I was asking how to balance being myself and not being a selfish a-hole and wanting everything my way.

That said, I think she helped me ask some questions to myself after the call that help.  Maybe I'll ask the same question next week and see where that gets me.  Apparently, revisiting the same coaching question is common for bigger issues.

As far as the value of SCS -- that remains to be seen.  I love the live coaching calls with certain coaches (3 so far).  You can watch live (and possibly coach live), watch the replay or listen as a podcast.  I've listened to numerous other coaches and they aren't great.  A lot of the live "themed" calls are mostly a coach chatting about her background, asking people to comment on what this subject means to them or how to navigate the Study Vault information on that subject.  Slow and boring.  Feels like time fillers.

I haven't used the Ask A Coach section yet.  Submit a written question.  Might give that a try and see what comes of it.  

The Study Vault that Brooke sells hard as a HUGE value, isn't as wow as she describes.  Lots of redundancy, links to these banked live calls and links to her podcasts on the subject.  I've only looked at a few, so I'm still exploring to see the value.

I have 4 more coaching calls and a month of exploring to see if I want to continue.  I haven't received the coaching materials in the mail either.  I might email about that because I thought that was a big part of each month.


As for today ...

I have plans to visit an antique and craft market with a friend.  She's the friend I mentioned NOT wanting to go to lunch as a regular thing (a number of conversations this past year).  First non-pandemic day out and she wants to go to lunch.  I checked with the restaurants in the small town and very little outdoor seating.  I texted her and asked if we could pass on lunch and just walk the market.  Didn't hear back which is unusual so I texted again this morning.  Finding a balance -- holding onto changes I want in my life.  One of those changes is to stop being so one-noted on lunch, lunch, lunch.  That's all anyone wants to do and I don't want to go back to that routine.  I was trying to break that before the pandemic with little results.  Lunch is great sometimes.  Lunch is necessary if you're out all day.  Lunch isn't needed EVERY SINGLE TIME we gather during the day.  It's expensive and never a very nutritionally dense meal.  I have food sensitivities so my options are usually limited to a salad -- boring when it's on repeat.

We'll see how asserting my "want" goes today.  

I'll leave with this IG post.  I liked the message.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


Wedding pictures :)

These are the low resolution photos, better ones coming.  Here's a fun sampling.

The photographer sent two files -- one for print, one for web.  BOTH are low resolution so eldest is contacting her.  I can't even print a 4x6.  It seems to be a mistake since she doesn't do the printing.

Also, in gardening news ... I have little green tomatoes.  The other plant's blossoms wilted (probably from no water for 6 days) and lots of yellow leaves (ugh).  The cucumber has blossoms too.  Not sure if anything will mature, but PROGRESS (!!)

Today is the SCS coaching call.  I'm not sure what I'll ask to be coached about -- last minute decision unless something comes to mind earlier.

June is my birthday month and I'm spending some time on goals and plans for 51.  Life is emerging and I want a direction.  More on this later.  

Have a great day.  I need to remember it's Wednesday -- so confusing since I came home on a Tuesday.  Later gators.  

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Asheville Updates

I'm sitting at the kitchen table in Asheville.  This is the first morning in well over a year that I don't have a BREATHING THING with me.  No people, no dogs, just me.

It's strange and delightful.  Hubby left with the dogs last night and it was odd being totally alone (especially here).  I had cleaning to finish and my back was a hot mess.  Because of that, I didn't "do" anything fun.  Everything that would've interested me was closed for Memorial Day (we took a long walk around town that morning to see what was open).  It was a little lonely, but I was interested to explore that idea of alone.

Then I found Defending Jacob on Apple +.  It's one of my favorite books of all times and the series is equally as good.  I stayed up until 10 o'clock watching -- 3 episodes in.  I don't know how many are in total, but I absolutely love it.

Bedtime was great.  No company so the connected bathroom was back in use and so dang easy.  Windows opened, comfy bed. It was nice.

Waking up alone was incredible too.  No talking, no rushing dogs out, no feeding dogs.  I have the morning to myself and all the decisions are mine.

Don't get me wrong.  ALONE would become lonely very quickly, but this little time is so nice after a BIG together weekend.

We had a great time, but I have lots of tweaking to do with my routine AND how things happen when company is here.  It's a long story, but the general cliff notes for our Sunday in VERY crowded Asheville (record breaking crowds) was we sat at a brewery for over 3 hours and I sat with a glass of water.  The seats were great and it was fun at first, but then I wanted to go.  I can't drink and all the food was gluten bar food.  Dogs needed to be let out, kids wanted to continue there.  I WANTED to leave them to their evening, but no one would let me go.  "What do you want to do?"  LEAVE and you stay.  Over and over and got nowhere.  Conversation turned to my boys arguing over sports and such.  Not fun.

Anyway, eldest spilled his beer down his pants and had to go home to change.  We couldn't find a restaurant with any availability so we got takeout pizza and watched a movie.  Lots of tension and grumpy energy that night.  I already have a plan for next time -- won't happen again.

It's also a lot because the last 3 times I've come, we've had the kids here.  That's a ton of "mothering" and hosting for me.  I'll get a break in June.  Both visits are just hubby, dogs and me.  That'll be nice.

This was a heads up on boundaries.  I tried, but didn't get results.  I have ideas about doing it differently and I already talked to hubby about it.

Back to this morning.  Washing my bedsheets, workout and pack the car.  I can stop for a bathroom break so I can grab a coffee if I want -- big excitement for the drive.  

I leave with a picture of our new den table.  Fits really well.  Tomorrow is WEDDING pictures -- they came yesterday (!!)  Hope you had a great weekend.  Later gators.