Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Unexpected Surprise

My 50th birthday present is READY (!!)  I pick up the ring today.  I'm excited and nervous.  I've never custom designed ANYTHING and what if I don't love it??  I think I will because it was modeled after a vintage picture AND I love the idea of something unique (i.e. if I don't love it, I'll learn to love it LOL).

The week is picking up (as weeks often do).  I want to get most of my Thanksgiving grocery shopping finished this week to avoid crowds.  I also have a walk scheduled with my friend at Gibbs Gardens.  Sunday is bookclub a week early because of Thanksgiving (I almost forgot).  Today is downtown and a run to the vet to pickup Monti's medications for the month.

I had a really good run on the treadmill yesterday -- might have been all the rice and cookies streaming through my bloodstream - hah!  I'll see if it's a fluke or a trend next run.  I felt pretty awful otherwise though -- I seem to forget all the things (a lot) of gluten does to me.  Mood, headache, sinus, joints.  Back to feeling myself this morning.  

Little Blue is adjusting well.  He's playing and being a total hambone now.  Whenever he's not happy, he complains like crazy (talks making all sort of strange noises) -- it's adorable.  I crated him during my workout and when I let him out, he was talking away -- bitchin' and a moanin'.  I left him inside while I took Monti out and he chatted up a storm when I came back in.  Total chihuahua and I'm here for it.  His eyes are so vivid (some say creepy, some say gorgeous -- eye of the beholder LOL).  Yes, they are that blue (!!)

While Blue was next to me under the blanket taking a morning nap, Monti and I had our cuddle.  I got a new sherpa hoodie from American Eagle.  It's super cuddly and perfect for taking the dogs out first thing in the morning and it's Monti approved for naps.  We have a nap cuddle at least once a day -- often more than once.

I took my dogs to the park yesterday to enjoy perfect weather.  It knocks them out for the afternoon -- yea.  We should get some other park time later in the week too.  60s and sunny -- wow.  Today I'm doing my "yoga" workout -- arms and stretching followed by a walk if dogs are settled enough.  Can't waste this weather.

I made the carrot soup again.  I need to figure out some different meals this week though -- something easy, but a change up.  I'm getting tired of my usual stuff.  The soup is yummy -- I have about 3 more meals out of this batch.  I could freeze some of it, but my freezer is packed.  

Okay, lots of rambling.  I started 2 books -- more on them tomorrow.  Both are GOOD so far.  Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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