Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day 2020

First, my act is NOT together and I don't have my book list ready.  It's coming and it full of some good ones ... stay tuned (!!)

I'm staying clear of all news TV today.  I'm turning OFF my phone around 6 o'clock tonight and getting a regular night's sleep.  The news can wait until Wednesday morning and I doubt much will be definitive, even at that point.  Lordy, this is nerve racking.  TOO MUCH is riding on this election.  I don't think I'm overstating it to say our democracy is on the line.  

Anyway ...

Whole Foods today.  My last "adventure" out before the pandemic started was Whole Foods, Container Store and lunch with my girlfriend (everything is in that area).  I haven't been back since the first week in March.  Wow.  

I want to go when Whole Foods opens, but it opens at 7 o'clock.  I'm not sure if that's senior hour still, so I'll plan to get there around 7:30 -- that should be early enough.  This feels FUN!  I'll shop the center area a bit too because I need a few things for my neighbor's get-well basket (she had emergency surgery a few days ago) ... and that might mean a treat for me too :)

I read an article on tofu ... how to prepare it and the texture options.  I didn't know you needed to press it before using in a stir fry.  Good information and that's the point of highlighting an ingredient of the month.  Let tofu month begin.  I expect Whole Foods will have a lot of options.

I'm awake ridiculously early (thanks, Duke).  He got me up at 3:15 and I'm wide awake.  Since I need to get moving early this morning, I stayed up.  I probably could have fallen back to sleep, but by the time I did, it would be alarm time.  I'll look at it like I didn't time change yet.  I can go to bed super early tonight anyway.

I'll leave with one book goodie.  I bought a 1920's copy of L.M. Montgomery's book, Anne's House of Dreams.  It smells old, looks old and I LOVE it.  Anne of Green Gables was my favorite book series.  If I had a daughter, I planned to name her Anne.  I love green this year.  It was meant to be, so I say lol.  I have it displayed on my desk to remind me of all those things.  P.S.  If you haven't watched the Netflix series, it's awesome too.  The cover is greener than it looks in this picture.

Stay well.  Stay sane.  One way or another, tomorrow will come.  Later gators.

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