Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Totally Outnumbered

Blue is making for a crazy mashup of dogs LOL.  We are outnumbered and changing tactics.  Separate the chihuahuas when we aren't supervising - hahaha - and hold on for dear life.

ALL 5 dogs up at 4 o'clock, then fed and now ALL 5 dogs are sleeping.  My boys back in bed with hubby, the rest on the sofa with me.  Intermittent growling as the chihuahuas remember they are in the same area.  Lordy, I LOVE chihuahuas.  They are spitfires and I'm here for it.  The only problem ... my espresso is empty and if I get up to refill, mayhem with ensue. 

(One chihuahua on top of the blanket and RIGHT underneath her is the other chihuahua under the blanket.)

That said, journaling is happening this morning and that's a win :)

Cooking went well yesterday.  I had a few extra apples I bought so I made cooked apples too.  I've been MASSIVELY craving sweets and I thought it was because I'm planning my Christmas cookies -- nope, it's hormones.  Almost time and I'm heavy into PMS cravings.  Did I mention, I can't wait for Thanksgiving dessert??  I'm making it today and I might try to have a bit left in the bowl ... you know, for quality control.

Lots of stuff happening today.  Dessert, loaded mashed potatoes, setting the table and prepping the turkey for the overnight dry out in the refrigerator.  I decided to make the stuffing tomorrow, but I prepped everything.  No room in the refrigerator and it comes together so quickly when everything is set to go.  

My goal is to do as little as possible on Thanksgiving.  I have to cook the turkey (hubby with carve it), make the clover rolls (from store-bought dough), make the stuffing (already prepped) and make the Old Fashions.  Everything else gets a re-heat.  Not bad -- most of the messy work will be finished and I can enjoy the day.

Where are the veggies you ask?  My family doesn't eat them on Thanksgiving (I gave up trying) so it's all me.  I made carrot soup for myself and I'll have a veggie stir-fry for lunch.  I also made roasted sweet potatoes that I fork mashed and chilled.  I top with cinnamon and salt and it's almost like pumpkin pie.  

My empty espressos is calling me and this will start another dog train following me and then trying to find a spot to sleep.  I love them all, but I'm already looking forward to just having my two boys.  Peace, quiet and me time.  It's going to be a long week and next week is very empty -- I'll need some recovery time.

Happy cooking -- stay well.  Later gators.

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