Sunday, November 1, 2020


Good golly, Miss Molly -- it's NOVEMBER!

I'll join the masses and say this year is such a funky time warp.  Groundhog day over and over and, yet, the year is FLYING to a finish.  This week, 2020 has an opportunity to redeem itself and I'm trying to be hopeful without too much expectation.  

About 10 kids yesterday.  The light sticks from Costco were the hit -- lanyard with 5 different lighting options.  I could see the lights as they walked through the neighborhood.  I might stick with that next year.  I have TONS of little toys leftover too.

I hung with a few neighbors in the cul-de-sac -- mask on and wide apart, until kids came and then I went to my porch.  It was nice to chat a little.  I was extra, extra careful because they went to the party last night.  We talked about hiking together, which I said ... oh, that would be fun.  But I won't anytime soon.  That doesn't pass my test, or should I say, they don't pass my test.

November is tofu month recipe experimenting.  I have a block of plain, firm tofu to marinate and stir fry tomorrow.  I will need to do a Whole Foods run to get more options.  That will be fun -- I can find a few new things to try and have more unusual veggie options too.  If Whole Foods is a bust, I can try Sprouts instead.  I'll do an early morning shop (as usual) and see if it's an option to shop.  Of course, I'll stay clear as we get close to Thanksgiving.

November is also, fingers crossed, the unveiling of The Green Dress.  My hope is Thanksgiving.  Now, that said, I might not wear it that day because I'm bound to be messy and hot.  BUT ... I'm thinking of changing up Thanksgiving a bit this year.  I do a lot ahead, but the day is still cooking all day.  I'm thinking about making everything a couple days before and reheating.  (Everything, but the turkey because I love the smell of roasting turkey.)  What do you think?  I say, this is the year to TRY things a little different.

This reminds me ... I have a few goodies to show this week too.  Starts with fun Thanksgiving shirts to wear while we cook.  Of course, I've failed to take pictures so it has to be a cliffhanger lol.

Today should be a fun day.  I'm trying a regular 30 minute Peloton ride -- it's a PRIDE, Dolly Parton ride (!!)  No cooking for the football crew -- Pub Sub and chocolate treats from my sister.  I have chickpeas ready to roast for me -- they are so delicious.  And that is that.  New book today too.  Fun, family day all around.

Happy November.  This is an enormous month for our country.  *Breathe*  We can do it.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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