Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Day After

I didn't watch any news yesterday and woke this morning to nothing but disappointment.  I had no thoughts the election would be THIS close.  It feels defeating.  Four more years of this HATE in control is overwhelming.  Hate seems to keep pulling a victory in every corner.  And it looks like it's heading the same way this time too.

It's hard to understand.  It's hard to believe.  

This is going to be a long fight and one that we might go a lot lower before we feel hope again.

An out-of-control pandemic, hate in office everywhere I look, Trump supporters screaming hate from so many households (people stand outside their house yelling support for this ass in this area).

I've been ready for this possibility, but SO HOPEFUL that it wouldn't come to this.  I fear what will happen to our country with hate in control in every branch of government.  They can actually decide to end our democracy.  

Love wins ... but today it doesn't feel that way.  Stay well.

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