Monday, November 30, 2020

I Feel Like Slipping

I'm tired and I feel like MY stuff is getting overrun with other things.  This is my fault -- the foster dog was my choice and he's proving to be a handful.  Applications are coming in, but nothing is a match yet.  I need to problem solve a little to figure out how this week can run more smoothly.

It doesn't help that it's storming -- yesterday evening and still this morning.  Little guy won't even consider potty outside in bad weather.

When my tanks are low and I can't easily do my "good" things, I look toward false pleasures -- snacking while watching TV, throwing in the towel on a hard workout, eating sweets, being lazy, etc.  

I feel potential for a BIG slip to come and I need to head it off before it starts.  Also, my energy after my monthly is tanked for a few days too.  That's adding to the feeling of DOING NOTHING and being a SLUG on the sofa all day.

Guess the solution is crate the little guy while I do productive things.  I can't do much with him on the loose because you need eyes on him all the time.  He chews EVERYTHING.  I'm afraid a quiet dog means my sofa is toast.

I'm typing this and he's in his crate sleeping.  He doesn't like to get up before the sun and that's a little advantage.  We tried to go outside (fail) and he ate breakfast in his crate when we got back.  He's tucked himself under the covers again and is sleeping.  Guess this is a win.

Goal this week:  TRUE DESIRE work.  I know what works to feel good and I need to diligently do that work.

Recovering from a busy, non-me week is hard.  True desires aren't instant gratification.  I'm not practiced to wait through the transition period back to feeling grounded.  I think the solution is to NOT get UN-grounded, but that's will take a lot of trial and error -- especially around the holidays.  My monthly will visit at Christmas again -- bummer.  Guess I get another opportunity to practice.

My agenda today is simple.  Stick with the basics that work.

Journal.  Cold shower.  Workout.  Meditation.  Eat well (take time to cook).  Read more (less TV).  

I'll add making a to-do list for the week too.  Making sure I'm productive on some level.  Lists help me relax too.

Let's find some HAPPY today.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

We Made It (!!)

Two dog pick up today.  Things should be calming down.  Hubby heads to VA, but he's home early this week.  I need a couple of days of "centering" and some serious ME time.

I did the grocery shopping and it wasn't crowded, but the people who were there were in groups (from the holiday probably).  I felt a lot of personal space violation and I shopped as fast as I could.  It's crazy out there.  Good news -- some paper products showing back up on the shelves.  Maybe this "panic" isn't going to be as nutty.

There will be a local memorial service for my uncle, but I'm not going and that's not an issue with my family -- thankfully.  I don't agree with that choice, but, nothing I can do about it.  My cousin and his family are also not going -- he was very close to our uncle.  There will be a burial in NY -- graveside, no chairs (per NY law).  

I'm super duper slowly reading the latest books.  Both are good, but not much time for reading.  A few new things on Netflix and that might take my attention a bit.  The Crown -- can't wait to watch it.  Virgin River (season 2) -- it's so dumb, but I'll probably watch it hahaha.  The Queen's Gambit -- started, but not into it yet because 10,000 interruptions from dogs.

Dogs are up ... got to run.  Have a good day!  Stay well. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Life Going to the Dogs

It feels like a crash is coming ... a week of cooking, holiday, 5 dogs and my monthly.  I'm wiped out.  The dogs are fussing now -- yesterday was a lot of dog drama.  Individual and some group spats.  Time for the sleepover to be over.  One more night.

Blue is up for adoption and he's already popular.  He should be adopted in the next week or so if the applications are good.

I decided to do a grocery shop this morning because it'll be a lot of morning crating for the little guy this week.  That, and I'm running low on a lot.  I hate to go on a Saturday, but it's the best choice.  List in hand, in and out.

Well, hubby opened my office door and I have 4/5 dogs with me.  Guess I'm not chatting this morning.

Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving Recap

It was a really nice day.  Only the 3 of us (but that's what it's been the last 3 years).  I cooked everything (but that's also how it's always been with work requirements preventing travel or company).

For us, Thanksgiving didn't look or feel different with the pandemic.  BUT, I changed up some things and here's the scoop.

(1)  No pies.  Slush Cake instead.  Flour/nut crust layer, cream cheese layer, pudding layer and cool whip layer.  Dear lord, it's one of my favorite things.  Make it with almond milk and it's fine for my stomach.  I took an extra step and used GF flour in the crust.  

(2)  Make a lot ahead.  I'm usually organized and do a number of things ahead, but this year I did TONS ahead and it worked.  I might even do most everything next year.

(3)  Clover rolls using frozen dough.  Delicious, easy and felt special.  I had extra left so I made a little fun goodie of monkey bread for the guys that I rose faster so they could have it as a snack.

(4)  Used the "good" china from my parent's wedding.  Over 50 years old.  It's beautiful AND dishwasher safe.  It was fun to use a different dish set.

(5)  Seedlip cocktails.  Remember I bought Seedlip NON alcoholic spirits awhile back?  I've never used them.  Since I'm not drinking right now, I decided to give one a try.  Seedlip 42, lime juice and simple syrup and you have a margarita.  It didn't taste exactly like one, but it tasted like a cocktail and it was YUMMY.  Turns out, the spirits have ZERO calories -- what?!?!  That was a pleasant surprise.  I'll make the Cosmo recipe for Christmas.  Only downside is once opened, they only last 30 days.  Not sure what changes, but it's still good for Christmas.  No drinking was fantastic.  More on this later as I go through the holiday season.  I felt like I had my cake and ate it too -- no downside.  Interesting.

(6)  Holiday shirts SEEMED cute.  "She's My Sweet Potato;" "I Yam"  But they were so unflattering on.  The pictures were HORRIBLE.  Oh well.  My new workout shirt.  Selfie pictures turned the words around -- then my shirt said "May I."  Hubby deleted them all and I'm not unhappy about it LOL.

(7)  BEST turkey I've ever made.  I think the new instant read thermometer prevents me from overcooking.  It was delicious.  Love the prep the day before method too.  

Hope you had a happy day too.  We are still up to our eyeballs in dogs and dog drama, but it's fun.  Two more sleeps (but who's counting).  Today is a little spit shine to the house (especially the kitchen) and that's about that.  Maybe a movie night??  Maybe some extra reading??  Relaxing after a full week in the kitchen.

Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Turkey Time

Happy Thanksgiving (!!)

Final day of cooking and, hopefully a smooth one.  I might add a last minute dish of mashed cauliflower to the lineup since I have all the ingredients.  The mashed potatoes have full dairy for the holiday and I need to steer clear.

My monthly came early (explains the sweet cravings) and I'm feeling crampy this morning.  It might not be worth making extra for only me since I'm not particularly hungry on the first couple days of Perri -- and I'm saving room for DESSERT (!!)  It looks delicious :)

Sad news yesterday -- my ex-uncle (but still part of the family) had a massive stroke earlier in the week.  It looked hopeful for a couple of days, but he's headed to hospice today.  Especially hard during a pandemic with my cousin being the only one allowed to briefly see him (and that's only because he's dying).  So many have gone through this lonely situation and yet, the parties continue, the gatherings continue.  Supreme Court says worship can gather with no restriction in NY.  What the hell.

So, last night was a restless night.  Thinking about my uncle -- alone.  My cousin -- sad and hurting.  Thanksgiving was the last time I saw my dad before he died suddenly in early December.  It's a heart-heavy holiday for me too.  Cramps kept waking me up and then I'd start "thinking" again.  

Anyway -- enough SAD STUFF.  Thanksgiving is still my favorite holiday.  The memory with my dad was incredible and will stay with me forever as such a blessing.  We'll have a good day today -- sporting our "couples" Thanksgiving shirts today while I cook.  I'll get a picture.  It's corny and I'm here for it.  You've probably seen them -- so funny.  We don't "dress" for Thanksgiving for lots of reasons, but mainly, I'm a messy cook and I need a sort of disposable shirt to wear. 

Good treadmill run yesterday.  Peloton today.  Making progress on cardio stamina -- it's been a long time.

I'll leave with pictures of the dogs again.  Find your happy today and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Totally Outnumbered

Blue is making for a crazy mashup of dogs LOL.  We are outnumbered and changing tactics.  Separate the chihuahuas when we aren't supervising - hahaha - and hold on for dear life.

ALL 5 dogs up at 4 o'clock, then fed and now ALL 5 dogs are sleeping.  My boys back in bed with hubby, the rest on the sofa with me.  Intermittent growling as the chihuahuas remember they are in the same area.  Lordy, I LOVE chihuahuas.  They are spitfires and I'm here for it.  The only problem ... my espresso is empty and if I get up to refill, mayhem with ensue. 

(One chihuahua on top of the blanket and RIGHT underneath her is the other chihuahua under the blanket.)

That said, journaling is happening this morning and that's a win :)

Cooking went well yesterday.  I had a few extra apples I bought so I made cooked apples too.  I've been MASSIVELY craving sweets and I thought it was because I'm planning my Christmas cookies -- nope, it's hormones.  Almost time and I'm heavy into PMS cravings.  Did I mention, I can't wait for Thanksgiving dessert??  I'm making it today and I might try to have a bit left in the bowl ... you know, for quality control.

Lots of stuff happening today.  Dessert, loaded mashed potatoes, setting the table and prepping the turkey for the overnight dry out in the refrigerator.  I decided to make the stuffing tomorrow, but I prepped everything.  No room in the refrigerator and it comes together so quickly when everything is set to go.  

My goal is to do as little as possible on Thanksgiving.  I have to cook the turkey (hubby with carve it), make the clover rolls (from store-bought dough), make the stuffing (already prepped) and make the Old Fashions.  Everything else gets a re-heat.  Not bad -- most of the messy work will be finished and I can enjoy the day.

Where are the veggies you ask?  My family doesn't eat them on Thanksgiving (I gave up trying) so it's all me.  I made carrot soup for myself and I'll have a veggie stir-fry for lunch.  I also made roasted sweet potatoes that I fork mashed and chilled.  I top with cinnamon and salt and it's almost like pumpkin pie.  

My empty espressos is calling me and this will start another dog train following me and then trying to find a spot to sleep.  I love them all, but I'm already looking forward to just having my two boys.  Peace, quiet and me time.  It's going to be a long week and next week is very empty -- I'll need some recovery time.

Happy cooking -- stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

What a morning ...

Lordy, I don't like Walmart.  Here is tiny bit of what went down yesterday.  Limit of 2 gift card purchases (regardless of amount because of money laundering scams) and you must go to Customer Services (which was delayed opening yesterday).  So I decided to grab my baking supplies for Christmas cookies.  Lots of employees stocking the shelves and MOST had NO MASK.  Ugh.  Checked out, knocked over a display with my purse.  Apparently, I wasn't the first or the last.  Customer service couldn't get the cards to scan -- finally got 2 and said she would do the transactions separately -- 2 at a time.

However, my visa was flagged for a second transaction and declined.  There was a local service outage so I didn't get the text message to override.  I used hubby's card for 2 gift cards.  Same thing happened when I tried a second purchase with his card.

Frustrated, rona exposed and the job isn't finished.  I'll try Target next week and buy Visa gift cards for the remaining amount.  Dang.  

Anyway ...

Here are some other goings on:

I bought a dutch oven from Oprah's Favorite Things List and it's beautiful.  I made the turkey noodle soup in it and it cooks so nicely.  Black owned business.  I've wanted a dutch oven for years.  The heart is a sweet touch and the color is really pretty.

I finished Mexican Gothic (Silvia Moreno-Garcia) -- it was spooky and fun to read.  Next picks -- started both last night.  Jen Hatmaker's December bookclub and a book about how trees communicate with each other in a forrest.  Both seem good already :)

Today is the start of bigger cooking.  I made the cranberry sauce yesterday (messy and sticky cleanup).  It's nothing hard today, but lots of doing dishes and that stresses my back.  Three solid days of kitchen time for a meal that I can't eat half of the items.  Guess it's a labor of love for the family.  I'm so excited about the dessert though.  I LOVE slush cake and making it with almond milk makes it doable for me.

Grand-dogs arrive at lunch time and then it's a 5-2 ratio.  Mornings are probably going to be CRAZY with dogs, so I don't expect to do much journalling.  Who knows ... maybe I'll have some quiet time a few afternoons after Thursday.  

I'll continue the choice to not drink on Thanksgiving.  No wine in the house right now.  Making the boys one of their favorites -- an Old Fashioned.  Today is Day 100 since I started the experiment to feel better.  I started with a 50 day goal.  It's day 83 of not drinking.  Took me 17 days to figure out that drinking was absolutely messing up feeling good during a pandemic quarantine.  I have no idea when I'll drink again, but, for now, this is working well.

The Green Dress goal is moving forward with plans of a Christmas Eve debut.  I can't wait (!!)  

I wish us all a happy holiday week -- this is extra difficult for many and my thoughts are with everyone.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Too Much

I ate too much junk yesterday afternoon.  I have no idea why -- I started down a cheese road that ended in some cookies and I feel like crap this morning.  My energy is in the tanker and this is a morning I need my energy.  When will I learn?

Walmart for the first time in over a year.  Gift cards and checking out the cleaning supplies.  I'm nervous, but hopeful I can get in and out quickly.

COVID is everywhere.  Several people in our virtual bookclub have family members with it and/or are in quarantine themselves after exposure.  I feel like it's a good chance I will encounter someone in a huge store that has it.

Meanwhile ... our neighborhood put out the December activity list.  Evening with Santa at the lodge.  9 home holiday tour.  Dinner out.  Lunch out.  Friday Fun inside.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!  Honestly, what are they thinking.  These are the same people I might see at Walmart -- don't care, barely a precaution to be seen, "pod" includes anyone they know -- UGH.  This would be so nice in a regular year -- not in an uncontrolled pandemic.

I looked to see if there was a better day to do this errand and I can't find it.  Best to go before the Christmas shopping mad rush begins.  Hopefully, I'm going just ahead of the Thanksgiving rush too.

Can you tell I have some anxiety about going this morning?  I know it's amplified by the gluten in the cookies.  It's so interesting how gluten changes my mood.  (I'm making two kinds of GF cookies in December so I can enjoy too -- I should have done that yesterday.)

Good news is we are giving the kids each a big gift so Christmas shopping is basically finished.  Stocking stuffers and that's all.  Hubby and I also got each other something already so nothing more needed.  Other than grocery shopping, I don't need to be out and about much at all in December.  I can safely nest at home.

Bookclub was nice.  Steelers won.  I did an interval and arm Peloton class yesterday and it was okay.  I'll probably stick to keeping arms and riding separate.  Today is a regular bike class to flush that dang gluten. Making the cranberry sauce this afternoon -- first official Thanksgiving dish of the week. 

That's all from here.  Hope you have a happy day at the start of this holiday week.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday Happenings

I cooked the little turkey and then made turkey stock in preparation for turkey noodle soup today.  Yea me.  It's a first for me to make homemade stock.  It looks rich and smells great.  Fingers crossed for a good soup -- it's for hubby, one of his favorites.

Most of the cleaning finished -- just the floors today and hubby will vacuum.  I'll mop and my back should be fine without having to drag the vacuum around.

I have Christmas figured out -- FINALLY (!!)  More details later ... but the basic gist is heavy, fancy appetizers Christmas Eve and we'll do joint tiramisu desserts.  New tradition with books and chocolate AND, if time, a holiday movie.  Christmas day is brunch and homemade lasagna that I'll made and freeze ahead.  Sounds fun, festive and should let me enjoy more of the holiday without back issues.

We watched a Prime movie last night -- Infiltrator.  It was really good.  Based on a true story involving drug cartels.  I liked it a lot more than I expected.  Hubby loved it -- gave it an 'A.'

Reading Mexican Gothic -- oh, it's dark and spooky.  So far, it's good.

The run was good yesterday so it's back on the bike today.  I'm going to dial back the class difficulty level a bit.  I think I'm pushing too hard and coming out of my muscles too much.  I've been taking regular classes over 8/10 on difficulty level.  I need to be around mid to high 7s. 

Bookclub meeting this afternoon.  As usual, I'm not exactly pumped to do the call, but I enjoy it once it starts.  It'll be nice if it goes to in-person after the pandemic.

Little Blue is settling in better these last couple of days.  He's smart and wants to please.  Learning a routine with him and he's catching on to house manners.  Lordy, I love that little fellow.  It's hard not to smile when he's bebopping around.

Football and the youngest over for turkey sammies and break-n-bake cookies.  Easy meal.  The soup is for tomorrow.   Should be a full and fun day.  Clean house, soup on stove -- feels nice.

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.  

Look at this little cuddle bug ... sleeping pups are so peaceful. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Paper Goods

And just like that ... paper goods are gone from the shelves.  I'm still stocked up, but comfort would be a few more rolls of TP -- oh well, nothing to be found.

Grocery shopping is finished until after Thanksgiving -- fingers crossed.  I will need to do an early Walmart run on Monday.  We are donating gift cards to a refugee family and they shop at Walmart.  I haven't been to a Walmart (or Target) since this all began.  I'm a smidge unsettled to go, but best to get it over with as soon as possible.  I'm dropping the cards off the week after Thanksgiving.

I've said from the beginning that the holidays would be the most risky time and it's proving to be the case here in GA.  I feel a sense of urgency to get all things outside the house over and finished before we get closer to Christmas.  Even online ordering -- I imagine delays will begin again. 

Preparation.  The cornerstone of an Enneagram SIX.  Got to get moving on it.

Trader Joe's was fine.  I was able to get my neighbor's list with no issue.  In and out.  First turkey is prepping in the refrigerator and I'll roast it this afternoon.

I didn't run yesterday -- swapped the day with arm yoga.  I'm planning to give it a go today.  My leg feels about 95%.

Turkey roasting and cleaning today.  That's about it in a nutshell.  Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, November 20, 2020


I don't know why or how, but I've feel like I'm racing through the days these last few weeks.  I know the extra tired has a lot to do with hormones (I'm in the 2 weeks of blahs).  I desperately need time alone with no conversation, no dogs, no nothing.  I came close to an afternoon meltdown.  The second I get to SIT, someone, some dog, something needs me and I have to get up again.  Phone calls, doorbell, neighbors at the fence.

This next week is jammed with dogs (5 of them), cooking AND cleaning.  Ugh.  I expected an easy, breezy Thanksgiving and it's not feeling like that -- wonder if I can turn it around?

I have to hit some big grocery shopping today and prep the first turkey (it sits overnight, uncovered in refrigerator).  I'm also doing a little grocery shopping for my neighbor who had surgery.  I asked, she gave me a list.  I'm happy to help out especially since I know her husband won't go to Trader Joe's.  

I might have pushed too hard on the bike yesterday and my groin area is wonky since the afternoon walk.  Last thing I want is an injury so if I have an issue on the treadmill, I'm stopping and taking a recovery day.

Gibbs Gardens was nice.  I was early, my girlfriend hit road paving and she was late and then we got meeting place mixed up.  40 minutes of waiting -- ugh, but the walk was beautiful.  The gardens have all the fall leaves and a running creek -- so pretty.

What I need more than anything is a recovery-life day before the crazy of next week starts.  Not sure if I can get it before then or not.  Maybe on Sunday?  I need to make a point to get some alone, quiet, recovery time or I'll go a bit crazy.  

I think one little answer is a little bit of daytime foster dog crating.  He isn't house mannered and chews everything.  He's "brave" now and runs all over the house.  I try to get dinner ready and spend so much time looking for him.  Getting him to potty after eating has become an issue too (hello, stubborn chihuahua).  They feed at 3 o'clock and I spend the next two hours getting him to poop outside (and stopping him from squatting inside).  He enjoys an INDOOR, after dinner poop LOL.  

Everything will work out.  I'll take a few breaths and figure out how to slow down a little.  It's also that suddenly my weeks aren't about what I want -- they're about doing for others or doing with others.  Too much without a little balance.

Anyhoo ...

I'll be searching for some happy hormones today.  Have a good day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday Updates

(1)  The ring and I are slowly bonding.  I wore it yesterday and I'm starting to appreciate it -- even though it's bigger than I expected.  I think we're going to be fine ;)

(2)  Costco run and the paper goods hoarding has begun again in earnest.  Totally out of TP, only store brand of paper towels and not cart to be found without a pack.  The store is almost totally out and people are going nuts.  My sister is having a shortage in PA too and was told there is a temporary problem with the supply chain.  More is coming, don't panic.  We know how well that works.

(3)  Kids are under quarantine AGAIN.  My DIL's boss has COVID and she spend significant work time with her.  They were masked, but this feels like the most direct exposure she's had -- dang.  Only the youngest for football this weekend.

(4)  I got the Costco organic turkey so I'm cooking the small, TJ's one this weekend.  Turkey sammies for the games on Sunday.  Why not do Thanksgiving preview instead of leftovers -- I like this idea twist.  For as much as chicken is sometimes off putting to me, turkey is one of my favorite meats (I hope that's still true).  

(5)  I finished Belonging and am moving ahead with Mexican Gothic.  The book was very good -- all the things I'm learning about belonging in lots of details and added dreamwork discussions.  If you're into this kind of stuff, its well worth the read.

(6)  Blue is a firecracker.  FULL of energy and trying to rule the roost.  Total chihuahua and I love it.  We took him to the park yesterday and he had a good time.  He's scared of cars so after a bit, he was finished -- not bad for a first walk though.  I'm still paranoid that he's going to get out.  He watches the doors now -- looking for an adventure.  Also, we need to watch EVERYTHING because without distraction, shoes and books and all things are chewable.  LOL.  FOUR little pounds and that much destruction.  

(7)  Gibbs Gardens with my girlfriend today.  It'll be nice to walk and chat.  I won't see her for a couple of weeks so I'm glad we can get together today.

Have a happy day -- find that good.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Ring and Books

Well, I don't love the ring.  What?!?!?  Yep.  It's BIG and flashy and maybe looks like an old lady cocktail ring.  That said, it is what I asked for (in a way) and I can't have what I wanted without the big and flashy.

I wanted it set in platinum because my wedding set is platinum -- not 2 toned like the picture.  I wanted to see the individual stones so it looked like a cluster ring, not a pave ring.  I wanted a thick setting between stones because I like that vintage look.  That meant big on my finger.  There were proportion issues too -- keeping an oval that looks proportion for a ring meant longer across my finger.

Maybe a better way to say it, is I like the ring a lot, but not for everyday wear.  I love the profile of the ring, but when it's on my finger, you can't see anything but the top of the ring.

Here are a few pictures.  The pictures show the stone setting well, but don't do the SPARKLE any justice.  It sparkles A LOT (which is exactly what I DON'T like -- I know, different drummer).  

I decided I WILL wear it a lot because I want it to become a signature look.  When I got my wedding set, I thought it was too much too -- maybe this is just an adjustment.  I haven't worn any rings for 9 months and I only wear joggers around the house with no makeup.  That is also contributing to the fancy feel of the ring.  

It's also a mindset.  Tell a good story long enough and I will LOVE it (!!)  Just because it doesn't look like my usual style, doesn't mean it can't be something I like.  I want it to be unique ... check.  I didn't want something to overpower my wedding set (and it does), but it is a gift for myself and in a year of getting to know ME, that's kind of fitting that this is the bigger, bolder look.  If I inherited this ring, I'd love it -- guess I'm not confident in saying I DESIGNED this ring -- not confident I won't be judged for an old lady, flashy ring.  Need to get over that ASAP.

Now for books ... here are my two current picks and an update.  Belonging is recommended by my life coach and it's very timely (I'm halfway).  Talks a lot about dreams and the same concepts Brene Brown researches.  Mexican Gothic is going to be AWESOME (I think).  I've only read a couple of chapters, but I like it a lot.  The "voice" is easy to read and the story is spooky.  I'll probably finish Belonging before I move forward with Mexican Gothic so I can savor it.

My week continues to get switched up here and there.  That means Costco this morning.  Last run before Thanksgiving.  I'm oddly not excited for Thanksgiving this year.  Maybe it's because I'm cooking so much on the regular??  I'm sure the roasting turkey will put me in a festive mood next Thursday.

I'm still "worried" about the election results.  I'm still upset at the number of people who are back to NOT wearing masks and continue to gather in large groups left and right.  Maybe this is all weighing on my holiday mood.

I am NOT in the camp to decorate early for Christmas.  Never have been.  Don't care in the least if others want to, but I made the mistake last year of listening to Christmas music too early and *gasp* was sick of it by Christmas.  I think the same would happen with decorations.  Thanksgiving gets its moment with fall colors and scents -- then bring on the Christmas cheer.

Hope you have a very happy day.  Stay well out there in COVID land.  Later gators.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Unexpected Surprise

My 50th birthday present is READY (!!)  I pick up the ring today.  I'm excited and nervous.  I've never custom designed ANYTHING and what if I don't love it??  I think I will because it was modeled after a vintage picture AND I love the idea of something unique (i.e. if I don't love it, I'll learn to love it LOL).

The week is picking up (as weeks often do).  I want to get most of my Thanksgiving grocery shopping finished this week to avoid crowds.  I also have a walk scheduled with my friend at Gibbs Gardens.  Sunday is bookclub a week early because of Thanksgiving (I almost forgot).  Today is downtown and a run to the vet to pickup Monti's medications for the month.

I had a really good run on the treadmill yesterday -- might have been all the rice and cookies streaming through my bloodstream - hah!  I'll see if it's a fluke or a trend next run.  I felt pretty awful otherwise though -- I seem to forget all the things (a lot) of gluten does to me.  Mood, headache, sinus, joints.  Back to feeling myself this morning.  

Little Blue is adjusting well.  He's playing and being a total hambone now.  Whenever he's not happy, he complains like crazy (talks making all sort of strange noises) -- it's adorable.  I crated him during my workout and when I let him out, he was talking away -- bitchin' and a moanin'.  I left him inside while I took Monti out and he chatted up a storm when I came back in.  Total chihuahua and I'm here for it.  His eyes are so vivid (some say creepy, some say gorgeous -- eye of the beholder LOL).  Yes, they are that blue (!!)

While Blue was next to me under the blanket taking a morning nap, Monti and I had our cuddle.  I got a new sherpa hoodie from American Eagle.  It's super cuddly and perfect for taking the dogs out first thing in the morning and it's Monti approved for naps.  We have a nap cuddle at least once a day -- often more than once.

I took my dogs to the park yesterday to enjoy perfect weather.  It knocks them out for the afternoon -- yea.  We should get some other park time later in the week too.  60s and sunny -- wow.  Today I'm doing my "yoga" workout -- arms and stretching followed by a walk if dogs are settled enough.  Can't waste this weather.

I made the carrot soup again.  I need to figure out some different meals this week though -- something easy, but a change up.  I'm getting tired of my usual stuff.  The soup is yummy -- I have about 3 more meals out of this batch.  I could freeze some of it, but my freezer is packed.  

Okay, lots of rambling.  I started 2 books -- more on them tomorrow.  Both are GOOD so far.  Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, November 16, 2020

New Week

Yesterday was fun.  Hubby picked up the food and everyone was following strict protocols.  Turns out, both restaurants are closed for dine-in.  The food was good, the cookies even better (hello, GLUTEN).  Cleaning it up today.  BTW, I ordered GF macaroons, but they were such a hit, I didn't get any.  I turned my sights on butter cookies and OH MY GOD they were delicious.  I didn't even try to resist ... no regrets as long as I don't continue on a gluten kick.

I did my most challenging Peloton ride yesterday and I loved it.  It was so much fun to push hard without injury.  My legs are tired today.  Switching muscles movement to a treadmill run this morning.

Starting to form holiday meal planning.  Thanksgiving is set with a switch-up for dessert.  Making a layered slush cake -- you know ... crust, pudding, cheesecake, cool whip, shaved chocolate.  I'll use almond milk so it will be light enough on the dairy for me to enjoy.

Christmas dessert is tiramisu from the recipe we made in Italy.  I ordered the special cookies (not lady fingers).  No cream, so it's great for me too.  Still thinking about Christmas Eve meal -- I might not be able to switch things up this year.  Still thinking though.  I'm not giving in (up) just yet.

I FINALLY finished The Westing Game.  I see why this has a big following -- it's clever and complicated, but it comes together in the end.  I also see why people read it more than once.  For a short, young adult book, it took some brain thinking to keep it all straight.  New book pick today -- not decided yet and that's fun.  So many to choose ... I think I'll pick a fiction and non-fiction.

I have a nice NOTHING week ahead.  Looks like good weather (last I checked) and that means long walks, nature at Gibbs Gardens, reading, movie nights and healthy cooking (a fun mix).  Finalizing the Thanksgiving stuff and getting the grocery shopping finished earlier than usual (hopefully).  I have some house chores, but NO CLEANING (yea!!).  

I'll leave with some pictures of me and a chihuahua -- he's so much fun.  Have a happy Monday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Chihuahua in the House

We don't "rename" our fosters because there's no point (and often we name them ourselves).  This guy is named Mateo and it doesn't roll off the tongue so we went with "calling him something else."  He's very vocal -- blue eyes and a voice??  We tried Frank (for Old Blue Eyes himself).  That didn't "roll" either.

We settled on BLUE.  Blue for his striking eyes, blue for Sinatra, blue for GA, blue because no orange.  He's adorable.  Very friendly (but scared), housebroken after the first day of FOUR poops inside (and he has hookworms UGH), sleeps in the crate and LOVE to bury under covers ... that's non-negotiable.  Usually, he's just a lump under a blanket -- no dog showing.  That means we need to watch where we sit LOL (!!)

Today is our birthday celebration for our youngest (#24).  TONS of Asian food.  Sushi, Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese.  I ordered when I was hungry -- that's never wise ;)  Also, a goodie pickup from our favorite bakery -- cookies and cannolis.  I ordered and paid ahead so this should be a quick in-n-out.  Don't want to linger inside anywhere.  This Asian restaurant is the place the kids got my birthday sushi from and it was great -- also following COVID requirements with no dining in.  The bakery is a restaurant and the other side is the bakery.  It seems okay since they are separate.

I watched Adrift on Prime yesterday.  Based on a true story in the 1980's about a boat and a hurricane.  Very dramatic and a little unexpected.  Worth a watch at $3 rental charge.

Ooops -- dogs need to go out.  Happy football Sunday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, November 13, 2020

It's a Big Friday

This day is busy -- even by pandemic standards.

Contractors galore.  Most of the day.  Keeping me and the dogs away from them.  Masked all day.

Cleaning after said contractors because of germs and dust.

Foster baby pickup about an hour away.

Hubby home late tonight.

Here's Mateo post neutering in his "recovery" pjs.  Can you even with his cuteness?!?!

Duke after 2 postponements for grooming.  Bangs are popping (!!)

Have to be on the move so keeping this short.  I might not be back until Monday.   My youngest is 24 today -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY.  We're celebrating on Sunday.  Tomorrow is packed with chores and prep and a new dog.  Have a great weekend and stay safe.  Later gators.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Random Things

Duke's grooming is postponed AGAIN today -- COVID positive for one of her employees.  I appreciate her caution and care.  A lot of businesses are dialing back precautions and she's not.  Monti is all spit-shined and looking good though.  They go to different groomers -- long story.

No word on the new foster.  Today or tomorrow.  I'm super duper hoping tomorrow AFTER the contractors and AFTER I disinfect the house.  Tomorrow is a huge back day and it would help to not being dealing DAY ONE with an itty bitty foster too.

Since my morning opened up, I'm doing the grocery shopping instead of Saturday.  This'll help the weekend run more smoothly.

I made lentil soup and vegetable stir fry yesterday so I have NO COOKING today -- woo hoo.  I'm looking for a little break in the kitchen -- specifically DISHES (!!)

I mentioned buying new readers from the Oprah Favorite Things list -- I'm forever buying readers.  The ones I have now are too big to hold on my head and they constantly fall off.  The pair I wore yesterday fell so many times, it bruised and swelled the bridge of my nose.  Looks like I broke it.  This is akin to throwing your back out from a sneeze -- middle age life hits hard LOL.  Hope the new ones fit better.

Still raining - tropical air.  Feels crappy.  This is like the 4th or 5th tropical remnants that have come our way this fall.  I'm ready for cool and crisp again.

Reading is not going great this week.  I'm stuck on the current book -- The Westing Game (Ellen Raskin).  It's so short, I need to force myself to read through.  I worry if I stop, I'll never pick it up again.  If the foster doesn't come today, I'm READING it (!!)  It's not bad, but I'm not vested still.  It's short, but oddly needs a lot of focus so far (lots of characters).  I think I'll like it once I focus on it.

I have another PopCast recommendation.  Time (Amazon Prime).  It's a documentary about a couple after committing a crime.  A perspective of empathy and we need more of that now.

My legs are toast -- 3 days of hard cardio needs a REST day.  I'll do stretching and lite arms.  I'm still rollercoastering energy this week.  Hormones!!  I made a point to eat more starchy carbs and protein yesterday to see if that helps.  I'm also have a ton of sweet cravings.  I might get a treat at TJs today -- I'll check out options.  I can't get sweets off my mind, so why not have something before I end up diving into a bowl of cookie dough or something.  (That thought crossed my mind last night.)

That's all from here.  Fingers crossed for a foster-free day today so I can get my crap together.  Have a good day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Guess What ...

Book recommendation -- always makes me happy.  During our life coaching session, Holly recommended a book.  Belonging, Remembering Ourselves (Toko Pa Turner).  It's coming this week.

That's what we chatted about.  Fitting in vs belonging.  Imagining a future self and realizing that that transition is starting.  A lot of thanks to this time of being able to get to know myself well -- getting to see what I want with not much else influencing my decisions.  Also looking backwards and seeing how little pings and such were already in the works -- I didn't put them all together until recently.

I think that's why Brook Castillo and Brene Brown's podcasts last week hit so succinctly.  Stopping false desire to "see" our true desires.  Belonging to ourselves first and betraying our selves last.  

I finished Brene's book, Braving the Wilderness.  WHEN WILL I LEARN ... her podcasts always are the best parts of the book.  Nothing new from the book, just a good repeat of her podcast.  Oh well, hearing it again was fine.

This morning is a morning I can't wait to have finished -- THE DENTIST.  And Monti is getting groomed.  We'll both be happy to be back home today.

We're getting a FOUR lb foster this week.  Bless his little, little self.  Bright blue eyes, big ears and a cuddly heart.  He's named Mateo by the transporter.  He was an unexpected pull from the shelter - they advocated for him because he's so sweet and so scared.  Can't wait to love on him!!   

I got "suckered" into Oprah's Favorite Things list -- at least the part that was shown online (the full list is in the magazine).  A curry cast iron pot -- it's beautiful and a black owned company (her list is minority owned businesses).  I got new reading glasses and some plastic plates.  Quite a combination.  Pictures when they come :)

I was scrolling this new blog format looking for the day I started journaling (didn't find it BTW) and I saw that there were comments on some of the posts.  Dang -- I had no idea.  Thanks to those who left a nice comment.  It's funny to think that people read this, yet I chat as if people do -- always have, long before anyone noticed it.  Like talking to myself with people overhearing now.  Anyway, thanks again -- it was an unexpected surprise. 

Have a happy day (I will after the dentist LOL) and stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Life Coaching Day

Good morning.  

I had a good day yesterday.  I pushed hard on the Peloton and finished with a 3 mile power walk.  It's hard to remember how to balance getting more fit without overdoing it.  That felt good -- legs are tired today though.  Another bike ride this morning and maybe a walk -- storms are moving in for the next few days and it's already blustery outside.

My hormones are going a bit crazy and that's making for some strange energy swings -- at least, I think that's what's going on. 

I have life coaching later this morning too.  It's good to chat about all the "things."  I've had a few insights that I want to chat about -- I'll fill you in tomorrow.

I made the carrot soup again.  This time I was heavy handed with the spices and added ginger.  Perfecto!!  I tried to use the stick blender instead of the Vitamin (save dishes), but absolutely a big NOPE.  The blender  whips the soup to a creamy, velvety goodness.  It's what's for lunch today.  The color is so pretty -- eating a bowl of HAPPY.

I'm a bit stuck on the book front -- still resting and I haven't been in the mood.  I'll try today and if I don't read, I'll pick a new book.  Brene Brown's book is good, but I'm on the "research" part that's a bit dry.  I like the young adult book, but I'm not far enough to be vested.  I need to push into one or the other.  Lots to read and I don't want to fall into a slump.  Doing the book post has me all excited to read those books (!!)

I've also been in a bit of a mood this week because it's a bunch of things I DON'T want to do.  Dentist -- ugh.  Both dogs get groomed on different days and it's a pain in the butt.  Painters on Friday -- worst of the week.  I had to drive to pick up yucky, dirty dog crates for our rescue.  I need to bleach wash them now.  Nothing I want to do, but lots I NEED to do.  And, again, I think hormones are making me feel wonky too.  I'm going to work on getting in a better head space about it all.

To UP my mood, I need to go back to some things on my list of good/bad.  I'm doing things that are making me upset.  Reading comments on articles and posts -- big no-no.  Getting too involved (aka worried) about what the conspiracy people are doing.  Seeing emails my mother is sending people -- my OG of gaslighting.  Thinking about going to the dentist is actually worse than the hour at the dentist -- stop thinking about it LOL!!  I need to focus on things that make me feel GOOD.  That's the intention (work) for today.  

Hope you find some good and some happy in your day too.  Stay well.  Later gators. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

R & R Day

I was spent yesterday -- body, mind and soul.  Those are hard days for me because EVERYTHING is on empty.  I can't take a long walk to clear my head because my body needs rest.  I can't read a spiritual (self help) book to fill my "soul" because my mind needs rest.  You get the picture.

What do you do when it all needs a break?

First, I'll try not to get so depleted again.  I knew I was pushing, but I thought I could out run it.  I also didn't realize the extent that the election was battering on all fronts until I could stand down a little from that stress.

Usually, this complete trifecta of empty tanks would lead me to sofa surfing and stuffing my face to relax because what else is left?!?  I tried a different way yesterday -- you know, think outside the box on my pandemic life experiment.  

Easy stretch, barely arms workout.  Long meditation without any visualizations.  A few chores to help my week go smoothly (Trader Joe's, load of laundry, dog walks, etc) and easy cooking.  Then nothing else.  I didn't read because I didn't feel like it.  I didn't watch anything new on TV (reruns of baking shows instead).  I didn't talk on the phone.  I sat by myself petting dogs on the sofa in-between easy chores.  Basically staring off into space, blank mind (and taking selfies -- see below LOL).

It seems to have worked.  I woke up this morning feeling more myself.  I still need to do some replenishing, but I have something in the tanks now.

I reminded myself of Brook Castillo's thoughts on false desires vs true desires.  Eating junk food on the sofa is a false desire that accomplishes fast relaxation, but is totally followed by crap everything.  Taking a SLOW ROLL to feel better isn't as immediate, but the long game results are all good.

I want to do THIS kind of processing.  It's not my usual, so I need to be deliberate about it and deliberate requires effort and energy.  It's a tricky balance and a fight against what feels easier.

I'll leave with a couple of selfies.  One was for hubby to show him I was wearing my new Steelers shirt he gave me.  The other is my new PJs that I never wore this summer because they didn't fit (from Ellen's line).  It's warm again and I needed lighter sleepwear and the message is a good reminder for me.  Why I took the picture ... I don't know.  I was on the mindlessly sitting on the sofa and I wondered what the PJs looked like.  It downloaded off my phone with the book pictures so ... ta-da.

Happy Monday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Lazy Book Post

Here's a lazy book post.  I took pictures so I don't have to type the author's name :)  See the picture BELOW the descriptions for the author and such.

These are the two books I'm currently reading.  The Westing Game is a young adult classic (25 years old) and I've NEVER heard of it.  It reads for all ages -- mystery and fun.  Braving the Wilderness because Brene's latest podcast was so meaningful to me right now.  I've been a little stalled on both because I've been too tired to read.  Plan to make progress this week -- both are short and read easily.

Here are some other books on my To-Read dresser.  A few are older ones I pulled, a couple are sent from friends and the rest are recommendations.

In the front is the Jen Hatmaker Book Club November Selection.  It was GOOD!  The Bookish Life of Nina Hill.  Funny, smart, happy.  It's a quick read and a will leave you happy when you finish.  This is another book with a great last sentence.  

A very informed, smart friend of mine recommenced The Politics Industry.  It gives insight into the question -- how can we change current politics to become effective again.  She said it's very interesting and not party based.

Mexican Gothic is another recommendation from the PopCast (Jaime Golden).  I've enjoyed her "green light" reads before and I'm excited to try this one.

The Hidden Life of Trees is an unusual read.  It's about nature and how trees communicate.  

The Cold Cold Ground was a search from another book that lead me down the rabbit hole to this book.  I started it and put it down.  The "language" is Irish dialect and I can't get into it right now.  I'll give it another go when I'm in a different reading place.  It gets great reviews and the author seems to have a big fan following.

The Path Between Us is Enneagram -- how numbers relate to each other.  

On my short list is How to Be An Antiracist.  I've had this for months and I keep bumping it for more lite reading.  Now that the stress of the election is dwindling, I'm ready for more challenging books again.

Valentine was sent to me by my college roommate.  She loved it.

The Widow of Rose House was a recommendation from somewhere -- it's sat for a long time in the pile though.  It's a suspense, mystery and I'm excited to EVENTUALLY read it.

Warlight was passed along from other friend from her bookclub, but she said she didn't love it.  I don't expect I'll read it.  Don't like it, but maybe you will??

A few other titles mixed in.  A couple of memoir-like books and A Return to Love (which I start and stop a lot -- need to be ready to read this very thoughtful book).

I may have missed a few that I read because I mailed a big box to a friend last week.  I probably talked about them at some point though :)

Happy Reading (!!)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

It's Over

We think ... we hope.  Looks like no concession, but the results are solid.  Now we can get back to a pandemic, economic crisis, social crisis and the fight for the Senate.  GA has two Senate runoff elections on January 5.  It's a huge long shot, but you never know.

The general thought is no one wants Democrat control of the Senate because of taxes.  My thought?  All these asses who supported Trump MUST go.  I like a balance in government.  I have voted Republican.  Not now.  Not until we have NEW Republican options -- ones who won't take us over a cliff with a maniac all in the name of keeping THEIR POWER.

I thought he had won.  There is a glimmer of hope on the horizon.  We feel it here and the WORLD is celebrating.

Anyway ... it was the best news for our HAPPY Anniversary yesterday.  We also took the dogs and kids on a woods walk for a few miles.  Dogs were pooped (yea) and we had just gotten the news about the election so adults were pumped too.

I was able to easily finish the treadmill workout, but I'm overly tired otherwise.  Today is an easy arms/stretch day and I'm RESTING the old bod to get ready for the week.  I think I need some physical and mental downtime.

Trader Joe's this morning if I can get my act together and then that's all.  Reading, watching Netflix and making carrot soup if I feel up to it.  I might not even do that -- maybe I'll pick up a frozen option at TJs.  I'm really THAT tired still.  I guess my body wants a rest day in the biggest way.  (I also think some of this is hormonal again -- TMI to explain in any detail LOL.)

Oh, and I want to put together the book list.  

Happy Sunday.  Stay well.  Stay safe.  Inhale and rest.  Later gators.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Happy Anniversary (!!)

Today is our 28th anniversary.  Pretty sweet -- that's a lot of life together.  We dated 5 years ahead of getting married (33 years together) because we were YOUNG.  We're doing nothing special this year.  We don't often celebrate the non-big years -- just go out to dinner or a movie.  Not a possibility this year, so we decided on a pass.  Horseback riding is postponed so I guess that's our celebration as soon as we feel up to mounting a horse LOL.

The house is clean, the weather is beautiful -- we'll have a good day.  The kids are coming over to take the dogs for a nature walk.  We were suppose to go to them so I have nothing planned or any food available (grocery shopping tomorrow).  Last minute Annies, those two.  This time I didn't prepare an alternate plan because .... boundaries and, frankly, I don't care.  This was "their" day to plan and the ball is dropped.  I sound bitter, but I'm not.  It's just how they operate and this time I didn't step in to "save the day."

I'm physically A LOT tired (also a lot of mental stress too -- not hard to guess why).  I think the new workout routine combined with housecleaning and lots of cooking has left my body in an adjustment mode.  I was so tired last night and had nothing thawed to eat, I skipped dinner.  The thought of cooking and doing dishes was too much.  (I ate a big, late lunch so it wasn't that dramatic - hah.)  If I'm too tired to feed myself, I absolutely too tired to entertain for a meal today.

Today is a treadmill run, but I might need to scale back.  I'll see how I feel when I start -- hard to say since I'll be using muscles differently.  BTW, I LOVE being tired from hard workouts and physical activity.  It's very satisfying and long overdue.  I need a bit more rest this week though -- cleaning put the old bod over the edge.

Next week is shaping up to be one of those RUSHED morning weeks -- every single day but one.  WHY??  Good lord, it's not that I try to do this.  Grooming appointment (one scheduled, one rescheduled), dentist (have to go early), contractors for final home fixes (always early morning) and an errand for our rescue (needs to be morning too).  I need a little BREATHING space and downtime.  Sunday and Tuesday.  Holding that space for space (!!)  I think a resting kind of day on Sunday will rejuvenate all the things.

I'll end with these cuddle pictures with Monti.  He loves to cuddle while I sit at my desk in the morning.  Like the new pjs??  It's a nightdress over joggers and I love them.  Other than the loud print, they are perfect for backyard time with the dogs -- no one can see nothing lol!  I got them almost a year ago and never wore them last winter.

Have a happy weekend and stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Fun Friday (aka Bathroom Cleaning)

Floors and dusting are finished.  Bathrooms today and then I can call the house CLEAN!  I keep a running clean on the kitchen so nothing needed there.  It's so easy to clean, very relaxing ... if it only wasn't such a pisser on my back, there would be no issue.

I finished the Jen Hatmaker book club pick.  It was such a sweet book -- perfect for this week.  I super duper promise a book post coming up.  I have lots to chat about.  Hubby leaves for VA on Sunday -- I'm planning to post Monday (in case you were dying to know).  I'm equally excited about the book I'm starting today.  AND then there's the one arriving tomorrow AND then the large stack on my dresser.  Book fun all over the place :)

I'm on a search for some new plant-forward recipes.  With tofu on hold-ish, I'm getting a bit tired of my usual meals.  My rosacea is improving this morning.  I'll give it a couple of weeks and then try another tofu meal.  Fingers crossed it was something else or a perfect storm of things -- I like the tofu when you take the time to press and marinate it -- I'd like to add it to the rotation.  I'm trying to hold a flair up for my youngest's birthday next weekend and Thanksgiving.  Maybe I need to put it on hold until the end of the month.  A big flair up can take a solid week plus to fully resolve.

I bought a can of JACK FRUIT at Whole Foods -- a popular vegan item.  I thought about making January jack fruit month, but might move that up in the rotation.  I've NEVER eaten it and it looks questionable lol.

Peloton is going well.  I rode the Beginner Advanced again yesterday.  I think that's my wheelhouse right now.  It was hard and awesome.  It was my favorite ride so far -- I might even do it again this morning.  Great balance of flat, climb, intervals, speed -- got all full experience for my muscles.  The ride ended and I started a 5 minute cool down class and the power went out.  Something happened with work in the neighborhood -- we lost power and breakers were tripped.  Most of the neighborhood had the same experience.  By the time I fixed all the issues, it was too late to cool down on the bike, but that was super LUCKY timing.

I got a recommendation from the cake baker on Instagram I follow -- The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Netflix).  Adding that to my rotation.  Maybe even a movie-date night with hubby.  

That's all from here.  I'll "work" until early afternoon, then it's back-resting the remainder of the day.  Only one goal -- KEEP MY BACK FUNCTIONAL.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mindset Reset

I spent the morning getting my mind right again.  Yoga, meditation and a long walk in the park listening to Brene Brown's podcast from election day.  It's short and I listened to it 3 times.  It made me feel immensely better.  I'll listen to it again today -- it's that good!

I walked in the afternoon with my girlfriend at Gibbs Gardens.  Her daughter and new granddaughter came too.  It was another deep breath of goodness.  Nature, like-minded friends, careful COVID people.  I also had a couple of good conversations with my besties.  Deep breaths all day (!!)

I had two small disappointments in the afternoon which I handled pretty well.  I feel like I only have a faint mist of okay-ness these days and little things bring me down easily.  The first was the bookclub lady canceling our walk on Friday.  She has a "family medical situation" she's "on-call" for this weekend.  It was a polite, nice message, but the language felt dismissive -- like there would be no reschedule.  She had given me a bunch of dates through November, but didn't mentioned rescheduling.  I sent a message back -- also talking about this month's book and t-shirt and I got a "thumbs up" without a reply.  I'm not taking this personally, but I am annoyed at people's commitment level to things.  (I have been all my life.)  Ball is in her court ... if she wants to meet for a walk, I'm game.  If we never speak again, that's fine too.  I have a feeling it's the latter.

Since Friday opened up, I asked those boating friends to come over for a porch happy hour.  Guess what??  EXACT replay of last time.  "We might ask friends to boat on Friday ... not sure yet, we'll know more when we ask them."  Once again, they don't HAVE plans, but want to see if BETTER plans can be made (it was Wednesday afternoon).  Fool me once ...  ball is back with them.  If they want to get together, they can reach out.  Basically, if the weather is nice enough to sit outside, they "might" go on the lake that day.  (Their friends have boats too.)  I'll only play "second fiddle" so many times.  I replied -- have fun, we can try another time.  Her college kids come home for the semester at Thanksgiving and then I'm not getting together with them over the holidays.  There are very few options left for this year.

Now Friday is Clean The Bathroom Day.  Oh well.

Tufu Month might be over as quick as it started.  I LOVED the recipe I made, but since that night my rosacea has been in full bloom.  Nothing else has changed.  I googled it, and soy is reactive for some people.  My face is still on fire this morning.  It was probably enough to push me over a threshold.  I'll let this flair up die out and maybe try one more time ... depending on how bad this flair up gets.  Bummer.  Here's the recipe, BTW.

Marinated Tofu

Today is a homebody day.  Cleaning floors and dusting -- nothing to write home about.  Relaxing and reading once I finish.  Book post IS coming, I promise.  Have a happy day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The Day After

I didn't watch any news yesterday and woke this morning to nothing but disappointment.  I had no thoughts the election would be THIS close.  It feels defeating.  Four more years of this HATE in control is overwhelming.  Hate seems to keep pulling a victory in every corner.  And it looks like it's heading the same way this time too.

It's hard to understand.  It's hard to believe.  

This is going to be a long fight and one that we might go a lot lower before we feel hope again.

An out-of-control pandemic, hate in office everywhere I look, Trump supporters screaming hate from so many households (people stand outside their house yelling support for this ass in this area).

I've been ready for this possibility, but SO HOPEFUL that it wouldn't come to this.  I fear what will happen to our country with hate in control in every branch of government.  They can actually decide to end our democracy.  

Love wins ... but today it doesn't feel that way.  Stay well.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day 2020

First, my act is NOT together and I don't have my book list ready.  It's coming and it full of some good ones ... stay tuned (!!)

I'm staying clear of all news TV today.  I'm turning OFF my phone around 6 o'clock tonight and getting a regular night's sleep.  The news can wait until Wednesday morning and I doubt much will be definitive, even at that point.  Lordy, this is nerve racking.  TOO MUCH is riding on this election.  I don't think I'm overstating it to say our democracy is on the line.  

Anyway ...

Whole Foods today.  My last "adventure" out before the pandemic started was Whole Foods, Container Store and lunch with my girlfriend (everything is in that area).  I haven't been back since the first week in March.  Wow.  

I want to go when Whole Foods opens, but it opens at 7 o'clock.  I'm not sure if that's senior hour still, so I'll plan to get there around 7:30 -- that should be early enough.  This feels FUN!  I'll shop the center area a bit too because I need a few things for my neighbor's get-well basket (she had emergency surgery a few days ago) ... and that might mean a treat for me too :)

I read an article on tofu ... how to prepare it and the texture options.  I didn't know you needed to press it before using in a stir fry.  Good information and that's the point of highlighting an ingredient of the month.  Let tofu month begin.  I expect Whole Foods will have a lot of options.

I'm awake ridiculously early (thanks, Duke).  He got me up at 3:15 and I'm wide awake.  Since I need to get moving early this morning, I stayed up.  I probably could have fallen back to sleep, but by the time I did, it would be alarm time.  I'll look at it like I didn't time change yet.  I can go to bed super early tonight anyway.

I'll leave with one book goodie.  I bought a 1920's copy of L.M. Montgomery's book, Anne's House of Dreams.  It smells old, looks old and I LOVE it.  Anne of Green Gables was my favorite book series.  If I had a daughter, I planned to name her Anne.  I love green this year.  It was meant to be, so I say lol.  I have it displayed on my desk to remind me of all those things.  P.S.  If you haven't watched the Netflix series, it's awesome too.  The cover is greener than it looks in this picture.

Stay well.  Stay sane.  One way or another, tomorrow will come.  Later gators.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Sunday Recap

If you follow football, you know the Steelers had a nail-biter game to stay undefeated this year.  The Fam was super happy.  We enjoyed the Sarris' chocolate treats from my sister and surprise Terrible Towel masks for the family.  She sent GF chocolate pretzels.  Sarris' is amazing chocolate (PGH famous) -- creamy, rich.  Ten steps up from other brands.  I planned to have a treat yesterday since I had ZERO Halloween candy (yea, me).  It was worth the wait, but, as good as it was, I'm not craving many actual sweets -- so this didn't "set me off."

Dogs cuddled all game (weather was perfect for cuddling and we had the windows open).

The Dolly Parton ride on Peloton was fun.  The regular 30 minute rides seem to notch it up a bit in difficulty -- especially during the "rest" times.  Hardly felt like a rest.  The "hard" wasn't much harder, but the entire ride was a step up.  Today, I'm trying a Sing-A-Long -- great music list.  I'll see if the regular rides are too much, but pushing (without hurting) is a-okay.  If so, I'll mix it with with the Beginner Advanced rides until I get stronger.

Nothing on the calendar for today.  Groomer pushed Duke's grooming tomorrow because her employee had COVID exposure from a party.  She was mad -- but, thankfully, very safe.  I'll hit Whole Foods tomorrow for some grocery store variety since the morning opened up.

Tomorrow (if I get my act together), we can chat books.  I have a list of some good ones.  TV seems a bit stale for me right now.  I haven't found the next binge series.

I need to re-think Christmas Eve modified plan.  Looks like everyone will be here and my DIL doesn't like sushi.  She'll eat the cooked kinds, but that seems like a bummer for Christmas Eve.  Maybe this is a tradition when it's just the three of us??  They decided to NOT go to the wedding (good choice), but I think they are trying to see her family on Thanksgiving.  Better choice, but not the best since the family will have attended that wedding days before.  This year is complicated, but we all need to do the right things.

Christmas Eve needs to be something I can make ahead and NOT spend the day in the kitchen.  I'm not sure I can think of anything "special" enough.  I'll get thinking ...  it's tiring just thinking about all those meals in a row.

That's all from here.  Workout, dog walks and some house cleaning.  Relaxing day and I'll take it.  Finishing up the hard part of my monthly and that requires a little bit of down time.  Stay well.  Later gators.