I'm tired and I feel like MY stuff is getting overrun with other things. This is my fault -- the foster dog was my choice and he's proving to be a handful. Applications are coming in, but nothing is a match yet. I need to problem solve a little to figure out how this week can run more smoothly.
It doesn't help that it's storming -- yesterday evening and still this morning. Little guy won't even consider potty outside in bad weather.
When my tanks are low and I can't easily do my "good" things, I look toward false pleasures -- snacking while watching TV, throwing in the towel on a hard workout, eating sweets, being lazy, etc.
I feel potential for a BIG slip to come and I need to head it off before it starts. Also, my energy after my monthly is tanked for a few days too. That's adding to the feeling of DOING NOTHING and being a SLUG on the sofa all day.
Guess the solution is crate the little guy while I do productive things. I can't do much with him on the loose because you need eyes on him all the time. He chews EVERYTHING. I'm afraid a quiet dog means my sofa is toast.
I'm typing this and he's in his crate sleeping. He doesn't like to get up before the sun and that's a little advantage. We tried to go outside (fail) and he ate breakfast in his crate when we got back. He's tucked himself under the covers again and is sleeping. Guess this is a win.
Goal this week: TRUE DESIRE work. I know what works to feel good and I need to diligently do that work.
Recovering from a busy, non-me week is hard. True desires aren't instant gratification. I'm not practiced to wait through the transition period back to feeling grounded. I think the solution is to NOT get UN-grounded, but that's will take a lot of trial and error -- especially around the holidays. My monthly will visit at Christmas again -- bummer. Guess I get another opportunity to practice.
My agenda today is simple. Stick with the basics that work.
Journal. Cold shower. Workout. Meditation. Eat well (take time to cook). Read more (less TV).
I'll add making a to-do list for the week too. Making sure I'm productive on some level. Lists help me relax too.
Let's find some HAPPY today. Stay well. Later gators.