Thursday, November 15, 2018

Well Played, Universe

Do you remember my favorite little story about the Universe according to Eckart Tolle?

Ask for PATIENCE and the Universe offers you opportunities to PRACTICE patience.  I add that the moral of the story is NEVER ask for PATIENCE.

My intention yesterday?  Energy and .... drum roll ... PATIENCE.  Crap.  Yep, an entire day of practice created just for little old me.  Thanks Universe ... I fell for it, silly me LOL!

I won't go into detail, but it was a doozy of a day.  I held it together (but the tanks are low today - already snapped at dogs barking this morning ... oops).  I didn't get to do my afternoon routine because I was busy "practicing" but since I was busy I didn't snack and dinner was fine.

Mostly unrelated, my calendar filled to overflowing yesterday.  So many things got added on - some fun, some chores (hello bug guy AGAIN).  I feel totally overwhelmed.  From now through the new year it seems like too much on the calendar.  I'm sure it's not as bad as it feels, but I feel my PEACE melting away.  One step at a time ... it's hard suddenly.

I see the problem, so I need to be diligent to get ME time, quiet time in my days.  I'm also CLOSING the calendar to additions -- when I have a choice.  I'm using this weekend as a POWER weekend to get some stuff of my list.  Push through, get a little wiggle room.  I'm up against every task right now (not ahead on anything) and that's freaking me out.  Solution seeking.  It's one of my favorite teachings from PHB.

Today is a mixed bag.  I have FUN planned for most of the day, but I'm itching to get some work off my plate so fun seems less fun.  I will stay in the moment as much as I can.

What fun, you ask?  Going ring shopping with the eldest today - super exciting.  Heading downtown to Atlanta's MART.  Then our GNO group is making bracelets - very excited for some CREATIVITY.  Remember I nailed flower arranging?  High expectations for me tonight hahaha.

Okay, quickie today.  It's like the holiday season appeared in one huge mess this week.  Time to get moving.  Did I mention my son's birthday was Tuesday - we are celebrating tomorrow and I have NO presents yet??  Breathe ...

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