Friday, November 30, 2018

Finally Friday

This low-key week has been anything but low-key and the weekend is no different.

Since tomorrow is DECEMBER it's fashionably correct to decorate hahahaha and decorate I will!  I used to love to decorate, but the last few years it feels like a chore.  I love it when it's finished, but I fantasize about a year of no decorations.

This year continues the NO CHRISTMAS CARDS.  It was life changing to take away that pressure and everyone "sees" us on social media anyway.  Eventually, I'll be taken off the card list of friends, but, oh well.  I "see" them on Facebook too.  We'll make a $$ donation to Releash instead.

I'm taking my first kickboxing class this morning.  The Wednesday boxing class has been a mix of both and I actually like the kickboxing more than I thought I would - another huge learning curve, but I didn't expect anything different.  As long as I get a good workout, I don't care what I look like doing it.  I'm trying to consistently go to class twice a week.  It's harder than I thought to fit it in even though there is a class every day that I should be able to make.

I tried the new podcast yesterday (Will Schwalbe: But That's Another Story).  It was good-ish - it was an author talking about the most influential book it her life.  I enjoyed it - short and sweet.  Not so interesting that I can't wait to listen to another one though.  It's a reprieve from self-help podcasts and I will give it another go soon.  I think this might be an issue where "intellectual" people recommend "intellectual" books -- maybe not my style.  War and Peace was enough to last me for at least a decade!!

I ordered two things online for my upcoming travel in December to trial before our big trip in May.  In the last few years, I seem to have some bathroom stasis on trips and it's so awful.  I had to go to the big gun meds in London last year.  My fear is that they'll work too well - trying to get that balance is nerve-racking!  I think it's the travel schedule change combined with a radically different vegetable consumption.

The first thing is powered greens.  I've had these years and years ago (my early Tony Robbins days).  Since I won't have my green drink in the morning, I hope this might be a useful option.

The second is something I might have been suckered into -- The Emperor's New Clothes kind of thing.  Molecular hydrogen.  I keep seeing it pop up with Instagram peeps who travel a lot (with no affiliated brand - just molecular hydrogen).  They pop the pill in water and use for travel days as an extra boost for immunity, energy and overall recovery.  No downside other than wasting money.  I get such jet lag lately and traveling out west in 2 weeks before the BIG engagement day, makes me nervous to get sick.  I'll try it and see what happens.  It's one of those things that's hard to know if it REALLY works.  Not getting sick doesn't endorse it's worth.  Maybe it's a placebo effect, but NOT getting sick and feeling less jet lag is worth trying no matter the reason for success.  Stay tuned ...

Happy weekend, happy last-day-of-November and welcome Christmas madness!  Later gators!

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