Saturday, November 10, 2018

Quick Hello and New Routine

I'm up super early so I have a little quiet time this morning to say hello.

I started brain-storming on how I can improve my evening routine.  Part of the reason I don't work on my evening routine is I get stuck.  How do I make it better?  My usual solution is white-knuckling it until it's over.  That doesn't feel great or work regularly enough.

By late afternoon/evening, my energy is lower, my stamina is down and I don't have any interest in repeating a morning routine.

What I know for sure is ...
   no snacking
   eat a dinner sitting down
   plate is vegetable heavy.

I made a list of possible ACTIVITIES instead of plopping down on the sofa to watch TV - which triggers snacking, then eating a "finger" dinner that's low in veggies (and too many days opening wine).

By the end of the day, I'm sick of talking to people (too much phone stuff between PHB and Releash).  I want quiet time before everyone comes home.  I'm usually over dog walking and exercise too.  I still walk the dogs before bed, so ANOTHER walk holds no interest.

What I'm searching for is a way to RELAX that requires little energy and brain focus.  I like to read before bed, but that's AFTER I get my relaxation fix in the evening.  If a book is fantastic, I'll choose reading, but it doesn't work regularly.

My idea (so far) is when I'm finished with my "working" part of the day (chores, Releash stuff, etc) and am ready to relax is to begin that time with a ROUTINE.  Something quick and easy.  Go into my office, do 5 minutes of meditation (that's my new baseline - look at me go LOL) and listen to a podcast while having a cup of tea or water with lemon.  Something that triggers positive behavior time, something new.

Meditate on something other than intention - since that's my morning meditation.
Water with lemon (or tea) because that might cue me into morning feelings.
Podcast - motivating and passive, just listen and enjoy.  Maybe some that are more fun than inspirational.

I have a NEW routine for Tuesday night during my PHB call and I was commenting on that recently. That quickly Tuesday is something different.  I need to add something different in the late afternoon/evening.  I'm good at adding.  Less good at subtracting.

I also thought I could spend the time visiting my goal list.  That might be more "work" than I'm looking for at that time of day though.  It's an option.  If not working on it, reviewing it maybe is better.

I like the idea of quick and easy because some days I don't have a lot of time.  I'm busy longer and it's not such a big window.  If it's something quick, I can regularly start the TRIGGER to a new ROUTINE no matter my schedule.

After the OPENING, I would come down and prepare dinner.  Cook, create, plate ... so it's not reheat and eat at the counter.  I've been cooking while I'm making Releash calls to get it out of the way so I can relax by evening.  Maybe that's not working for everyday.  I've been in a cooking rut and breaking out my new InstantPot cookbook might be fun.  I have to play with this idea.  Having most of the dishes finished early in the day is really appealing though -- I'll experiment with this one.  Maybe some days, not all the days.

That's all I have so far.  It's not a home-run, but it's a start -- and it's kind of fun to work on another area of improvement instead of so much focus on my morning routine which is already good.

Okay, this is good-bye for real this time.  See you on Tuesday (with pictures -- I need to remember!!).  Happy Weekend!  P.S. it feels like a Friday to me - I'm so confused!!  Later gators.

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