Wednesday, November 21, 2018

H.E.L.P. me!!!!

OMGosh!  The dog situation is CRAZY folks, like hit me over the head crazy.  Thank the lord I did most of my holiday prep yesterday.  Only InstantPot sweet potatoes left for today.

I was super prepared and yet it's out of control.  A female in HEAT is no joke.  She's the sweetest, easiest dog in the world and HEAT has turned her inside out!  We'll manage - no other choice!

The dog situation combined with my husband and son arguing made for a rough morning between hubby and me (and last night too).  I told him to handle his own mood - I don't have it in me to coddle him.  I also declared anyone who ruins Thanksgiving is dead to me.  (Not quite that nasty, but a version of those words.)

Remember how I said I needed to live in the NOW and enjoy Thanksgiving, not rush it away with thoughts of Christmas.  Never mind.  I CAN'T WAIT for MONDAY!!!

This is no time for self-help crap.  NOW is for suckers.  I heard that on a podcast.  A well known motivational speaker lost her savings to Bernie Madoff and a friend said - remember nothing important is lost.  She replied this was no time to be spiritual (hahaha).  Even she needed some turn arounds!  Thankfully, my situation isn't that dire (yet).

This is nothing wine can't fix.  LOL. (Look at me laughing through clenched teeth.)

Some good news in the crazy is I was on-point with baking/cooking yesterday.  There's some yummy foods heading our way.

Apple pie.
Whole 30 cranberry sauce.

Balsamic onions (before cooking for 3 hours)

Preview pie

The Whole 30 cranberry sauce is delicious.  Cranberries, apples, orange juice, zest, cinnamon, salt.  I used the Vitamix to make it totally smooth this year.  Put it in cute mini jars and it's perfect!

Balsamic onions are an old Suzanne Sommers recipe (love her books - she's a great cook).  Sweet onions hollowed out a little.  Butter, thyme, garlic slices, salt and pepper.  Sauce is mix of 1/2 red wine, 1/2 balsamic vinegar.  Cook on low heat forever.  It's the perfect acid for the heavy dinner.

Gravy is made.  Bacon is cooked.  Thanksgiving day isn't going to be too bad.  After the cleaning crew today, I'm setting up some of the stuff for tomorrow.  My back might be okay after all.  It's all the easy stuff left for Thursday.

Okay - I need to tend to dogs.  If I can't check in, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  Be thankful, stuff yourself, smile through the crazy and drink whenever necessary!  That might be my mantra today!

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