Friday, November 30, 2018

Finally Friday

This low-key week has been anything but low-key and the weekend is no different.

Since tomorrow is DECEMBER it's fashionably correct to decorate hahahaha and decorate I will!  I used to love to decorate, but the last few years it feels like a chore.  I love it when it's finished, but I fantasize about a year of no decorations.

This year continues the NO CHRISTMAS CARDS.  It was life changing to take away that pressure and everyone "sees" us on social media anyway.  Eventually, I'll be taken off the card list of friends, but, oh well.  I "see" them on Facebook too.  We'll make a $$ donation to Releash instead.

I'm taking my first kickboxing class this morning.  The Wednesday boxing class has been a mix of both and I actually like the kickboxing more than I thought I would - another huge learning curve, but I didn't expect anything different.  As long as I get a good workout, I don't care what I look like doing it.  I'm trying to consistently go to class twice a week.  It's harder than I thought to fit it in even though there is a class every day that I should be able to make.

I tried the new podcast yesterday (Will Schwalbe: But That's Another Story).  It was good-ish - it was an author talking about the most influential book it her life.  I enjoyed it - short and sweet.  Not so interesting that I can't wait to listen to another one though.  It's a reprieve from self-help podcasts and I will give it another go soon.  I think this might be an issue where "intellectual" people recommend "intellectual" books -- maybe not my style.  War and Peace was enough to last me for at least a decade!!

I ordered two things online for my upcoming travel in December to trial before our big trip in May.  In the last few years, I seem to have some bathroom stasis on trips and it's so awful.  I had to go to the big gun meds in London last year.  My fear is that they'll work too well - trying to get that balance is nerve-racking!  I think it's the travel schedule change combined with a radically different vegetable consumption.

The first thing is powered greens.  I've had these years and years ago (my early Tony Robbins days).  Since I won't have my green drink in the morning, I hope this might be a useful option.

The second is something I might have been suckered into -- The Emperor's New Clothes kind of thing.  Molecular hydrogen.  I keep seeing it pop up with Instagram peeps who travel a lot (with no affiliated brand - just molecular hydrogen).  They pop the pill in water and use for travel days as an extra boost for immunity, energy and overall recovery.  No downside other than wasting money.  I get such jet lag lately and traveling out west in 2 weeks before the BIG engagement day, makes me nervous to get sick.  I'll try it and see what happens.  It's one of those things that's hard to know if it REALLY works.  Not getting sick doesn't endorse it's worth.  Maybe it's a placebo effect, but NOT getting sick and feeling less jet lag is worth trying no matter the reason for success.  Stay tuned ...

Happy weekend, happy last-day-of-November and welcome Christmas madness!  Later gators!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Want some podcast learning?

Gretchen Rubin all the way yesterday.  Here's some stuff I came home and wrote down for reference for a future time (except the new podcast - adding that to my library).

Let's call her GR so I don't have to type her name every time (lazy fingers today).

GR likes to have an Emergency Book Title on the ready if she is traveling and finds herself without something to read.  Something she's looking forward to reading, page-turner and easy to find in an airport.  I like this idea, but in kindle form.  When she reads the book, she adds a new emergency title.

Her past favorites:
The Witch Elm - Tana French
Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry

New podcast recommendation for READERS.  Will Schwalbe has guests talk about books they love (not the author). Great way to get excited about new reads.  It's the podcast I'm adding to my list.

Will Schwalbe: But That's Another Story
This is a site that condenses non-fiction reads into 15 minute summaries (both written and audible).  Don't have time to read Think and Grow Rich - do the down-any-dirty version.  I like this idea as a way to preview a book.  Do I need or want to delve into more detail, or is a summary enough?  There's a free 7 day trial and a reduced yearly membership if you use her code.  This is on a possible gift list for 2019 for me.  I think it's around $70 for the year.  Her code is

Bandolier.  It's a phone case that straps over your shoulder.  Allows you to talk, take picture, etc with your phone on the ready.  Great for travel or times you want to take pictures or might set down your phone in the chaos of the moment.  EXPENSIVE ALERT.  Most are around $90-100.  Also, the reviews are super mixed.  It seems like a number of broken straps or phones that swing and get damaged or hard to put phone in the case.  Not for me, but I'm on the lookout for something cheaper for when I travel.  It's a great idea.  GR loves it though.

Finally, GR's sister recommended a book, The Paradox of Choice - Barry Schwartz.  I've read on this subject before so I don't necessarily need another book, but it's interesting research.  This would be the type of book for!!


In other news ... I made it to boxing.  Yea ME - got it done!!  Today is a stretch and meditation morning.  I'm sore from intervals and then boxing the next day.  My hamstring and quad has been bugging me and I need to be careful to let it recover.  I'm hitting kickboxing tomorrow and a run on Saturday, so rest works today.

Another dog day.  Transporting PUPPIES to a new foster, doing some training and another long new foster phone call.

I've been running around, but getting it done.  My head space feels content, but I felt a pressure yesterday - like I couldn't get relaxed in my chest, hidden stress.  Does that make sense?  So ALL IS CALM might not be totally true yet.  I'll work on it again today.

Still loving my 100 URGE list (on the second day LOL).  It actually excites me to have an urge so I can allow it and write it in the book.  It's still the honeymoon phase and I haven't had very big urges, so we'll talk when the shit gets real - aka cookie dough!!

I'm looking forward to my post titles in December - I'm "looking" for options every time I hear a Christmas song.  It's the dumb little things.

However, it's still November so I'm ignoring the pressure to decorate.  Someone said that they were "so behind," just decorating yesterday.  My reply ... IT'S NOVEMBER!!  My fall wreath is hanging defiantly proudly on my door.  Excuse me while I go listen to some Thanksgiving Christmas music hahaha!  (Boy, I love the cross-out feature today.)

Have a good one!  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

And then the Universe Speaks! (Pictures too!)

Well, my day of ME became my day of BARELY me.  Bummer.

First, I got a text from a neighbor asking to join me on my long dog walk - CONNECTION.  I said 'yes' and it was okay, but we didn't walk as long as I planned and the conversation was flat.  I ran intervals before, but had to cut my meditation a bit short.  Not particularly worth it as it turns out since it cut into MY stuff.

Then Releash rescue stuff exploded.  I was on the phone for HOURS - no exaggeration.  Got a lot accomplished and helped people and dogs alike, but FILLED my schedule for the week with transport, training, etc.

I found out Aspen is ready to come back to me TODAY and I wouldn't have said YES to all the other stuff if I'd know I was taking her back so soon.  Another 3 hours plus of driving.  I'm going to try to box this morning, but I don't know if I can make the timing work.  The vet closes for 2 hours at lunch and I can't hit that window.  A friend offered to come along, but I decided to drive alone and listen to podcasts.  I need quiet time and I need ME stuff.  Gretchen Rubin is my driving pal today.

Since the day was shot in terms of RELAXING time, I put myself to work ... paid bills, set up dog pens, organized, cleaned, cooked.  Busy as a bee yesterday!!  The Universe had other plans for my quiet day.

I have my first entry in the RESIST URGE book.  I numbered up to 100 and even writing that took a lot of time!  100 is A LOT!!!

I had a fun thought for my posts in December - every title will be Christmas music lyrics.  Where have I heard that LOL?  I have such a hard time coming up with a title - this will be fun.  I need to be playful and add some fun to this December.

Yesterday I also put into place SOLUTION FINDER.  It's a great "tool" that I never used for little things and it works super duper well in helping me get through my schedule.  I had a double problem with the date of my next house clean (not home for the cleaning and that's hard with the dogs AND my house would be dirty for company the following week).  I asked to switch weeks, if possible and YES!  I never ask to switch and she was so nice to accommodate me.  Two problems solved with one solution.  I cancelled my physical AGAIN.  I don't have time this week now and there is no rush since I've been to all the other appointments.  See you in January doc.  I switched a lunch date to help me out too.  There were a few other things and it WORKED - well, dang.  Surprises me every time!

The PHB call last night was good.  It was an overall check in with everyone and that's my favorite kind of call.  Lots of good homework this week too.  TED talks (my favorite) and a podcast from Rachel Hollis.  Maybe I'll add some links when there is a particularly good TED talk.

My packages are arriving - not with best luck.  Damaged cake plate from Anthropology (got on Black Friday special).  It's a gift for a friend and it's BEAUTIFUL.  They are sending another one.  Old Navy sent me my Black Friday order too.  When I opened it, I thought is was a box of junk.  Crumbled up clothes, no plastic wrap, stuffed in the box.  OMG Old Navy - not cool.  Nothing was damaged though.  I smoothed and ironed out the wrinkles and it looks okay now.  I briefly thought about calling and complaining, but what would they do?  What could be done?  Not worth my time.

Here are a few goodies so far.

Anthropology holiday kitchen towels.
Black Friday and super fun hostess gifts.

For ME because I love it!
Nut or snack bowl - also Anthropology.

Possible dress for engagement party.
I haven't tried it on yet, but I liked the length of skirt and sleeves.
I was looking for festive without overdressed.

Sleeper romper.  I think I mentioned ordering it.
BEST material, so comfortable for sleeping.
I'm not a nightgown person and this is way better.
They run oversized.  This is a S/M and it's big.
Also, NO static cling so far - huge pet peeve of some material.
I imagine I'll have some podcast learning to share tomorrow - hahaha.  The only good thing about a long drive.  Later gators.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Back to NORMAL

Well, that took longer than I planned.  Doesn't it always for me?!?!  I need to evaluate for Christmas.  Either PLAN to stay off plan for a few days or DO WHAT I SAY and get right back on track.

I'm AM back now, but not before several days of NOT (partially due to some hardy PMS).  I'm on the same cycle for Christmas so I need to plan accordingly.

I stayed clear of sweets, but made up for it with BREAD.  Bread with butter and more bread with butter.  What was I thinking?  Risking a cold sore before so much social stuff in December.

I listened to an extremely timely Brooke Castillo class last night.  She did a series of free video classes over Thanksgiving and they expired last night.  I wanted to watch at least one so I could "see" her in action.  (I watched 2.)  Anyway, the one that was timely was on cutting back drinking -- which can be a fill-in-the-blank statement.  Cutting back sweets or alcohol or junk food or snacking.  You get the idea.  Cutting back or cutting out.

I keep saying I'm sabotaging myself and I don't know why.  I give up sweets and suddenly add bread?!?!  Her class made me realize my mistake.  I'm still FIGHTING and RESISTING my URGES regarding sweets (at least I was over Thanksgiving).  By fighting and not simply allowing them, I gave into pop-up urges instead (hello bread).  She has a suggestion to make a list of 100 urges times -- every time you allow the urge without giving in, write it in a book.  Most people will have the urge disappear long before 100 times of practice (some need another 100).  It doesn't have to be consecutive.  I have a notebook and this exercise starts today.

It sounds fun - I like a list and I like a COUNT of something.  Bring on the urges!!

Today is also FULL STRENGTH self-care.  The dog-crazy and holiday week took me back to baseline with a lot of my healthy habits.  Time to kick it back up today.  Hubby is out of town, youngest is working and it's only me and MY 2 dogs.  Aspen stayed for behavioral assessment and training - probably a week, at least.

I had a LONG car ride yesterday (over 3 hours) so I hit the podcasts hard.  I chose Gretchen Rubin.  I'm digging her stuff right now.  I like the dynamic between her and her sister.  She's logical, straight-forward and unapologetically herself.  When someone is totally authentic, it gives you permission to be too.  Being Gretchen.  Being ME.

Two take-aways - there is a site that allows you to compile a list of your favorite podcasts and instructions to listen to them that you can print and give as a "free" gift.  I don't have the name (I need to go back and write it down and then I'll share - I was driving).  I'm adding this "gift" for my girlfriends this year.  Bonus gift.  I love the idea.  It also makes me want to explore other podcasts too so I have a fun list of recommendations.

UPDATE - I looked it up ... here you go.  Gift of Podcast

Second take-away was from a listener.  She makes a theme every holiday season that she uses for gift giving and keeping an intention to enjoy the holidays.  Gretchen says they do this at the beginning of the year for the new year, but loved the idea for the holidays.  You take a lyric from a Christmas song (or any song) and make it your theme.  I won't use it for gift giving, but I will use it as a reminder for my intention for December.

All is calm, all is bright.
Comfort and joy.
Joy to the world
The stars are brightly shining.

You get the idea.  Take the lyrics and interpret them for your holiday.  (Fun when you hear the song and your lyrics as a little reminder.)

I'm copying, "All is calm, All is bright."  It's my INTENTION for holiday 2018.  It's a busy December and I want to stay calm.  All is bright - it's all good busy and I'll miss that if I don't pay attention.  This isn't a list to get through and cross off.  This is a season of family and friends.  Connection and good experiences.

This is so much fun!  There are so many awesome choices in song lyrics.  I went back-and-forth because I loved so many of them. This would be a great idea if you are doing a gift exchange - choice a Christmas lyric and theme a gift accordingly.  You can put your lyric on a tag on the outside of the gift.

Tonight is my PHB call and per usual, I'm up super early (hubby had an early flight and dogs wanted to get up too).  I'm also on my yucky day from the old monthly witch.  Not necessarily looking forward to doing the call tonight ... happens every Tuesday.  No point in acting shocked LOL!

I did a lot of cyber shopping this weekend.  I was panicked about not having any shopping done, but I ended up getting a lot of good deals.  I'll do some pictures and such when things arrive.

Today feels like "my Monday" in the best possible way.  A day of all ME and I super duper need it.  Have a good great spectacular day (let's upgrade!!) - later gators.

Monday, November 26, 2018


Hubby has been home and is working from home again today.

Tough to get a post to say hello!

We survived Dog-Thanksgiving of 2018 - yea us!!  Too many dogs, too little turkey (I'm making 2 no matter what every year), but it's in the books and we are officially looking toward Christmas.

Decorations this week?!?  Maybe, hopefully ... we'll see.  I need some recoup time.  I did get a ton of shopping finished, mostly online, but youngest and I ventured out yesterday and got a couple of things off the list.  (The fact that I have a list is BIG progress.)

We (mostly hubby) hung the picture wall.  We need to picture stabilizers (as you can see in the picture).  They came in the mail, but I haven't fixed them yet.  Not bad for $50 bucks from Target.  They came with two sets of black and white pictures if you wanted artwork, not photos.  They also came with a hanging templet and it worked super well.  The frames aren't nearly as nice as Pottery Barn, but it saved hundreds of dollars (seriously!!).

Today, I'm taking the little princess, Aspen to the far, far away vet to be evaluated.  Something needs to happen for her.  I didn't think they would give me an appointment TODAY and now I'm missing boxing - bummer.  The drive through the city on a Monday post Thanksgiving will be torture.  Hello PODCASTS!!

The family is up buzzing around -- time to go.

Happy Cyber Monday!  Hope you find some great deals (I got new sweat pants from Gap already this morning - I like the material and it was time to get new.)  More on all the SHOPPING goodies soon!  Later gators.

Friday, November 23, 2018

For the Love of Left-overs

Need I say more - OMGosh, I love left-overs!

Turkey, W30 gravy, sweet potatoes with cinnamon, balsamic onions and W30 cranberry sauce TIMES TWO plates!!  My belly is happy and full.

I started with the green drink and instead of carrots, I added left-over celery.  I over bought celery in a big way - what was I thinking?  Green drink is now also a celery drink - hahaha. Apparently, juicing celery is some sort of trend now - guess I'm one of the cool ones.

Today is windy and blustery and a perfect post-thanksgiving day.  I long walked dogs, arm lifted, meditated, listened to a podcast and feel nicely accomplished this morning.  We're going to hang the picture wall today (I think - if hubby is up for it).  I'll post pictures when we do it (maybe today, maybe tomorrow).

First is a bunch of Releash calls - voicemail, pretty please.  I'm not in the mood today.

After calls and hanging pictures, I think I'm putting my feet up in front of the fire and chilling!  I have  about a 1/2 bottle of wine left-over too and that sounds about right for tonight.

P.S. I hope the boys finish the pie today - it's been a hard resist since it turned out so well.  Still, it's a good decision for me - holiday or not.

Black Friday means staying home for me.  I might hit up some online ordering later too.  Oh, the possibilities once my dumb calls are finished LOL.

Later gators.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving (in pictures)

It was probably the BEST Thanksgiving I've had in recent years.


Most of the work was long done.  That's my new timeline - Tuesday prep cooking instead of Wednesday.  I was so much more rested today.

I ate mostly healthy food.  I stayed clear of the hard carbs and no after dinner energy slump.  I still had a fabulous dinner and a good amount of wine.  Perfect balance.

I kept my head-game HAPPY.  I spent the day in gratitude (might sound corny, but it worked).  I listened and sang to Christmas music all day.  Duke and I had our first Thanksgiving run - our own personal Turkey Trot.  We ran fast and hard - he slept all day long LOL.

We used my parent's 50 year old wine glasses, a fun wine decanter, wine from our trip to Napa last year and napkin holders from Champagne in Paris.  Lots of stuff with meaning and memories.

Wine decanter.
Hard to see the napkin holders on the plate.

Such a funny picture of Duke!

Kisses.  I love you too.

Junebug.  Two big heads - takes after her Granny :-)

My Duke.

Yum - everything was delicious, if I do say so myself
and I do!!  I have it down to a science in the best way.

Bourbon cocktail.  I passed since bourbon and I don't get along.

Happy Thanksgiving!  Back to "normal" tomorrow.  Later gators.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

H.E.L.P. me!!!!

OMGosh!  The dog situation is CRAZY folks, like hit me over the head crazy.  Thank the lord I did most of my holiday prep yesterday.  Only InstantPot sweet potatoes left for today.

I was super prepared and yet it's out of control.  A female in HEAT is no joke.  She's the sweetest, easiest dog in the world and HEAT has turned her inside out!  We'll manage - no other choice!

The dog situation combined with my husband and son arguing made for a rough morning between hubby and me (and last night too).  I told him to handle his own mood - I don't have it in me to coddle him.  I also declared anyone who ruins Thanksgiving is dead to me.  (Not quite that nasty, but a version of those words.)

Remember how I said I needed to live in the NOW and enjoy Thanksgiving, not rush it away with thoughts of Christmas.  Never mind.  I CAN'T WAIT for MONDAY!!!

This is no time for self-help crap.  NOW is for suckers.  I heard that on a podcast.  A well known motivational speaker lost her savings to Bernie Madoff and a friend said - remember nothing important is lost.  She replied this was no time to be spiritual (hahaha).  Even she needed some turn arounds!  Thankfully, my situation isn't that dire (yet).

This is nothing wine can't fix.  LOL. (Look at me laughing through clenched teeth.)

Some good news in the crazy is I was on-point with baking/cooking yesterday.  There's some yummy foods heading our way.

Apple pie.
Whole 30 cranberry sauce.

Balsamic onions (before cooking for 3 hours)

Preview pie

The Whole 30 cranberry sauce is delicious.  Cranberries, apples, orange juice, zest, cinnamon, salt.  I used the Vitamix to make it totally smooth this year.  Put it in cute mini jars and it's perfect!

Balsamic onions are an old Suzanne Sommers recipe (love her books - she's a great cook).  Sweet onions hollowed out a little.  Butter, thyme, garlic slices, salt and pepper.  Sauce is mix of 1/2 red wine, 1/2 balsamic vinegar.  Cook on low heat forever.  It's the perfect acid for the heavy dinner.

Gravy is made.  Bacon is cooked.  Thanksgiving day isn't going to be too bad.  After the cleaning crew today, I'm setting up some of the stuff for tomorrow.  My back might be okay after all.  It's all the easy stuff left for Thursday.

Okay - I need to tend to dogs.  If I can't check in, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  Be thankful, stuff yourself, smile through the crazy and drink whenever necessary!  That might be my mantra today!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

I Have Nothing to Say

Really, kind of nothing.

All week is holiday prep, today is more of yesterday.  I'm making pies, cranberry sauce and balsamic onions (that take about 4 hours in the oven - acidic and perfect for turkey).  Ant guy is coming to set bate and spray AGAIN.

I flew through the grocery shop yesterday.  I had an organized list, shopped at a store I know well and had a lot of pantry things already purchased.  I'm holding off on the salad greens until Wednesday.

Dogs got groomed, bills paid, Christmas gifts organized on my wrapping table and dog supplies rearranged for better use too (my neighbor's dog died and she donated a bunch of stuff for the rescue).  Productive day.

I set up a long folding table in my office for all things Christmas.  It works well.  Nothing gets in the way, nothing gets lost and I put a sheet over it all so no spying.

I don't have any cool finds from my Instagram posse yet.  Come on people - show me the fun stuff!  I had a lot of good ideas last year and I'm counting on them again this year.

I haven't read, listened to any good podcasts - nothing new on the self-help front at all.  Christmas music has taken over a lot of my listening.  I've been too tired to read at night.  This is fine but I need to return to "normal" on Friday.  Right back on the old bike.  Exercise and meditation are holding firm though.  Adding meditation to my exercise routine has made it stick without much effort.

I love Thanksgiving, but this year I'm wishing it away a little.  It's anticlimactic with only 3 of us and there is so much happening in December, I want to move ahead to Christmas.  My intention today is to stay in the NOW and enjoy Thanksgiving too.

I won't keep typing more of nothing LOL.  Happy holiday prep day folks - wishing good kitchen karma for all!  Later gators.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Changing Things Up AGAIN

I headed to Home Goods yesterday with the intention that it was the first stop of many.  It was the first and the last stop.  I TIMED the line - 40 minutes to check out.  Holy cow!!  I got all the dog presents and some Christmas incidentals, but it was a one and done.

I headed to a different shopping area to grab the bread we like from Whole Foods.  Couldn't find a parking spot.  New bread plan this year - wow!!

Kids were over for football and I ended up taking the left-over chicken and the freshly cooked chicken and making a huge dinner.  It was a last minute masterpiece (if I do say so myself -- and on behalf of Nom Nom Paleo).  A friend gave me the last of her garden lettuce so we had a garden fresh salad, roasted veggies, chicken and the BEST GRAVY EVER.  We opened a good bottle of wine and sat and had a family dinner.  Unexpected and fun.

Here's where the week is changing up.  I don't know if I mentioned that Releash Atlanta made a huge boo boo with Junebug (my grand-dog who we are dog-sitting Tuesday through Sunday).  She was not spayed and is in HEAT now.  Never-ending heat.  We thought it would be wrapping up by now.  She is mad crazy for my male dogs.  Fighting and crazy behavior galore!!  She needs to wear a diaper and the little lamb stinks.  Oh my poor poor poor poor poor house.

There is no way I can watch 5 fighting dogs and get apple pies made (one for Thursday and our preview pie).  I'm adding the pies to my Tuesday list.  It's my only option.  I hate to make it ahead by that many days, but after yesterday, we have to do something different.

ANTS.  Again this morning.  All over the kitchen, all over us as we cleaned them up.  They are in my hair.  I keep "finding" them as I'm typing, yet when I look for them, I don't see any.  I'd say I'm imagining it but there are bodies!!

Let's see.  Smelly dog in heat.  Ants in every room with water pipes.  Non-housebroken dog going potty in our dining room (and wherever she wants).  Want to join us for Thanksgiving??

This is my eldest's first Thanksgiving away from home.  He found out last night dessert is pecan pie and they don't make stuffing.  His face was priceless.  His favorite thing is stuffing and he hates pecan pie.  Oops.  He'll live and have a fun time in Colorado regardless.  Who DOESN'T have stuffing though???  Pecan pie is a part of a lot of Thanksgiving tables - that I understand.

After the crazy lines shopping (I know the weekend before Thanksgiving was a sucker mistake), I ordered some gifts online.  Progress with Christmas shopping and that makes me happy.  Christmas is back on hold this week and focus is on Thanksgiving.

Let the CRAZY begin.  Good luck to everyone - I think we all need it.  Later gators.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Reverse Everything

I decided to change up some of the weekend.  Instead of shopping, I did the cooking.

Crock pot whole chicken so I could make Nom Nom Paleo's awesome gravy.  Easy, but a huge mess getting that gravy ready!

Meatballs using Costco's organic ground beef.  They are delicious!  Higher fat than I normal buy, but I've never used organic beef.

BACON!  To last the holidays.  I batch cook the bacon to about 95% done (I like crispy) and freeze to use from Thanksgiving to Christmas brunch.  HUGE mess and time saver.

I went to the grocery store and the crowds of people overwhelmed me.  No Christmas shopping yesterday.  I'm heading out today and that feels like a better choice.  I didn't have it in me yesterday.

I have another chicken to cook today (comes in a 2 pack from Costco).  Otherwise -- no more cooking.  Football is pizza for the family.  Meatballs, bacon and chicken are getting frozen.

My big shop list is finished for Monday.  Tuesday is prep day.  Wednesday is pie day and then TURKEY Day!!

Plan is made, stuff getting done ... I'm feeling loads better.  Later gators (dogs bugging to go out again - what else is new??).  Later gators.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Puffy Jacket

Georgia has officially mandated it's winter uniform - the puffy, long jacket.  It's below 50 degrees and Atlanta is all decked out in sub-zero attire.  We went out to dinner for youngest's birthday last night and I think we were the only ones not in a puffy jacket hahahaha!!  (Full disclosure -- I was in a puffy vest - representing a little!)

Dinner was fun - festive and delicious food.  We had a great server and that makes it all the better.  I ate well and had 2 glasses of wine - just what I expected.

I had trouble getting on the blog today - kept saying it didn't exist.  Obviously, it's working now.  I'd be bummed to miss years of journalling.  If I disappear someday, I died or lost the blog domaine.  Just in case you'd wonder ...

Today is another day of getting-crap-done!!  I hope to be a little ahead of the game by Monday.  I kicked it yesterday - tons off my list.  Tons more to go!

Archie is adopted - great family.  Happy for the little guy and we miss him (as usual).

Proposal plans are in full swing!  We have to cancel a weekend of Christmas parties, but it was the only weekend that worked for everyone.  December 15 is the big day.  (It might mean canceling my updo hair appointment on Friday - that might never come off my bucket list.)  It's becoming a perfect proposal - all the elements of fun, humor, romance and family.  

I also have to back out helping a friend with her big GNI couple's party.  That's not going to go over well.  I'm not telling her until all the plans are set because it could still change.  I can still help with the pre-planning and work though.  I hope she understands.

I've slow rolled my morning - I needed a little relax time to start the day, but it's time to get moving.  I'm doing a little Christmas shopping, grocery shopping, lots of rescue calls and a home check today.  Strange to add Christmas shopping, but getting a little started will help me relax.  I'm hitting the stores that are out of the way for odds-and-ends.  

Later gators.

Friday, November 16, 2018

"One of the best days I've ever had."

Words from my son who bought a perfect engagement ring for his girlfriend of 6 years yesterday!  We met with our jeweler and she helped give him such a great experience.  Education, fun and THE RING!

The ring is being made and proposal plans are forming.  It's going to be SPECTACULAR!!  It's "so her" and "so them."  Understated, timeless, elegant, thoughtful ... the ring and the proposal.  Stay tuned ...

He called his future in-laws and he's aiming for a December proposal.  My heart!!  He was so excited, he asked for a picture of the two of us!  My heart AGAIN!!

GNI last night.  We made bracelets - lots of fun and HARD!  I needed triple magnification glasses, but I'm proud of the final product - woo hoo!  Creativity ... check.

Today is ANOTHER full day.  Lots of phone calls, errands and out to dinner tonight to celebrate youngest's birthday.

I was able to start catching up a little yesterday so I'm feeling better about my schedule.  I ran and ran all day yesterday, but it's paying off.

I stood up for some things that worked for ME.  I left GNI at 9:30 last night - first to leave, but I needed to be home to sleep (even though everyone asked why I wasn't staying for a glass of wine). I chose a few snacks, but brought a mug of tea instead of drinking wine (it was COLD outside - loving it).  Progressive dinner party in December - I said that I can't host the main meal this time because of the dogs.  I'm doing the side dishes and a wine pairing - but it's not at my house.  I got so burned with the workload last time and this time I'm stepping back and speaking up.  Solutions.  It works.

This is a week where my lists have lists.  Time to get moving this morning.  Happy Weekend!  Later gators.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Well Played, Universe

Do you remember my favorite little story about the Universe according to Eckart Tolle?

Ask for PATIENCE and the Universe offers you opportunities to PRACTICE patience.  I add that the moral of the story is NEVER ask for PATIENCE.

My intention yesterday?  Energy and .... drum roll ... PATIENCE.  Crap.  Yep, an entire day of practice created just for little old me.  Thanks Universe ... I fell for it, silly me LOL!

I won't go into detail, but it was a doozy of a day.  I held it together (but the tanks are low today - already snapped at dogs barking this morning ... oops).  I didn't get to do my afternoon routine because I was busy "practicing" but since I was busy I didn't snack and dinner was fine.

Mostly unrelated, my calendar filled to overflowing yesterday.  So many things got added on - some fun, some chores (hello bug guy AGAIN).  I feel totally overwhelmed.  From now through the new year it seems like too much on the calendar.  I'm sure it's not as bad as it feels, but I feel my PEACE melting away.  One step at a time ... it's hard suddenly.

I see the problem, so I need to be diligent to get ME time, quiet time in my days.  I'm also CLOSING the calendar to additions -- when I have a choice.  I'm using this weekend as a POWER weekend to get some stuff of my list.  Push through, get a little wiggle room.  I'm up against every task right now (not ahead on anything) and that's freaking me out.  Solution seeking.  It's one of my favorite teachings from PHB.

Today is a mixed bag.  I have FUN planned for most of the day, but I'm itching to get some work off my plate so fun seems less fun.  I will stay in the moment as much as I can.

What fun, you ask?  Going ring shopping with the eldest today - super exciting.  Heading downtown to Atlanta's MART.  Then our GNO group is making bracelets - very excited for some CREATIVITY.  Remember I nailed flower arranging?  High expectations for me tonight hahaha.

Okay, quickie today.  It's like the holiday season appeared in one huge mess this week.  Time to get moving.  Did I mention my son's birthday was Tuesday - we are celebrating tomorrow and I have NO presents yet??  Breathe ...

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Healthy Habits Update

Self Sabotaging 

I wrote about this in my PHB homework last week --  I seem to be a walking SELF-HELP CLICHE.

Fear-of-letting-go of my less-healthy ways.  Why?  My guess is I don't know what happens if I'm not working on THIS STUFF.  Who am I?  I'm either busy breaking healthy habits (nothing) or busy sticking to healthy habits (all) and it occupies so much headspace -- for decades!!  (Ummmm ... no shock there - I think every post hits either one of those things.)

If I'm NOT doing one or the other ... what am I doing??  What do I "work" on?

Lately, if I nail my meditation in the morning, I let my food slide.  If food is spot on, I don't do my affirmations.  You get the idea.  Then I have one area to "work" on the next day.  Sabotaging something.

It's the "problem" I know like the back of my hand.  I don't like it, but it's somehow a comfortable place at the same time.

I made a conscious decision to stop doing this and it's going well.  When I put it all together, it worked ... worked amazingly well!  I realize I'm on an upswing right now (what goes up comes down) BUT I'll take it!  I'm making a lot of progress with my MINIMUM BASELINE of all these habits so my DOWN shouldn't be as low.

No Dessert Decision

I had a little panic attack after I announced NO DESSERTS FOREVER!  Every sweets looked like a precious gift for my mouth.  I had massive cravings.  Massive doubts.  Yet, every time I imagine the future having made the decision, it's perfectly clear and perfectly right.

What I'm noticing about this decision is that each time I chose to NOT eat dessert, it's like making a deposit in the bank.  It's getting easier.  The decision feels stronger and more stable.  It's not a temporary experiment, so these decisions build on each other.

Gretchen Rubin talks about this in her book too (timely reading).  Stacking coins each time you execute a healthy habit.  One coin means virtually nothing, but lots of coins is life changing.  The paradox is you must built to LOTS by doing ONE at a time which can feel insignificant.

Afternoon Routine

My newbie habit!  I tried it yesterday and it went well, but it's still new and interesting.  I need to see if it has sticking power.

I took 15 minutes and reviewed my goal list, did 5 minutes of meditation and finished a podcast.  I made dinner at dinner time and waited to eat until I sat down at the table.

It was Tuesday night and that's my PHB call, so the night already flows better.  Today will be a better test of a regular day.

Smoothie Choices

After a quick read/skim of Body Love book, I decided to try her smoothie formula.  It's the stuff I use already, but add collagen peptides (I'll save them for the smoothie instead of first thing in the morning), add fat and add fiber (chia seeds for example).  This is a hardier smoothie and an actual meal.

It's basically the formula that PHB uses - so I guess mine has some crow in it LOL.

I'm having a little food boredom and trying a different breakfast might be nice.  I have to see if it's too heavy.  Worth a try though.

I'm starting tomorrow since I have my gyn appointment this afternoon.  New food combination (with extra fiber) might create a situation for me at my appointment LOL.  Better play it safe - you're welcome doc!


Good news to report on this.

First, it was cool to do my beach visualization meditation actually on a beach this weekend.  I closed my eyes on the beach chair and no one was the wiser.  Hubby was fast asleep on his chair.

I gave up the 21 day meditation.  I don't like it.  Deepak explains too much before the meditation starts - I want an intention, little explanation and get at it.  The one I use is from another 21 day meditation he did.  I'm open to trying it again since each cycle has a different theme and it's free.  I don't need to listen to the beach one anymore -- I do it in my head and set a timer on my phone.

Also, per my Accountability Partner's prompting, I'm piggy backing it onto my workout.  I have a yoga pillow and I sit on the floor.  No one bothers me.  I'm tired from the workout and sitting still feels good and it's easier to clear my thoughts.  Attaching a new habit to a well established habit.  Thanks Darcie!


Meditation and affirmations.  Dang, it works.  Focus on a specific intention and it manifests (or you manifest it by focusing on it).  Put the idea in your head and your brain searches for it.

I get excited to decide on my intention for the day.

On that note, I'll end with my INTENTION for today.  Later gators.

Energy and patience.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I'm BACK with Pictures!!

Fun trip 😎  Always glad to be home.  The weather that was supposed to be a bust in Florida was perfect.  Breezy and some fluffy clouds - my perfect beach weather.  The ocean was CHURNING (code GNARLY on the beach LOL) and the waves were fun to watch.  We took a long beach walk and found a reef with several blow holes.  I "missed" the big shot every time on the camera, but it was impressive (and scary) in person.

We ate well, but I didn't overdo it at all (yea ME).  Sunday brunch with hubby's colleague was a super fun 3 hours with awesome conversation and two spicy Bloody Mary's -- my kind of afternoon.  I made a point to try to BETTER my experience by asking better questions.  We went DEEPish (no small talk) pretty quickly (at my direction) and had such a diverse conversation.  Not one bit of work talk and not one awkward silence.  They are an interesting couple so it made it easy.  Thanks Brooke for the how-to suggestions.

Our last night we opted to make a dinner run at the grocery store and stay in to watch the game.  It was a relaxing night without overdoing.  Bag of shredded veggies with a rotisserie chicken and a bottle of wine.  I ate all the veggies, the chicken breasts and one glass of wine (bottle was cheaper than any of the wine-by-the-glass at the restaurants).

The Marriott was super nice.  Loved the room and the workout room was great.  The staff was lacking though -- nice, but not helpful.  Took so many follow-ups to get pillows, broken hair drier, flipped circuit breaker so no power, information -- things like that.

I read and read and read.  3 books - one was partially finished (Better than Before - Gretchen Rubin), one was new beach read (Party Girl - Rachel Hollis), one I skim/read on healthy eating (Body Love - Kelly LeVeque).

Better than Before - loved it.  Habit talk in GR style.  She is straight forward and I love her primary law - being herself.  She suggests ideas from perspectives of different personalities, etc and directs you to change habit to fit YOU.

Party Girl - also loved it.  I had no idea Rachel wrote a fiction series before becoming a motivational speaker/writer.  It's a pure sappy junk read and it was FUN!  I don't know if I'll read all 3 books, but it was cheap and entertaining.

Body Love - FREE read with Prime.  The concept is interesting and I might be changing up my smoothie recipe (more on that later).  The book wasn't good though.  I liked the podcast with Rachel Hollis though - explains much better than her book.  It was free.  I don't agree with everything, but she makes some interesting points.  Skim it if you get it free (library or amazon) or better yet, listen to the RISE podcast.

We took an earlier flight home.  We wanted that flight, but I was flying on a companion ticket and it wasn't available.  We flew standby and so happy we got home 6 hours early.  Weather in Atlanta is on a brutal rain pattern.  Traffic was a mess (even in mid-afternoon on a holiday).  We were able to pick up Aspen a day early, unpack, grocery store shop and get "real" life started last night.  P.S.  I love this weather - rainy and high of 45 degrees (only a pain to drive home from the airport).

Today is my youngest's 22nd birthday!  We are celebrating on Friday.  He's going out with his brother tonight (so I can have my PHB phone call).  I'm making a rice crispies cake for him today.  Archie is meeting an older couple this morning - fingers crossed.  Late lunch out with a friend today.  Full day.  Full week actually - more on that later.

Here are some pictures from the trip.  Later gators.

Accidental picture LOL.  I can't see crap in the sun!
Look at those clouds - perfect beach weather for me.

Fun bridge the FIRST time.  Then not as fun hahaha!

Just missed the BIG shot - was twice as much, at least.
You can see the last part of the blow hole at the end of the waves.
The sand is wet because some of the waves spray that far - scary!!
Totally cover people when it happens - I'm no where near it LOL.

The refrigerator section of the mini-bar.  OMG.
And, of course, ridiculously expensive.

Beach time.
Looks more crowded than it was - this is pretty much all the people on the beach in this picture.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Quick Hello and New Routine

I'm up super early so I have a little quiet time this morning to say hello.

I started brain-storming on how I can improve my evening routine.  Part of the reason I don't work on my evening routine is I get stuck.  How do I make it better?  My usual solution is white-knuckling it until it's over.  That doesn't feel great or work regularly enough.

By late afternoon/evening, my energy is lower, my stamina is down and I don't have any interest in repeating a morning routine.

What I know for sure is ...
   no snacking
   eat a dinner sitting down
   plate is vegetable heavy.

I made a list of possible ACTIVITIES instead of plopping down on the sofa to watch TV - which triggers snacking, then eating a "finger" dinner that's low in veggies (and too many days opening wine).

By the end of the day, I'm sick of talking to people (too much phone stuff between PHB and Releash).  I want quiet time before everyone comes home.  I'm usually over dog walking and exercise too.  I still walk the dogs before bed, so ANOTHER walk holds no interest.

What I'm searching for is a way to RELAX that requires little energy and brain focus.  I like to read before bed, but that's AFTER I get my relaxation fix in the evening.  If a book is fantastic, I'll choose reading, but it doesn't work regularly.

My idea (so far) is when I'm finished with my "working" part of the day (chores, Releash stuff, etc) and am ready to relax is to begin that time with a ROUTINE.  Something quick and easy.  Go into my office, do 5 minutes of meditation (that's my new baseline - look at me go LOL) and listen to a podcast while having a cup of tea or water with lemon.  Something that triggers positive behavior time, something new.

Meditate on something other than intention - since that's my morning meditation.
Water with lemon (or tea) because that might cue me into morning feelings.
Podcast - motivating and passive, just listen and enjoy.  Maybe some that are more fun than inspirational.

I have a NEW routine for Tuesday night during my PHB call and I was commenting on that recently. That quickly Tuesday is something different.  I need to add something different in the late afternoon/evening.  I'm good at adding.  Less good at subtracting.

I also thought I could spend the time visiting my goal list.  That might be more "work" than I'm looking for at that time of day though.  It's an option.  If not working on it, reviewing it maybe is better.

I like the idea of quick and easy because some days I don't have a lot of time.  I'm busy longer and it's not such a big window.  If it's something quick, I can regularly start the TRIGGER to a new ROUTINE no matter my schedule.

After the OPENING, I would come down and prepare dinner.  Cook, create, plate ... so it's not reheat and eat at the counter.  I've been cooking while I'm making Releash calls to get it out of the way so I can relax by evening.  Maybe that's not working for everyday.  I've been in a cooking rut and breaking out my new InstantPot cookbook might be fun.  I have to play with this idea.  Having most of the dishes finished early in the day is really appealing though -- I'll experiment with this one.  Maybe some days, not all the days.

That's all I have so far.  It's not a home-run, but it's a start -- and it's kind of fun to work on another area of improvement instead of so much focus on my morning routine which is already good.

Okay, this is good-bye for real this time.  See you on Tuesday (with pictures -- I need to remember!!).  Happy Weekend!  P.S. it feels like a Friday to me - I'm so confused!!  Later gators.

Friday, November 9, 2018

No More Busy

Well, my jammed packed day is suddenly empty.

Ring shopping is postponed until next week because of my son's work schedule.  I was relieved to have some time open up this afternoon.  It's going to rain all day and that screws up traffic so the drive would've been miserable too.

Then, the PHB person I was meeting to have a walk cancelled because of the weather too.  Here's my issue.  The original plan was walk (weather permitting) or coffee.  Guess no coffee option??  Also, she texted me asking if there was another day and I texted back with an option.  Crickets.  Not one text back.  All afternoon, evening and nothing this morning.  Are we doing this again??  I'm ready to throw in the towel.

Dropping Aspen off at the boarders is also postponed since they open early tomorrow, we can save her one night of boarding.

My day is now rescue phone calls and packing.  We have an early day tomorrow, so early to bed.  Good news is I got all my junk finished yesterday.  Yea ME!!

Our "romantic" (we're never really romantic LOL) anniversary weekend  is a rain-filled mess.  We are now meeting a colleague of my husband and his wife for lunch one day (because we are going to be bored).  I'm packing my laptop and Italy travel books and we are planning our trip for the spring.  Flying to Florida to plan another trip - crazy.  BTW, I finally remembered (looked up) where we are going -- Singer Island.  Lots of walking, eating, reading and trip planning.

On the self-help front ... reading Gretchen Rubin's Better than Before.  I tabled Seat of the Soul re-read because I found out Gretchen writes about giving up sugar -- timely.  It's a good book on habits.  I like her observations and her point that just because someone else likes something doesn't mean you need to like it too.  Being Gretchen (substitute your name)!!  She doesn't fight her NATURE.  She doesn't waste energy on forming habits that don't need to form for her.  Her example is lots of people do well monitoring and charting their expenses.  She doesn't overspend and doesn't have an issue with finances so to spend energy logging, monitoring her spending is a waste of time for HER.  That kind of thing.  My favorite self-help peeps all subscribe to INDIVIDUALITY.  Direct energy to areas that YOU need work - not wasting on habits YOU don't need to implement (even if it's the THING everyone is doing).

Reading this book has me evaluating some things.  Once again, I have a mostly stellar morning routine, fair mid-day routine and a lousy evening routine.  When we get back from our trip, my focus is going to be those 3 hours that trip me up in the late afternoon/evening.  I'm going to think about a plan this weekend.  How can I fix this one area?  Spending some quality habit building energy on these 3 hours will give me HUGE results.  I keep putting energy into constant improvement of something that's already good while barely touching the problem time of day.  Duh, let's change that up!  I'm inspired - thanks Gretchen.

P.S. I finished Girl with the Seven Names.  It was very interesting - especially since it's about very recent times.  Interesting about the events, but also interesting about how her family felt about everything.  Worth the read.

Until Tuesday ... later gators.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Apologies ahead of a boring post ...

The dresser delivery went well.  They gave a 30 minute window and arrived on-time - holy cow!!  It's my grandmother's dresser and nightstand.  I still need to attach the backboard to the dresser.  My mom included an old plate collectable she had in our farm house in Ohio.  Mom likes to collect plates and now I have the a lot of that collection.  I like circles in decor so plates are fun additions.

The picture is coming down and the little white table is a table my grandfather made and my grandmother stitched the cover.  I'll figure that out too.  This is the only room we had to put the dresser for now.  Once my youngest moves out, we're making his room the primary guest room.  The blue plate is my mom's.

Just a couple more pictures while I'm at it. 

Aspen PROOFED.  It kind of sucks!
My poor dining room!

Getting along and SHARING.  This rarely happens.
She blends in perfectly with the bed LOL.

Today is TASK day.  I have a completely full (kind of overfull) day tomorrow and I need to get stuff done today ahead of the trip.  Dog, house, pack, rescue work, PHB homework, etc.  Other than a nail appointment, I'm home working.

I baked last night because I needed an anniversary treat for hubby.  The bakery with gluten-free choices suddenly closed.  It was our favorite go-to bakery - bummer for the family who owned it.  That left me with baking during the witching hours.  This was the first real baking I did after I declared no more desserts - forever.  It was moderately hard.  Me and batter have a past that can't be easily forgotten hahaha.

Christmas cookies will be my biggest challenge - cookie dough is my first love.  I'm changing up how I bake this holiday because I don't completely trust myself.  I'll do the holiday cookies, but only enough for Christmas - not all of December.  The other weeks I'll bake things that don't tempt me as much - cheesecake bars, lemon squares - stuff where the batter is gross.  The family won't even notice.  They want treats - any treats!

If I'm MIA for a few days, it's because of the trip.  Back Monday night.  I hope to still get a post tomorrow and maybe Saturday morning.  My goal this trip is to take some pictures!  P.S. Just like EVERY anniversary trip lately - rain expected the entire weekend.  Oh well.  When will we learn!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Midweek Updates

Partial election victory, but dang - wanted more.

I had my hair appointment yesterday and the entire salon is getting revamped - including the staff.  Everyone up and left the owner (my stylist) for a new venture and she took the opportunity to make the changes she's wanted to for years.  What it means to me is better hours (finally open all week) and OTHER services.  I'm scheduled for an updo in December ahead of a holiday night out!  Finally!!  I'm so excited to learn how to do something different with my hair.  It's been a mini-bucket list item for a couple of years.  We have a local Dry Bar for a blow-out and style but I couldn't make it fit (and I heard mixed reviews - hair gets BIG and DONE and I want simple).

(Side note - when I saw Dry Bar, I thought it was a trendy OXYGEN bar and I wanted to try it LOL.)

I mentioned switching my hair appointment this week worked well so I could be ready for tickets to a women's event.  She said - OMG are you going to RISE.  Yep.  I guess it's that big of a thing.  I didn't know.

It got us talking about all of this self-help stuff, etc.  She said the reason she handled a phone call that every stylist was leaving and then turned it around was the work she's done on herself for years.  She had a moment with her feeling, turned it around and then hit the ground running with her new vision of the salon.  Within 24 hours things went from CRAP to AMAZING.  She said it's a win for everyone and sometimes change needs to be sweeping change.

Some days I wonder if I'm going TOO MUCH all in with self-help stuff.  After the conversation yesterday, I know it's a good balance and it's good work.  It matters and it helps maneuver through shit that hits the fan.

In other news, I have a delivery of an antique dresser today.  My great grandmother's furniture.  My sister was holding it for me since my mom moved and downsized.  She was planning to deliver it with her trailer, but shipped it instead.  I'm excited (pictures to come).

The PHB person finally got back to me and we are walking Friday morning.  I'm not thrilled with her MIA status, but I'm curious to meet her so in the name of "adventure" ... it's happening.

Oh - and today is my 26th Anniversary.  Happy Anniversary to us!  We are celebrating this weekend with a quick trip to Florida to use timeshare points.  I thought hubby was out of town all week, but he's back tonight (I totally missed that one!!).  Now I need some sort of anniversary something.  Shoot!!!  It turned out to be a busy week and I'm scrambling to get my life in order hahaha.  The weekend will be fun!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rachel Hollis and Other Tuesday Excitements

I thought the urgency to buying Rachel Hollis tickets was a myth, exaggeration at least.  The tickets were to go on-sale at 1 o'clock with an email opening the link for her email subscribers.  The link opened 20 minutes early and the event was sold out by BEFORE 1 o'clock.

Darcie was ON IT!  We have tickets and the trip is ON!  So many peeps so angry about the email timing - can't blame them.  She's adding another event in July.

Based on what I'm hearing, reading, etc ... Rachel Hollis is just hitting her mark.  She's just jumped to a new level and is becoming a hot commodity.  I think seeing her at this level is a good thing.  Big enough, but not too big yet.  I'm super excited.  (It would be funny if her add on event is in Atlanta - it's a possibility for sure.)

Other Tuesday excitement is HAIR DAY!  I'm long, gray and frizzy.  Time to get prettied up again.
That's all the excitement.  Rather misleading title today.

PHB call tonight - with the time change.  Oh boy.  Why does one hour throw me so much?

I need to get my butt to the grocery store.  We are on empty on all fronts.  I'm in a cooking slump and I think it's going to last all week.  It's a full week and we are away this weekend, so I don't foresee any masterpieces in the kitchen happening until at least next week.

AND - it's warm, muggy, miserable out.  I hope the storms push the tropical feeling out by tomorrow. Fall is missing again and I sure don't feel like making any comfort food, but I'm tired of summer fare - guess I'm bored with my food right now.  Hubby left for out of town today and I think me and the youngest are going to have some meals out.  Variety without any work sounds good to me this week.

Last night was a Cabi clothing party at a neighbor's house.  The only time I get invited over to her house is to buy something so she can get her new wardrobe for the season.  In the name of getting-better-experiences, I declined.  The clothes are nice, but expensive and you can get them at the outlet in a couple of months for half the price.  Instead, I got in bed with dogs, a book, a cup of tea and some extra sleep.  Much better experience.

I went out to brunch with a friend and we had some extra time to kill so we walked around our favorite antique-craft market.  I got new napkins for Christmas - great price and cute!  My red napkins are grease marked and time to let go.

I also got 13 blocks.  You can spell Christmas - great. I figured you can spell other holidays too (letter on 4 sides of the block).  Nope.  Seriously??  What can you spell?  I should have passed on them.  I wish it came with a list of possible words.  What a random mess LOL!  I did get HAPPY out of the letters.  No 'Thanksgiving' and no 'thanks' even - probably can do Easter.  I'll have to play some more.

I'm so far behind on Christmas shopping this year - don't even have many ideas yet!  Ugh.  It's going to be a scramble.  I need to get moving or I'm in trouble!

Saving the most important for last ...
VOTE is today!  I early voted - thankfully - and I hope with all my might that some changes happen.  This rhetoric of hate needs to stop.  We need to make it stop.

Later gators.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Something About a Monday

Mondays get a bad wrap - and I was one of those haters when I was working too.  I understand liking Monday depends on what Monday means.  Vacation Monday is way different than start-of-the-work-week Monday and way different than I'm-not-working Monday.

For me, right now, Mondays represent back to MY STUFF.  My self-care, alone time, quiet house, weekly to-do list (I love a list) and 5 days of rinse and repeat.  I'm in a phase of enjoying Monday - a mini new beginning, filling up the tanks.

I thought today was starting out rough, but the skies parted and all the "things" turned out to be nothing.  Espresso machine NOT broken.  Dog food NOT empty.  Computer NOT broken (just an hour update and now all is well).  Bring it Monday!

Anyway, today is buy tickets to Rachel Hollis event in June.  I've been watching her stories on Instagram and I like her "live" much more than her book.  Three of the 4 of our PHB circle are planning to go - fingers crossed we can get the tickets before they sell out.  I'm excited to go and excited to meet these ladies.  Connection, saying YES, having an adventure - it's all what I need to push myself to do.

I need to be home at 1 o'clock for the tickets so lunch became brunch with a friend this morning.  My hair appointment was changed to tomorrow because my hairdresser had a business conflict.  I have a nail appointment later in the week and heading to the jeweler with my son to RING SHOP (I'm gaining a daughter-in-law)!!!!  Then packing to go away with hubby for our anniversary - more on that later.

I'm supposed to meet up with a PHB local person, but she's MIA on responding to our Friday date.  I have a feeling it's not happening and even if it does, I don't hold out much thought that we'll become friends.  Pet peeve - we decided on Friday 10 days ago and now haven't heard ANYTHING back.  Where, what time, what are we doing??  How hard is it to plan - to give a quick answer back?  It's "holding" my day and that's annoying -- especially since she might be cancelling.  We only communicate through the network and I'm left hanging.  Can't deal with peeps like that on a regular basis.

I'm going to try an easy workout this morning.  My shoulder is hurting, but I'm curious if that changes if I workout.  If it's no worse, I'm back to workouts.  Not working out is hard.  I need to sweat!

Here are a couple of dog pictures for your Monday enjoyment.

My sister sent this for Aspen, but she doesn't understand how to use it!
Duke LOVES it!

3 of the 6 dogs here yesterday.  We've become THOSE people.
Zoey, Duke and Archie AND my swag wine shirt!

Last thought for today.  My coach, Holly posted on Instagram highlighting the difference between ALL IN and all-or-nothing.  It was a good message.  How do you go all in without activating that perfection all-or-nothing?  The answer is resilience  - it's okay to fall, okay to take steps backwards.  ALL IN isn't a straight line.  All in is NOT giving up.  I needed to hear it.

Have to run after the computer update that said 12 minutes took an hour - not shocking, but there went my computer time this morning.

Fingers crossed for Rachel Hollis tickets - it's a big day!  Later gators.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Weekend Update

We spent the day at a Releash Fundraiser Wine Festival.  I didn't want to go, but it ended up being the best event this year.  I had my own station to pour 4 wines.  I looked up the wines, talked them up, set up my station with "extras" and people loved it.  Hubby was next to me at a beer station (beer at a wine festival LOL).  We were next to the Releash tent with the dogs too.  Couldn't have been more enjoyable.  We were at a wine festival about a month ago -- some stations were FUN, some were boring - so we did the FUN things - talking, connecting, laughing, engaging.  It's hard for me as an introvert, but it was worth it.  Great day all around.  I took pictures, but the sun shaded them all funny - nothing worthy to share.

Came home, crashed on the sofa.  My neck was sore from the procedure Friday.  Ordered take-out and watched Ocean's 8.  It was okay for a rental.  I like the actors a lot and that's what carried the movie.  We gave it a C+.

Today is FOOTBALL SUNDAY and I'm "cooking" for the gang.  Tater tot nachos back by request.  Super easy, but I need to shop first.  I was too tired yesterday.  It should have been a half day, but they were short volunteers so we stayed.

We used that extra hour and didn't even notice it!  The sleep felt good.  I'm so glad our foster dogs love to sleep in!!

Not much of an update.  Happy Sunday!  Go Steelers (and Jets!).