Monday, December 19, 2022

Monday Before ...

I'm home and recovered to start the final Christmas rush.  But, I want to remember to slow down and enjoy it.  The food doesn't need to be perfect -- nothing does.  Family time, fun weekend, tradition, connection.  It'll be good enough and I can ENJOY this week too. 

That's the intention this week.  Remember to have fun.  Nothing is as important as my to-do list seems.

This came to mind because I texted my Asheville neighbor to say hello and that we'd be back for Christmas.  She immediately responded with invites and she "has a gift" for us.  My head went instantly into overwhelm.  But there was no need -- I can happily make time and enjoy seeing a friend.  

On the drive home, I listened to a few interesting podcasts.  It has me excited for 2023 planning and maybe I'll change up some things too.  This is an early January project though.  I have preliminary thoughts and a big old list, but I want quiet space to finalize it.

I got home before noon yesterday and did a few house chores, painted rocks and started the seed gift bags.

Today is full of to-do's (all week is full) -- not going to sugar coat it.  Hair appointment, organizing grocery lists and grocery store run.  If my back is okay, I'll start in the kitchen a little too.

UPDATE:  Just took care of the dogs and my back spasmed when I bent down.  No workout today.  Pretty please don't let this be the start of another injury.  It's hurting.  I might need to modify the entire day.  (Universe slowing me down??)

I'm going to go rest my back in a recumbent position.  Not how I planned to start today.  Later gators.

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