Saturday, December 10, 2022

Here's a List

Thought I'd do a list this morning with some random updates -- as usual, no particular order.

(1) 90 minute car appointment was 3 hours, but it's finished.  Sat in a nice waiting room as isolated as I could. wearing a mask.  Boring, but ...

(2) ... I finished this book.  It's fast and gets you hooked minute one.  You have no idea what's going to happen and she nailed the ending.  One of the best suspense books I've read in a long time.

(3)  Started this -- so far it reminds me of You (Netflix).  

(4)  Christmas cactus is starting a show.  

(5)  Picked up a rocking chair from the same seller who sold me the vintage lamp.  $30.  Taking it to Asheville.  I like the lines and I wanted an extra chair when we have a full crew.  It'll probably hang out in a bedroom when we aren't using it.  I couldn't pass on $30.

(6)  Taking Monti to the vet.  He is still coughing, but it's not bad.  I don't want to cancel a second appointment though.  Maybe it's just allergies, but he has such a big history of respiratory infections I think I should have him checked out.

(7)  My aunt's Christmas concert tonight.  Wearing a mask for sure!  But I'm excited for the concert and happy to support her.  This is my last "thing" before Christmas so I stay healthy.

(8)  The girlfriend I took for a birthday massage and lunch has COVID.  I dodged that bullet by a hair.  Hope I dodge tonight too.

(9)  Still waiting on my monthly.  Still have a fever blister.  Using the icing technique to keep it in check.  Not sure if it works, but it's no bigger this morning.  It's still tingling so it's not finished growing yet.  Sorry for the TMI.  These things are gross (!!)

(10) Ended the afternoon with a long phone chat with a good friend.  Nice way to finish my day.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  We have a little break from pouring rain today, but it's back again tomorrow.  No sun in the forecast as far as the eye can see.  Dang.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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