Oh boy am I zonked. Trip, drive, lots of people time and hormones. Came home with no food prepped and fell mouth first into a GF pizza and chocolate hubby got for me. That did wonders for my energy this morning hah.
Clean up day in all the ways. I have 2 days to organize, rally and get ready for the next week on this holiday train.
I need a re-entry plan and I'll write it up as soon as I finish my morning journals. It's basically a crafted to-do list that sets me up for success without being MASSIVE DO ALL THE THINGS kind of list. What MUST get done to be ready for life moving forward. It includes food, workouts, meditation -- things for me to feel well. And it's chores, errands, written calendar for the week.
I'm glad I have 2 days because the list is bigger than a normal re-entry list.
But first espresso in a mug my aunt gifted me from Estonia. Hope you have a great weekend ahead. Later gators.
P.S. Cool bird pictures and sunrise from the walk yesterday morning. I wish I was waking up to this walk today. It's cold and rainy in ATL.
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