Monday, December 5, 2022

A Little Bit Like Christmas

I finished most of my weekend tasks -- still adding a few more Christmas decorations to the mix though.

Yesterday I made the 7 day chocolate cookie dough.  Dressed to make a mess in a funny t-shirt I found when I cleaned out my closet.  Then I decorated the tree and a few things.  Finished up with a sofa cuddle with my sick little Monti.  Looks like he's starting a respiratory infection (I'll call the vet today).

I bought it during the quarantine for fun.

New Christmas apron

Christmas tea mug out of storage
with new tea from Beaufort

Finished tree with only about
1/4 of the usual ornaments

He cuddles when he doesn't feel well.
Coughed a lot overnight so I
think he's getting sick.

I'm celebrating my friend's birthday with a massage and lunch today.  While that SHOULD feel fun, my mood is a mood AND all day pouring rain to boot (so indoor lunch -- ugh).  This is my first massage since the back injury and I'm a little nervous about it.  I'll tell them to be gentle, but you never know.  Hopefully, this mood doesn't spoil a nice day.

I'll end this here.  My mood is a mood because of some annoying things (mother for one) and it's punctuated by hormones.  I don't think ranting will serve any purpose as much as I want to rant away.  BTW, I have a life coaching call tomorrow so I'll see if that helps my thinking.

Have a good Monday.  Later gators.

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