Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve

Trying to make a Slush Cake in a different kitchen -- omg, not my best idea.  

First, I forgot the recipe.  Online ones vary, but I found one that seemed the most similar.

Then I forgot the powdered sugar -- BACK to the crazy busy grocery store in Asheville.

Oven seems to be having trouble on regular setting.  I baked the base for twice as long and it was still raw.  Finally convection bake seemed to get the job done.  (Might be grilling the meat today.)

The hand mixer is no stand mixer and I made a hell-of-a mess blending the cream cheese layer.

Finally, it's all finished and hopefully yummy.  Good lord -- I should've stuck with a make ahead cake and frozen it.  My "easiest dessert" was a big old pain in the butt.  I'm glad I made it last night instead of this morning.  Still learning what works for the Asheville kitchen.  BTW -- the freezer is a lifesaver.  Best decision to get a big one.

Today is the BIG cooking day.  I have it under control, but it still ends up a full kitchen day.

Youngest arrives this afternoon and I'm excited to see him.  Let Christmas fun begin (!!)

I'm still processing some stuff around my eldest not coming though.  I feel sad for them (even though I was upset at his decisions).  Separated in quarantine on their first married Christmas is a huge bummer.  He's feeling okay, still sick but a lot improved.

And I'm processing a comment my sister made that she was glad my son felt horrible (on the 3rd day) because he deserves it.  Her words were "good, I'm glad."  I said I didn't want him to feel horrible at all and she said that she did -- what?!?!?  I told her I absolutely didn't agree and she doubled-down again saying she was glad and he deserved it (because he was late getting a booster and decided to go to the work party).  Ouch.  We talk multiple times a day and haven't spoken since that exchange on Tuesday.  When her 2 sons had COVID, I checked in on how they were feeling, etc.  Radio silence from her.  I texted a couple of random things and got a couple word reply -- very cold shoulder in our chatty world.  Guess this is her play -- ignore the situation until it's over?!?!  I don't know how I feel about the entire situation.  I'll see what the next week brings.  Christmas is a big old shitty rollercoaster this year.  

I'm trying to focus on the good stuff -- and there's lots of it.  I'm ready for the other half of the 50-50 though. 

Merry Christmas.  (Is it January yet??)

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