Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Coaching Day

Coaching call day -- update tomorrow.  I'm having those thoughts again that WHAT DID I DO ... is this actually worth it?  Do I have things she can actually help me with more than I can help myself?

I'm listening to a big list of coaching calls from Brooke Castillo under VIP status (member for 6 months).  They are SO GOOD.  (And contributing to why-do-I-need-private-coaching thoughts when this is helping on many levels.)

This morning was a reminder that overwhelm is caused by thoughts.  Yesterday I felt massively overwhelmed and woke up ready for another day of "too much to do."  Only my thoughts.  Listening to Brooke coach someone on this issue was helpful.  Brooke's point is that indulging in the thoughts that make you feel overwhelmed doesn't help to get anything done and makes you feel like crap in the process.  Choose another thought (nothing else changes), but you have a much more enjoyable experience doing all the things.


Back to yesterday -- I did what I needed to do plus wrapped all the Christmas gifts and made the sausage balls ahead.  Busy day that left me feeling like I have no downtime ahead of this trip.  Not true.  I'll manage today with better thoughts.

Remember how I wanted to enjoy this couple of weeks instead of getting lost in to-dos?  I didn't do that yesterday and a good day felt kind of crappy.

Outdoor run this morning once the temperature goes up.  I'm STILL wanting to get in the 5 mile run before 2022.  My hope today is to add a bit to the 3 mile usual run.  I'll see how my back feels though.  I don't want to have back pain ahead of this trip.  Kitchen time gives me back troubles so I have to pace things.

Two quick recipes on the list.  Cheese ball and stuffed mushrooms.  I'm making the mushrooms again to see how they freeze so maybe it can be a make-ahead for Christmas.  I'm making a small batch to test.  

Last for today is packing for the trip -- picking outfits for the fun few days.  That's the challenge of packing -- what to wear.  I'm still playing around with colder weather options.  And, the afternoons are going to be warmer so I need to accommodate for that too.  Fun "problem" to have -- I guess.  It feels a bit overwhelming so I need to clean up thoughts on that too.  Overwhelm is a traditional holiday theme for me :)

Have a great day.  That's my intention for today too.  Later gators. 

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