Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Coaching Review

It wasn't exactly what I expected, but I don't know what I actually expected.  Maybe more of an "intake" interview -- get to know me better.

I'm trying to remember how coaching started with my last life coach.  I think we started slow-rolling with Whole30 coaching, group coaching program and THEN individual.  By the time individual started, she knew a lot about me.  

This felt a bit odd.

We started and she asked what I wanted to be coached on and that was that.  Right at it.  Very little background.  

I chose to talk about goal setting and dabbling vs high pressure and how I was having trouble living between those two extremes.  We ended up talking about my childhood (surprising to me) and she had a number of good insights of how I formed some deep held beliefs.  

Goals that are worth pursuing must be high pressure and hard.
Results must be outstanding (perfect).
Head down, get it done or you're not working hard enough.
I have to feel out of my league or under water as I push into the goal -- that's how you achieve.

She also gave me a question to do a thought download on.  What's wrong with dabbling?  (Which doesn't feel like "real" goals setting to me.)

She's on vacation next week so I have 2 weeks before the next call.  That's good.  I need a bit of time to process and get my bearings.

Asking better (quality) questions.  I need to learn what to ask and learn how to get straight to the point.  That's often a difference between therapy and life coaching.  

I'm excited about this but I still have reservations about the cost vs value of the coaching.  Out of the gate, I have a lot to think about and I TOTALLY didn't make those connections until she asked me some first memory questions about growing up.  Guess that's a good start.

On another note ...

I didn't make the soup yesterday because I had filet to cook (checked the date and it was time).  I bought it forgetting hubby was on a business trip the first part of this week.  Guess I could've frozen them, but I decided to do a "fancy" dinner for me.  Steak, cauliflower mash, roasted baby broccoli and leftover cranberry sauce.  I set the table and had a delicious dinner.

Grocery store today so soup tomorrow.  Leftover steak tonight.  

I took a couple of lights pictures with the porch lights on and you can sort of make out the colored lights.  Next year upping my game to the front porch too.  I didn't do the front porch because the lights don't go with the wreaths.  I need to change the wreaths or use different lights.  Maybe getting different lights is the less expensive option.

Christmas gifts are arriving and Christmas gifts are delayed.  It seems either they ship immediately or I get a notification a few days after ordering that there's an "unexpected" delay in my order.  Fingers crossed things arrive by Christmas.  I still need to get gifts for my eldest who gave me the vaguest list yesterday.  Athletic wear, watch strap.  DETAILS!!  I need details!  He's a picky, picky clothes guy.  No way I'm blindly selecting.  This isn't my first rodeo with him. Hah!

Anyway, that's all from here for now (I have other stuff to chat about tomorrow).  Have a great day (this week is moving quickly).  Later gators.

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