Good morning ... here's another list.
(1) I thought hubby came home today -- it was yesterday (!!) Thankfully, he texted me or I'd had one hell of a nighttime scare.
(2) In cleaning my pantry last week, I noticed the molasses I bought last year to make ginger snaps and never got around to it because I forgot to buy ground cloves and couldn't find them last minute. I found them at Target yesterday so I made a half batch GF to try.
Timer went off on the last batch of cookies, but they needed a minute longer. Phone rang, I forgot. Carbon cookies with a house filled with smoke. It STILL smells a bit this morning. It's hard to air out the house with dogs.
Dang, my brain. P.S. Cookies are good (and spicy). I froze them for the holidays, but they probably won't last lol.
(3) Apple "ladies" to the rescue again. It always a woman and I love that -- one tech explained the men don't have patience for the phone support. Turns out I haven't bookmarked ANYTHING. Instead I'm using the Reading List. Now it doesn't automatically populate so I need to click it on. Phew.
Bad news thought -- my computer is so old, it's not going to be able to update again. I knew this was coming. I want another Mac for the service alone, but it's expensive. I need to decide soon. My phone is also outdated and is having troubles.
Laptop AND phone in the same moment feels like a lot.
(4) I don't love either book I'm reading. I need to sh*$ or get off the pot on them because it's clogging the reading works. I'll decide by the end of the weekend. I need to put in a little bit of time to figure out if it's them or me (!!)
(5) I'm still in decision mode, but something occurred to me yesterday. I DON'T HAVE TO MAKE A TURKEY THIS YEAR. I can't remember when I didn't make Thanksgiving dinner and this year we are GUESTS (!!) I planned to make one so I could make turkey soup after, but I also don't have to. What?!?!? Mind blown. Maybe I should put my energy into Christmas prep instead.
As I said, still deciding ... but this takes ALL THE PRESSURE OFF.
And I need pressure off. I'm STILL in a funk and trying to pull out of it is proving a challenge right now. Every little bit helps. Maybe more energy on taking care of myself too with things that make me feel better, not worse. (Example ... making cookies instead of dinner ... oops I did it again. Dang.)
(6) A little more on this funk. I need to get back to basics. I know what works, but when I'm in a funk, I drop a lot of those things. Like taking an afternoon walk when I'm down (rain today, but I missed a few perfect days to do it). Making a daily to-do list helps organize me and makes me feel good. Haven't even felt like doing that --- I have a weekly list, but that's it. No list on exercise, Spanish options, etc. I'm winging it and winging it while in a funk means crappy decisions. Crappy decision make me feel bad and the cycle continues.
Today I'm making a few small steps back in that direction. Little by little.
That's all for this Thursday. Happy Veterans Day. Later gators.
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