Monday, November 29, 2021

Fun Bookclub

Bookclub was just the mix I like -- some talk about the book which led to social issue discussions, fun personal stories from the ladies and some personal sharing (hard kind).  It felt like a connection and that's what I want from the group.

Just 4 of us (until the very end when another person joined).  Easy to talk with zoom instead of Facebook rooms.  Less book questions and more personal discussions -- serious and thoughtful, not "how's the weather" kind of talk.  

I hope this direction continues.  I think meeting in-person helped me a lot to feel like part of the group.  Also, the group size is smaller month-to-month since lives got busier again.  That lends to a deeper conversation too.

Hubby left for NYC for 2 nights -- home for one and then off for a week long golf trip.  As I mentioned, I'm glad for this time ahead of the business of December.  I'm also glad my first coaching call tomorrow is completely private too.  I like to have quiet time ahead of the calls and that isn't guaranteed when he's home.  I'll also want time after the call to sit with what we discuss.  

I made this for hubby last night to trial it for holiday options.  I think I'd use less butter, but it's a good option -- even for serving with a salad for lunch.  Couldn't be easier.  I tried a piece and it was surprisingly tasty.   

Today is a self-care, self-exploration day ahead of the coaching call.  Listening to some stuff, filling out the questions.  Quiet thinking.  No chores set for today.  Actually, only thing on my to-do list for a few days is making the bacon for Christmas (ahead of trash day on Wednesday).  I got everything else finished.  

That said, I need to be mindful.  Having ALL the time to myself AHEAD of feeling busy or feeling too social or feeling stressed, makes me crave a sofa slug day, eating too many sweets, wine at night -- buffering BEFORE -- head in the sand style.  Nope and nope and nope.  I need to practice other ways to fill my cup that actually fill my cup (not leave me feeling like crap for the next few days).  Funny how hard this can feel -- PRACTICE is how to change it.  I'll report back tomorrow.

Let's start this transition week well.  End November on a high note and a welcome December feeling good.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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