Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Computer Troubles

My computer updated last night and ALL my bookmarks have disappeared.  I googled fixes and NOTHING helps.  Also, I can't add a bookmark so something is up.  Guess I need to chat with the Apple ladies.  I bet that's hours worth of time.

Not a fun thing first thing, although probably (hopefully) not a big deal in the end.

My phone also updated and this turned on Amber alerts -- all wee hours of the morning.  I finally put on glasses and turned off the setting.  Rains it pours technology annoyances.

I had a great time with my aunt yesterday.  Chatted, ate, shopped.  I bought a holiday candle and it smells so good.  It's was worth the price tag for a candle that actually scents a room.  

Grand-dogs are back home and it's just me and my 2 pups.  Cleaning crew this morning -- they switched to Wednesdays.  I still have the early slot which is good and bad.  Start time is consistent and it's over by lunchtime, but that means a rushed morning and rushed mornings bug me -- especially when the rest of the day is nothing.

I don't have anything planned for today, but I need to get something done because my to-do list for the week is actually long.  It'll help if take some pressure off the list with a few prickly things.

That's all from here.  Fingers crossed on my computer woes.  Have a good day.  Later gators.

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