Saturday, November 20, 2021

Full Moon

I missed the eclipse (didn't know to look for it) but I noticed the pretty full moon.  

Seems fitting for a full moon to tell you about my crazy mix up.  Hubby went a day early to Asheville for home delivery of a big Paris map.  I thought it was getting mailed (like the mirror I ordered AT THE SAME TIME), but it's too big and got set up for home delivery.  When I scheduled it, I was surprised to see weekend delivery since Asheville only delivers mid-week (from PB).  Nice.  Delivery crew texted to say they were coming at 8 o'clock -- perfect.

8 o'clock comes.  MY doorbell rings and at that very moment I knew.  It was coming HERE.  Ugh.  And I was in my little slinky nightie (because I was warm) and had to walk right by the glass door to grab clothes.  

I should've realized my mistake sooner -- all signs pointed to it, yet it never occurred to me until that VERY moment.  Usually my doorbell is just an Amazon package, but that's when my brain connected the dots.

Turns out it's a happy mixup because I like it for over our bed here.  We have a big, plain wall that you see when you walk by the room.  I could never find something for over the bed.  This proportion works -- the picture is LARGE.  So large, that bringing it to Asheville would've been very tricky (and maybe not possible).

Hubby will hang it next week.

I took a picture of the lights on our porch -- finally put them up.  We couldn't do them at the top because of the shades.  I'll keep these up all year.

Speaking of lights -- I have the multicolored lights for the front ready to go.  Either on the porch or on the bushes in the front.  I'll wait until hubby is home and we can test options at dusk.  I also ordered new Christmas wreaths.  The ones I have aren't true red and it never popped from the street view.  I'll take those to Asheville and, hopefully the ones I ordered will be brighter.  The ones I really wanted were on backorder until next year.  I forgot I wanted to change them and waited too long.

The Peloton 400 ride was fun.  I didn't do a live ride, but I did a current on-demand.  That means LOTS of high-fives from peeps riding along.  Funny enough, it feels good.

I finished The Undoing.  I think I read the book it's based on a long time ago.  So good!

I also made the chicken with gravy recipe from Nom Nom Paleo to use the gravy for Thanksgiving.  All set.  Chicken is picked off the bones and I'll freeze it today for hubby next week.  Glad to have that finished.  It's super easy, but makes a terrific mess.

I spent time thinking about the zoom event and why I was disappointed (upset).  I did it ONLY for the connection with a friend and that was the mistake -- she didn't hold her commitment.  I can't change her and it's not her responsibility to give me that connection.  The litmus test for going forward is -- do I want to do this independently of anyone else?  If the answer is yes, then connection is a bonus.  If the answer is no, I shouldn't do it.  I can find connection other ways.  

Maybe I get a little desperate for connection these days -- or, at the least, I'm trying too hard to force something.  It's not just the pandemic.  I was in a letting-go phase before the pandemic, but last year sped things up.  So much letting-go leaves me feeling a connection scarcity at times.  That's why I jumped on doing this zoom event that I wouldn't have normally been interested in doing and that's why it feels so disappointing.  (And it doesn't help that the actual event was basically a flop too.)

It's ironic that instead of feeling a connection with her, I feel bitter toward her.  I worked some Brooke Castillo models on what happened and it makes sense.  Good news is I'm over it.  I can see why this is on me (being curious, not judgmental) and I'll make decisions going forward in a different mindset.

Today I'm running Thanksgiving stuff to the kids (turkey, roasting pan, serving stuff, instant read thermometer) and the wine.  It'll be good to get that stuff over there ahead of time and that leaves only a few things to bring on Thursday.

I'm getting excited to decorate for Christmas.  December is a FULL month for me -- this week is the calm before the storm.  First up is the PLANNING.  My lists need lists and that calms me.  Next up, CHRISTMAS MUSIC.  I added the stations to my car and I'm ready for next week.  We'll decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving which is a week early per our usual.  I'm pairing down again and need to grab some stuff for Asheville so I wanted to get on it.

Fun, hectic times.

Anyway, other long chat -- best get my day going.  Have a fun day.  Later gators.

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