Monday, August 30, 2021

Week in Asheville ...

... or maybe just a couple of days.  All depends on the internet and weather.  I'll be there until Thursday, at least.  Furniture set for delivery tomorrow so prep today.  Internet (outside) appointment scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, but it'll be storming.  Not sure if that appointment will be postponed. 

Since its BIG RAIN all day on Wednesday, I'm set to do a full clean.  If all is well by Thursday, I'm planning to enjoy the day in the city.  If all isn't well, I'll head back to GA.

This morning is just me and Polly -- boys went with hubby.  We switched it around last minute because they were awake and excited and she REFUSED to get up hahaha!!  Girl needs her beauty rest.

BTW, it's so much easier with just 3 dogs.  Five is a handful and we have a second wave this weekend again (but just for one overnight).

Yesterday I rode a 60 minute Peloton ride and the music was fantastic -- best I've ridden.  60 minutes was a lot for me, but the ride was fun.  It's part of a sing-a-long series of 4 classes -- one is Christmas music.  Yes, please, but I'll wait until December to ride it.  Decided to push a little since workouts are iffy this week.

As I mentioned before, my goal for this week is to find the fun.  My mind keeps telling me this is another bust of a week because it's "all work" and no fun.  Cleaning, no internet (so no Peloton, TV or computer), poor Verizon signal (so no working hot spots from our phones), bad weather (so no outside run or long walk), no confidence on the delivery.  It's not really true -- I can work on better thoughts.  But it is true that when just hubby and I go for a trip to Asheville, we get the stinkiest weather.  Luckily, we've had great weather when we've had company or gone for an occasion.

That's all from here.  Have a great week.  I won't be back until I have internet again.  Later gators.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Back at It

I'm back to all the things after a total day off.

It feels good.  I had a long workout, swim in the neighborhood pool, cooked soup and read a lot.  Good day that felt good.

Lunch with 2 foster friends was canceled today because one of them is sick (testing for COVID, just in case).  I put myself out there (in my mind) and asked the other if she still wanted to get together.  It's the weekend and we had plans to accommodate the other foster who can't take a long lunch during the week.  Wasn't sure if weekend time was too precious, but I asked anyway -- turns out she's happy to go too.  Going at 11 o'clock, outside, etc.

I have a list of stuff to get ready before we travel to Asheville this week and that will round out my weekend.  

My focus is having a great week in Asheville DESPITE it probably being 50/50 with circumstances.  Rain is in the forecast 3 of the days, no internet until the earliest Tuesday evening, furniture delivery with fingers crossed.  The weather clears just as we need to be home to dog-sit our grand-dogs again for the holiday weekend.  But, I know I can find good things that will make this a good trip -- practicing this mindset again.

And, I've been having fun finding at least one thing each day that moves me toward future-me.  Today is dressing the part.  (Yesterday was a swim in the pool -- spontaneous fun.)

That's all from here on this Saturday.  Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, August 27, 2021

No Regrets

I guess taking a "day off" was good.  I don't have a single regret and that's usually an indicator I made a good decision.  I feel more like myself and back to happily doing my morning routine.

My day off was just that -- nothing, not even a shower.  Took care of dogs and watched Alias on Prime (watching for the first time).  A few house chores and a little work in my itty bitty garden.  Caught up with friends on the phone and listened to a couple of podcasts.

Here's evidence of this lazy day of August ...  dogs enjoyed it too :)

It is unusual for me to feel that strongly about doing NOTHING, especially in the morning.  Even slug days include my morning routine.  

Today is nothing special -- 5 dogs is still 5 dogs and a lot of work.  I'm making lentil soup since I ate the last frozen stash recently.  It's easy and a good go-to meal when I want a break from cooking.  

I have the case of the BLAHs and I guess that's okay.  Life can't always be a wedding weekend.  I'm still disappointed that a few things were canceled for the weekend.  That's been my theme over the pandemic -- disappointment.  I need to accept that's a part of life now -- more than usual, but still need to figure out how to not let it take me into the blahs.  

(And I know I was just saying I had too much on my calendar -- these are different kind of things that are little, fun and worry-free.  Like we were going to have a picnic at a winery on Sunday with my son and his girlfriend, but she's not feeling well so we postponed.)

A solution I use is to make backup plans that are in my control so I can still have something to look forward to doing.  I didn't do that this time and I'm struggling to figure out something while I'm dog-sitting and the weather is HOT and horrible!  THIS is the way out of the blues so I need to get creative.  

I also think the world is so dang HEAVY again and this is weighing on me more than I realize most days.  

Ugh -- I'm so over my rollercoaster of emotions and over spending so much time in yucky feelings -- anxiety, worry, disappointment, frustration.  

Well, this chat took a downturn and on that note, I'll say later gators.  Stay well and have a happy Friday.

Thursday, August 26, 2021


Five dogs is no joke.  Even 5 good dogs.  My morning has been a rotation from dog to dog -- potty, food, meds, belly rubs, lap cuddles.  

** Just interrupted to lift 2 dogs up on furniture because they can't make the jump. **

** And again to lift one of them down **

Okay -- 12,000 interruptions later and this is the current situation ...  wonder for how long hahaha!

I'm having a hard time wanting to do my "things" today -- even a workout which is super unusual for me.  My brain keeps saying "take a day off"  "when will you get another chance"  "you deserve a nothing-to-do day" ... and my brain is making a strong argument.

It's hard to know if this is a good desire -- little rest, downtime, regroup OR if it's an excuse to be a slug.  One day either way won't make an enormous difference, but I question my brain's motives.

I think this is a bit of all-or-nothing.  My energy is so affected by my nutrition and habits lately and I'm coming to the conclusion that I need to adopt a stricter pattern to have better energy on the regular.  This is sending me to I CAN NEVER DO THIS AGAIN mode.  

Even though I see the motivation, I still WANT to have a slug day so much today.

I also have nothing on the calendar and nothing that I can put on the calendar to drive me forward today.  I'm still isolating, tethered to home because of the dogs and feeling blah.  I had a few things cancel for the weekend and a few things that felt like a disappointment and that's sending me into a pity party too.

Dang.  I'd like to say this will have a good outcome and I'll chose the things that move me forward, but I'm not feeling confident.  Stay tuned ...

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Hump Day

Hump Day and possible clearance day from any COVID from the wedding Saturday.  Delta moves faster and I hear 4-5 days is the magic number.  I'm on day 4.

Grand-dogs arrive this evening.  5 dogs.  1 me with not enough lap for more than 2 dogs.  Wish me luck.  

Harvesting another big old mama cucumber today.  While I was gone, the tomato plant found its footing again and is huge with tons of little greenies.  The two plants are totally intertwined now.  The bees were doing their thing yesterday so I hope I have more produce left this summer.  Temps are HOT this week so still no fall planting.

I stopped by the farmer's stand and it was completely EMPTY -- oh no (!!)  I hope this was just an anomaly.  Not a tomato, cucumber or zucchini in sight.  They supply local restaurants and the overflow hits the stand.  Maybe no more "extras" this time of year.

I need to do a little re-grouping today and some planning for the next couple of weeks.  Back to focusing on finding little bits of fun and some things to look forward to doing.  This week was a lay low week from taking the wedding risk and next week is a total jumble with a possible week in Asheville.  I had a few things on the calendar and they got canceled.  This all leaves me feeling meh.  I can change that up with a little planning -- things like go to the pool for an hour, work on my fall planters, try a new recipe, go on a hike.  Putting it on my schedule means I'll do it.

Not much else to say this morning.  Time to get moving and start the day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Future-Me Perspective

The trip was a success as an experiment being the person I want to be on the regular.  Here are my rambling thoughts.

Booke Castillo is a big fan of envisioning who you'd like to become, asking what she would think and do and experiment (practice) doing those things.

(1)  For me, it starts with how I dress.  I've carried some "stuff" from childhood and I feel super self-conscious wearing anything outside my "usual."  It's my mother's voice in my head and it took me decades to notice that it wasn't truth.

*****  I dressed in a way that made me feel good.  Put together outfits that were outside my old box, but feel good to wear now.  I made an effort and it was fun.  It's like putting on a uniform or a costume in a play -- easier to get in the headspace of something different.

(2)  I want to be a person who is confident and self-assured enough to not need anyone to validate my fashion choices.  I know this sounds strange, but it's leftovers from childhood.  It used to be such a big deal if no one noticed or if someone made a comment -- you never wear that color.  It would make me change into something "safe" immediately.

*****  I felt so comfortable as future-me, I didn't care that I didn't receive one notice about how I looked (clothes, hair, makeup).  Truth be told, it's not THAT different (probably not worthy of a mention from anyone), but it feels worlds different to me.  I was happy and that's all that mattered.

(3)  I kept my promises to do things that felt good.  

*****  I exercised everyday.  Drank water.  Ate well.  No alcohol.  Things I chose, not things I forced or restricted.

(4)  I let the trip be 50/50.  As Brooke Castillo says, life is always 50% good feeling and 50% negative feelings.  Shopping Friday wasn't fun.  The wedding was a disappointment.  This would normally send me straight to buffering to feel better.

*****  Thanks to regular practice and living during a pandemic, I'm much better finding small joys (fun) and focusing on those instead of what wasn't good.  The weekend wasn't a home run and was much less fun than I expected, but I MADE it a good time anyway.  Focusing on what was good and running that thought loop makes the trip a great memory instead of a bust.

(5)  I let other people have their feelings without guilt, anger or hurt feelings on my part.  

*****  There were some snippy comments about pandemic choices, etc.  I didn't engage, take anything personally and held my ground respectively.  Have your feelings.  That changes nothing for me.  Even when there were some comments from someone I'm close to directed at me.  It was okay -- I felt neutral to the entire situation.  

(6)  Rinse and repeat.  

***** It's actually kind of fun to experiment with situations and find ways to "be" this person.  It's like having a little secret between me and future-me.  Practice is forward motion.  Everyday I find at least one little way to act as future-me.  Social situations have tons of opportunities to practice, succeed, fail, learn, re-group.  I'm slowly becoming the person I wish I could be.

P.S.  I wish there was a better way to describe this rather than "future-me" -- sounds a bit wacky (!!) but it gets the point across.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Recap and Re-entry Day

Back in the ATL. 

Here's a recap of the long weekend.

Thursday flight was delayed a couple of hours (storms) so we got in, got takeout from Wegman's (best grocery store in the world) and called it a night.

Hubby had a great time golfing Friday.  Shopping with my aunties was a mixed bag.  My other aunt wasn't in a happy mood which was uncomfortable.  She changed up the shopping itinerary and we shopped in basically souvenir shops for all things Buffalo related (saved me money lol).  NO AIR CONDITIONING and 90 degree, humid weather (what's the deal, Buffalo).  I was masked and miserable.  Lunch was outside on the canal and that was the highlight of the shopping day.

Selfie on the canal.

Market in an old church.
Aunties checking out.

Headed to my aunt (who was stressed) house for dinner (also no AC, but we were outside).  Pizza, wings and salad.  I ate ahead and had salad and a few wings at her house.  My un-vaxed cousins were there (ugh) so we stayed clear of them and wore a mask whenever I had to go inside for bathroom and such.

Keeping our distance.

Saturday was the wedding and we hung with my sister and BIL all morning.  Visited the "falls" in downtown Buffalo and a farmer's market.

Sad to say, the wedding was one of the worst we've been to.  It was at a the father of the bride's uncle's deli hall because they forgot to pay an installment at the original wedding venue.  Food was HORRIBLE.  My beef was actually raw -- not rare, raw.  The microwaved chicken was so hard I couldn't cut it.  I didn't eat one bite of dinner.  Even the wedding cake wasn't edible.  It was HOT, poorly ventilated, overcrowded and no outside area (in an old strip mall).  They ran out of glasses, never bussed tables.  Nothing to do with affordability, everything to do with a too few staff and no idea how to cater a big wedding event because the uncle wanted to handle everything.  Apparently, this was a first wedding at the deli.  It's a shame because my cousin tried hard to make everything else nice.

What was GOOD -- long, Catholic service was air conditioned.  Fun photo area.  Fun to be with family.  Bride and groom were happy.  Lots of Polish dancing and boy can his family dance -- loved to watch.  We danced a bit and the entire family danced to We Are Family.  Big circle, taking turns in the middle.  Highlight of the night.  

Flight home on Sunday was uneventful.  One of my cousins was on the same flight so we killed time at the airport with a good chat.  Landed just as a HUGE storm hit.  That made getting to the car interesting and very wet lol.  Traveled the rounds picking up dogs and went to bed smothered in cuddles.

Tomorrow, I'll chat about how it went with future-me thinking and doing this weekend.  This chat is already long.

Today is re-entry day -- a term from an Influencer on IG.  Such a great idea.  It's a transition day and that takes so much pressure off of getting back to everything immediately.  Unpacking, wash, grocery shopping and my morning routine, nice and slow.  No plans, no timeline. 

New week.  Fingers crossed for no COVID issues from the weekend.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Shuffle to Buffalo

Travel day.  First since February 2020.  ALMOST all packed -- last minute arranging to do after I get dressed this morning.

I'm feeling pretty chill about the "travel" part, but dropping the dogs is a little bit of heartbreak.  Even dropping Polly yesterday -- she was upset and scared :(  I know all will be fine though.

I'm focused on having a great time and getting to spend time with family I haven't seen in years.  Lots of family crazy so that's entertaining too.  Plus a wedding.  Who doesn't like a wedding??  It's fun to see all the details and such -- bet they're all kinds of excited this week.

The week after the wedding will be a good one too.  Nothing on my calendar (deliberately) until that Friday and Saturday.  Isolating after a big event and some downtime before a week in Asheville.  I'm watching the grand-dogs and hubby will be in VA, but that's easy-ish enough.  Me and 5 dogs -- thank goodness for a fenced yard.

My energy is back into a normal range again -- not great, but manageable.  Sleep, plant forward diet, low sugar (and no alcohol) seem to be the biggest help.  I'm still having night sweats, but no hot flashes.

This will be the first wedding WITHOUT drinking for me.  I had a couple of glasses of wine at my son's wedding.  I'll be masked and I can't handle another energy issue on Sunday so best to stay away from it.  I'm curious about the experience.  

I'm trying this trip with a future-me perspective -- from what I wear, to what I eat, to how I think and feel. Treating it as a big experiment and a lot of practice toward changing what I need to be the person I want to be.

I'll be back on Monday for a check-in and pictures.  Have a great weekend and stay well -- that's my goal too.  Later gators.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


I have some pictures of animals and nature in my life this week.  Thought this would be more pleasant than talking about my travel worries.

First up ... dogs :)  I got some cute pictures of Polly for her profile.

One of the big fellow bears was spotted in our yard in Asheville.  Neighbor sent me these pictures.  Trash isn't ours since we brought ours home after the weekend -- thankfully.

The little cucumber plant who could.  Man, she's producing.  This was yesterday.  4 more big ones to pick before I leave tomorrow.  They are delicious -- crisps and not an ounce of bitter.  Working on fall "garden" plans.  Lots of learning to figure out when to start growing, etc.  More on this soon.

Full day today with prep for the trip.  I'm in good shape to get it all finished though.  Have a great hump day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Hair Day

Total spit-n-shine week.  

I got gel on my nails -- first time in YEARS.  I switched to SNS powder to avoid the light curating and haven't had that since the pandemic either.  It feels good and strange to have "thickness" on my nails again.  I'll have this soaked off when it's ready and then back to natural nails.

Today is a hair day.  In the summer, the keratin doesn't hold the entire duration and I'm a ball of FRIZZ.  Looking forward to smoother hair again.  It's an early appointment so another early morning.  

I tweaked my hand moving the sectional over the weekend.  I can't do any pushups or floor yoga poses -- dang.  I hoped it would feel better this morning, but nope.  Hurts to type even.  Silly, but annoying.

I'm starting to pull out of the hormone crazy this month.  SLEEP is key and 2 early mornings haven't been great, but I went to bed super early last night.  Tomorrow is NOTHING but packing and getting Polly to her temp foster so I'm sleeping as long as my body needs.  EATING is also key and I cleaned that up yesterday -- tons of vegetables feels best when my energy is low.  

I'm working on my anxiety about the trip.  Same as last trip with my aunt.  I'm going.  I'm taking precautions.  Nothing is changing if I worry, so why worry and ruin any fun that could come along.  

That's all today -- short and boring hah!  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Switched it up AGAIN (!!)

Saturday went smoothly -- got all the morning things finished, headed to Asheville.  

We've been having internet connection problems there for a few days and Saturday is completely went face up.  Looks like it's an outside problem.  No fix until we go up at the end of the month and can be there for the appointment.

EVERYTHING runs on Internet in the Asheville house (including the Peloton).  There isn't a strong enough signal to run hotspots on our phones.  AND, pouring raining and thunderstorms all weekend.

We got up Sunday, did a quick clean, loaded up the biggest part of the sectional and headed home.  No point in staying.  Nothing to do inside and nothing to do outside.  

Hubby was able to get the lawn mowed and the kitchen cart put together Saturday morning though.  I wanted this for more surface area when we entertain or stay for a long weekend.  The kitchen doesn't have a pantry.  It's on casters so we can use it in multiple ways and spaces.

Now for a funny story ... remember the ottoman that was delivered without legs?  I called West Elm and was on the phone for over an hour as the call moved around to troubleshoot.  I was left with "someone will contact you in 7-10 days to figure out next steps."  I decided to lean the top up against the wall ahead of the cleaning crew today and I hear a thunk when a turn it up.  There's a zipper compartment and, sure enough, the legs are inside.  I remembered there are zipper compartments under the chairs too and I wondered why -- guess it stored the legs for those too.  Interesting that no one from West Elm thought to troubleshoot with the obvious (since this seems to be common practice with their furniture).  

Here's a quick re-arrange I did before I left on Saturday.  Still need to decorate and hang pictures.  The pictures up now are leftovers from before -- I left them on the walls, but they aren't staying.  The ottoman is a little big for the space, but it works well enough (especially with the legs haha).

What a wonky weekend.  We got the essentials done -- cleaned, yard work and transporting 1 of 3 sectional pieces to GA ahead of the big furniture delivery at the end of the month.  Storing it upstairs until the kids move into their new house.

I'm still in the headspace that I can't wait for August to be over.  I said "yes" to things I shouldn't have, so many other things have changed up and aren't feeling worth it anymore.  I'm frustrated, worried and annoyed.  Guess I need to take the lessons and move forward.  I'm still trying to figure out how to belong to myself first -- which doesn't mean NOT belonging for others too, but it does mean a priority shift a lot of the time.  

Today is the cleaning crew this morning (yea for a clean house) and a nail appointment this afternoon.  I'm getting gel put on for the wedding trip this week.  The person who did SNS for me left for another career (happy for her).  I'm picky about SNS so I opted for gel with another tech I like (but doesn't do SNS).  I hope it stays on for the week.  I switched off gel because it was peeling regularly.  This is just an occasional thing for me now when a trip is too long for regular polish to last.

Have a great Monday and I trying for a good week, good trip, etc.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Heading Out

Man, I wish I was staying home this weekend.  I have the energy of a slug and nothing super fun waiting for me in Asheville (house cleaning).  This is a BIG monthly and it's hitting hard.  

I can't disappoint hubby though.  He's expecting me and I know I'll be glad when I get there.

I flaked on doing anything yesterday (but a 4 mile power walk) and I'm paying the price with a rushed morning today.  I kept thinking I didn't have much to do (I threw away my list on accident) -- well, I had more than I remembered.  Guess when I remembered?  Yep, 2 o'clock bathroom break last night.  Dang.

All little things, but they add up.  I planned to prep for cleaning crew and pack this morning.  Bad idea and then add the stuff I forgot AND NO COFFEE (!!)

Mail letters, get mail.
Get gas.
Water plants.
Prep cleaning crew.
Run dishwasher.
Empty trash.
Bring food.

Nothing I can do about it now.  The WORST part of this hormone rollercoaster is the energy inconsistencies.  Hopefully, it will be on the rise by next week.  Until then, guess I need to fake it till I make it.

Hubby felt guilty about taking Polly and not the boys so we switched AGAIN.  I have Polly and the boys went with him.  That is a saving grace this morning.  So, so, so much easier with just Polly.

I'll catch up next week -- try to go for upbeat instead of complaining hah!  

P.S.  I forgot to mention the dress fitting for the original dress for the kid's wedding went well.  I still like the dress -- yea.  And, I think it'll be fine to wear for the formal wedding in October in upstate NY (assuming we're going).  Finally fitting and pickup is September 14.  Pictures coming.

Friday, August 13, 2021

One More Day

Changed up my plans because monthly is kicking my butt.  Hubby will go to Asheville tonight with Polly (easiest of the 3 dogs) and come home Sunday night (because of work) with our dogs.  I'll go tomorrow morning with our dogs and stay until Monday with Polly.  Co-dog parenting at its finest.

(All this said -- that storm will head up north this week -- might change up our travel days if it's coming through Asheville.)

Craziest thing happened -- I'm TOTALLY out of coffee beans, decaf or regular.  I brought so much up to Asheville, I didn't leave any for here.  Really?!?!  Dang.  I drink decaf so it's not about the wake-up factor, it's just what I love in the mornings.  Might need a Starbucks run for some beans.

Staying another day also gives me a chance to get a few more things finished here since next week is rushed.  Heading for the wedding is giving me all the worries so the more prepared, the better for me.  Also, airplane travel for the 1st time since February 2020.  You know I get the travel nerves every dang single time.  This will be extra, extra with the pandemic hanging overhead.  The only good news is I've never let my nerves stop my plans.  I'm also worried since this is the first time Monti is going to a sitter -- he'll be an anxious mess, poor baby.

That's all from here.  Short and sweet.  Have a great day -- later gators.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


Man-oh-man, this is a packed couple of weeks (by my standards).  Here are some updates.

(1)  Monthly came with a furry yesterday.  Glad to FINALLY have it and maybe get some hormone flat road for a bit.

(2)  Kid's townhome is awesome.  It's big and bright, great location, beautiful neighborhood.  I couldn't be happier for them.  It's moving super duper fast -- they'll close in 5 weeks.

(3)  Lunch was fun yesterday.  The restaurant we originally chose was too crowded in the shade seating area so we went next-door and had an entire shade patio to ourselves.  It's a plant-forward, counter-service place and that was a double win. Tweaking decisions for the safest options.

(4)  Heading downtown today for the dress fitting for my original mother-of-the-groom dress.  It was stuck in China in early 2020, lost in NYC for about 6 months, finally made it but I didn't want to go for the fitting before I was vaccinated last winter.  Since the wedding ended up being a small, garden wedding that dress would've been too formal anyway.  They don't have an option for re-stocking or return.  Wearing a mask in a very anti-mask store.  I wonder if I still like the dress?!?!

(5)  Heading to Asheville tomorrow.  I debated waiting until Saturday because I have a lot to get ready today.  I feel crappy (hello, monthly), but I'm leaning toward going.  Hubby is going up Friday night.  Two cars so we can start bringing home the sectional.  Although, given the lousy delivery lately, we might be smarter to wait.  

(6)  Asheville trip is a working weekend.  Clean the house, work on the yard, go through the paint and start prepping for the HUGE furniture delivery at the end of the month.

(7)  Next week is our trip to Buffalo for a family wedding.  Lots and lots to do before we leave.  I'm trying not to feel overwhelmed.  One thing at a time.  It all gets done.  STILL working on that balance -- it's not easy for me lately.

Have a great day and stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Post in Pictures


We've lived in this neighborhood for 2 years.
First time at the pool (had it to myself).
New 2 piece swimsuit on a hot day.
I need to do this more often.  The water felt good.
30 minutes in the shade.

3 month tea club gift from my youngest.
2nd box came yesterday -- super good.

Vintage store.
Hubby will be excited when I surprise him and
wear it for the Steelers game in September.

Looks really nice on.  Perfect summer dress.
All the new stuff (unless noted) was from one particular store.
The owner/buyer "styled" me and it was
SO MUCH FUN (!!)  So many
things I would've never tried on.

Wear with leggings.  It's out-of-my-box,
but it's cute on.  Can't wait to wear it.
It's actually fitted along the chest so
it doesn't give a cheap vibe.

Vintage store again.
Fun jumpsuit.

This is a dress and it's so comfortable
and cute on -- never would have picked it.
Hits right at my knee.

Amazon -- vintage style
to wear with a black pleated skirt
I got last year.

My "usual" style.  It has
nice seaming that makes it drape well.
Color was a question, but it doesn't
wash me out.

New plant.

Poppy and Dot dress.
Anthropology belt.

Cucumbers went crazy.
Attached to cherry tomato plant - hah.
Still having issue with the fruit growing
but looks like I have 2 cucumbers
that didn't shrivel up.

New plant #2.

There you have it.  Bunch of new things and my rule is I have to WEAR everything I bought.  (Hence the new swimsuit even though I felt self-conscious -- cute suit, but not super flattering on my bottom.)

In other news ...

The ottoman came WITHOUT LEGS (!!)  Can't make this shit up.  They have no idea where the legs are and will call within 7-10 days with the plan.  This might be a return -- good lord.

Eldest and DIL had an offer accepted on a townhouse.  That's no small feat in the current housing market. I'm joining my son for the home inspection this afternoon because my DIL is working.  I'm super duper happy for them :) and can't wait to see it.

Lunch got switched up with a friend today.  This will make for a tight day because I need to go home and let my dogs out before I head to the home inspection, but overall a fun time.  I don't want to cancel lunch plans on her (one friend already backed out, hence the switch up).

And, I'm summer-dressing today.  Either a sundress or the new vintage pantsuit.  Probably a dress because I think it's going to be really hot today.  Future me is styling up.

Have a great hump day -- this week is flying.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


I've been MIA for a couple of days.  Morning time has been a bit jumbled and I didn't get to journalling.  

I added Spanish workbook time to "The Morning Routine."  Why?  I was starting down a procrastination road every afternoon.  I'll do it in an hour.  I'll do it after I read.  I'll skip it and do double tomorrow.  Then I was starting to "dread" it.  Ut oh.  Time to do it first thing and add it to an existing habit.  I enjoy doing it, but my brain kept making it into something dreadful come afternoon.

STILL no monthly.  Guess this is one of the late/skip months.  Ugh.  

I had a productive day yesterday.  Unpacked all the goodies from the boutique store -- which is reminding me RIGHT NOW to take pictures.  Doing it today -- stay tuned tomorrow.  Did a quick clean out of clothes I NEVER wear.  Big box of some nice stuff for donation.

I visited our local nursery and got 2 HUGE pots for the yard for an extended garden (I typed pot garden, but that gives the wrong impression lol).  Still holding veggies to planters until I decide if it's worth the time, money and effort to do a raised garden.  Bought some organic fertilizer for veggies and the flowering plants in Asheville.  Potting soil too.  Way too big and heavy to ship those things.

I had 2 indoor plants (same kind) with little itty bitty leaves that were dropping them into a mess everyday.  I tried fertilizer and transplanting them with no success.  Time to say goodbye.  I got 2 new plants from the nursery yesterday.  Pictures tomorrow.

Polly had her lab follow up at vet closer to my house yesterday.  Renal function slightly improved.  I'll find out today if she's ready to be available for adoption.

Exterminator is coming back today.  Wasps never completely left.  I feel bad for the little guys, but they are taking over the entire yard.

The ottoman for my office is scheduled to be delivered today.  That was a super long order time.  Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.  It didn't the last delivery.  Once it arrives, I can finish up the office.  I might rearrange things and then it's picture time.

Have a good day.  Pictures tomorrow which might be marginally more interesting than rambles.  Later gators. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

I Needed That -- Who Knew?

I had the BEST few days and had no idea how much I need it.  My aunt is so much fun, great conversationalist, easy-going, never any drama.  We laughed and talked non-stop, shopped, ate outside, walked everywhere.  Not to be a cliché, but I needed that connection and lightness -- had no idea how much I missed it.

Weather was great too.  Trip "work" was easy.  I left all the cleaning for next weekend and took home the sheets and towels to wash here.  We brought stuff for a charcuterie board and ate that both nights for dinner.  Lunch was outside and nothing was crowded during the week. 

Shopping was fantastic.  Vintage clothing stores, friendly boutiques, fun girlfriend gifts (got my bff's b-day box finished).  We did a hard cider tasting (horribly sour fyi -- I just sipped to try), stopped at a favorite chocolatier for a few options (incredible).

My aunt is an early riser and early to bed gal too.  We were in bed reading by 7:30 every night.  It was quiet and easy without the dogs there too.  

I dressed in my "new" way (you know, future me) and felt good.  Summer dresses all weekend.  Easy and comfortable.  I still don't know why I'm so self-conscious wearing a casual dress.  Changing, slowly but surely.

Bad news is NO PICTURES.  Not even one.  I totally didn't think to take any and with masks, etc.  I do have a big shopping load I'll share this week.  Everything is still in the bags and I'll unpack (conveniently lol) when hubby leaves for the week.  So much it'll be over a couple of posts.  Fun stuff and I'll tell you all about it.

I have this weekend to recoup from all the social energy.  Even though is was FANTASTIC, I need a balance after a such a lively time.  Next week has a lot of fun things too, but I need to get mentally ready lol and get back into my routine.

One thing I'm learning is speaking up about my comfort level with COVID precautions hasn't been a problem.  "My" people are happy to comply and I'm happy to back away or not go to something if that messes up others want to do (eat inside, etc).  It's becoming easier to speak up and I'm surprised at how much that's respected.

P.S.  No monthly yet.  Hormones are a wild ride.  Fingers crossed for sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Asheville Bound

Leaving today for Asheville with my aunt.  I'm determined to have a good time and take WORRY off my plate.  

Adding to this week is, you guessed it, probably my monthly.  Signs all point to any day now.  Better this week than the wedding weekend though.

I don't have much to say this early, early morning.  A sign of my monthly coming is sleeplessness for a few hours in the middle of the night and then falling back into a deep sleep around 3 o'clock.  My alarm went off an hour later today.  My aunt is coming over at 8 o'clock and I want to get a full morning routine (including dog duty) so it's up early.

Cicada killing wasps are no longer.  Exterminator came and took care of the hive.  It's all underground so they used pressurized powder in some gadget to spray all the way into the nest.  We would've left a small hive since they are relatively harmless and helpful to rid cidadas, but this was growing everyday and taking over our yard.  Even the exterminator gave a "wow" at the extent of it.

Polly is feeling better and is definitely coming out of her shell.  She follows me around, likes to get pet and will even snuggle on the sofa.  I think she's seeing and hearing better with all the infection glop cleaned out of her mouth and sinuses.  It was putting pressure on the eye she has some vision so she kept squinting it closed.  

I'll be back to check in after my trip (possibly during since no dog duties in the morning).  Hard to say.  My aunt is a super early riser too.

Have a great rest of the week.  Later gators.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Hive Update

Mission aborted (!!)

The hive is bigger than we thought.  Hubby gave up at my urging because neither of us thinks he can actually eliminate the hive with a couple of cans of hornet spray.

Keeping the bee suit though.  Never know when it comes in handy -- even if it's for a costume party ;)

Calling in the professionals today.  Hopefully, they have appointment availability ASAP.  The hornets are starting to buzz us when we go outside.  Looks like we'll be harnessing the dogs and taking them out front this week.

My hormones are full swing -- monthly probably within a week.  Crappy timing for the trip to Asheville with my aunt.  My energy is tanked.  Good news is after picking up Polly today (4 hours plus), I'll be able to do NOTHING should I feel like it.  Tomorrow isn't a big day either.  Packing and a couple of errands.

Weather looks good for Asheville though -- much cooler with highs in the 70s.  I'm nervous about traveling with my aunt and I shouldn't be.  Delta has me "fearing" even vaccinated people -- including my kids.  Anyone who is going out in Joe Public and not masking.  That's almost everyone. 

I'm going to take all the precautions I need to take, regardless of being afraid so there's no point in being afraid.  Fear is an emotion I can do without -- it doesn't change anything for me.  It's hard to let it go though.

I'm going to Asheville and I'm taking precautions.  I can be afraid and damper the fun OR I can choose to trust what I'm doing and enjoy myself.  Neither effects my ACTUAL safety.  The choice is mine.

I have this trip to Asheville and the family wedding in Buffalo and that's all I'm committed to and I have no plans to add anything else right now (except Asheville weekends with hubby).  I'm back to QuaranTina.  And don't get me started on the wedding -- good lord, I'm a nervous wreck.  I'm ready to hit isolation for a bit again.  Maslow's Law -- SAFETY and SECURITY needs first.

I made the 7 day cookie dough after a catastrophic failure that required me to dump everything (thankfully, I hadn't added the chips).  I poured the wrong bowl and initially mixed the flour rather than the sugar mixture.  Good lord.  Steak dinner was good too.  Pesto, steak, roasted potatoes with onions and arugula salad with farmer stand veggies and homemade dressing. 

I'm going to go work on my thinking.  This should be a fun week and all I can think is I can't wait until it's over.   Let's have a good one.  Later gators.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Better Updates

I've been lazy about journalling here lately.  Guess I'm in an ebb phase right now, but I thought I'd give a random mix of updates today.

(1)  We have a HUGE hornet nest in our stone wall.  Hubby ordered a bee suit and plans to kill them tonight.  What could go wrong with this plan?!?!  Why not an exterminator, you ask (as did I) ... $400 and he's going to his grave CHEAP AS F*$K.  Updates if the bee suit arrives on time today.  (Also, follow up questions -- how much for a bee suit on Amazon?  $35) 

The dirt piles are the "doors" of the nest.
These suckers are ENORMOUS (!!)

(2)  Flowers from Trader Joe's.  Took the orange and yellow arrangement to my friend last night.  The leftover greens are in a pitcher from Pottery Barn that I got free with my points.

(3)  Fun night at our friend's house.  Beautiful job on their house renovation.  We sat and munched all night.  Favorite was the German Beer Cheese Spread.  Couldn't be easier and it's a crowd pleaser (stores up to a week too).  I made it before, but hubby never tried it.  Goodness, but last night he loved it.  BTW, getting easier and easier to CHOOSE not to drink in social settings.

Beer Cheese Spread

(4)  I reviewed the 21 for 2021 list and have knocked a few off (plant something to eat, get colonoscopy, get new eye glasses, bake with the yeast I bought in 2020).  Some I'm behind on (wear the green dress, sub 24 min 3 mile run).  Some might not happen because of the pandemic (visit friends, indoor pottery class).  Some are in the works (21 hours of Spanish study, put up Christmas lights on porch, take a 5 mile run).

(5)  I FINALLY putting the tiramisu recipe on the calendar.  This was leftover from 2020.  I bought the dang special cookies and I'm going to try to remake the recipe from Italy.  It's happening in August (!!)  I've been waiting for a night with the kids -- that's not happening this month, so I'm doing it solo.  

(6)  Looked up my furniture delivery and WOW -- it's all ready for scheduling.  The ottoman is coming for my office after I get back from Asheville and the Asheville furniture is scheduled for the end of the month (since they only delivery an order that big T,W,TH we had to wait a month).  

(7)  Polly is recovering and I'm picking her up on Monday.  Sweet girl has a broken jaw too.  

(8)  New TV is up and running.  That's hubby's superpower -- electronics.  Glad he's on top of those things.

(9)  Life is morphing again.  What feels safe, what doesn't.  Not as bad as before, but definitely isolating more again.  We have some things in August that I wouldn't have scheduled knowing what we know now. I'll wear a mask and modify.  No other plans going forward again though.

(10)  Making the 7 day chocolate chip cookies again.  I brought the Guittard semi-sweet double chips from Whole Foods.  BEST chocolate chip cookie -- crazy perfect.

Chocolate Chip Cookie

Have a Fun-Day Sunday.  Later gators.