Friday, March 26, 2021

Hit A Wall

Last night I hit a wall.  We went to the kid's apartment to view an adorable wedding wishes video and get take out.  We went over final details for everything and I was suddenly overwhelmed and worn to a nub.  

A big part is my hormones are wonky again.  It should pass soon -- this seems to be the pattern so probably better by tomorrow, if all stays predictable.  Nothing isn't fixable, but all together, I'm feeling the blahs.

Reseting today.  

Birds and squirrels and storms have ruined my outside planting -- ugh.  Need to start over next week.  This upset me for some reason.  Porch is a muddy mess.  UPDATE:  Able to fix box and lettuce and romaine have sprouted ... there's hope (!!)

Birds built a nest on top of our new porch sunscreens.  I won't let hubby knock it down so no using the screens all spring.  I love nature, but ... bummer.  This also explains the crap all over the porch (grass, twigs and bird poop).

I need disposable dishes for all the breakfast and lunch food on the wedding day because the prep areas get locked up in the afternoon and I can't get my serving stuff back.  Really?!?  Why am I just learning this NOW?  Adding a Target run to my list today.  

Hubby ate some of the bagels for Sunday -- took them out of the freezer.  He didn't want me to buy any for him (I asked twice) and now he ate some.  Seriously? 

We are having issues with trash and recycle pick up in our neighborhood.  This is the second week of no service.  TONS and TONS of boxes from our new house ordering sopping wet in the driveway.  Ugh.  The pile up is big and stinky and annoying.  So many phone calls and no resolution.  Looks like we are switching service providers next week.

Storms through last night were crazy.  I've never heard so much thunder in my life.  Hour after hour.  It was scary.  More storms like this over the weekend.  My hair will never survive.  UPDATE:  Storms caused the workout room to flood.  I think we have it managed, but no sure longterm what's in store for the floor.  It was a wall of water that hit the side of the house.  Hopefully, that was the worst of the storm fronts.

I'm also a little bummed hubby and I are the work horses for Sunday.  While everyone gets settled and gathers, we are making tons of trips back and forth, hauling stuff in the storms, etc.  I'm happy to help, but it's a bummer we are on the outside of the fun that day.  I think this is what was the last straw in feeling overwhelmed -- we went over the schedule for the weekend and it's all on us -- no exaggeration.

I'm glad I have today to get things reset.  I need to pull up and ENJOY THE PROCESS.  Where have I heard this??  

I hate a feeling of not being prepared and I feel like that today.  A day of fixing things should help.  Tomorrow is show time and I want to be HAPPY and JOYFUL and PRESENT.  Picking up the cookies today too -- fingers crossed they are awesome.

Wish me luck -- I need it.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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