Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Happy Hangover

What a wedding day.  Flooding storms to sunshine (no rainbow, but beautiful clouds and a pink sunset).  Running around like a crazed person to dressed and relaxed.  I'll recap some of the fun this week.

I ate what I wanted (even had a couple of drinks) and my old body is HURTING still.  Guess gluten and alcohol are tough on my body -- it was worth every bite, but the "clean up" is long.

Hair turned out okay after 90 minutes of trying (I was sweating it!!).  Makeup was also fine.  I had the best time ahead of the wedding hanging with my DIL and some time with my son and the guys too.

The ceremony was amazing.  The officiant had them write letters to each other ahead of time and he read them.  Not a dry eye in the house.

Here are some pictures.  I'm on dog duty now ... more tomorrow.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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