Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Falling Apart

Eeeek -- this is not a feel good week.  

My back, hormones (hot flashes, headache and cravings), cold sore and ear zings.  The cold sore and ear zings happen during yellow pollen season for me.  I'm one big pile of poo this week.  Sleeping was hard -- lots of tossing and turning.

I'll keep the course and know that this will pass, but, dang.  It's frustrating to feel crappy out of the blue.  

I'm going to try an outdoor run with Duke today.  I don't think running is the issue with my back (it's a very random muscle mid-back muscle).  This SHOULD help with my mood, although allergies will not be happy.

I'm sitting here typing in a massive hot flash.  Dripping on every part of my body.  Real deal hormones.

I don't have much to report today again.  I'm finishing up some wedding details with the cookie order (doing it virtual -- yea!) and sending Evites for the Welcome Night.  House stuff is a scramble, but it's coming together too.  Tomorrow is an early Target run (only 2nd time in a year).  

Have a happy Wednesday -- I'm hoping too.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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