Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Happy Day

Easier said than done, but worth the effort to try.  I'm expecting Trader Joe's to help me with this today.  I might even buy fresh flowers like I'm having company.  Remember those days?

I'm also able to choose more HAPPY because youngest thinks his chest sensations are from extra pushups and an anxiety overreaction.  He's feeling completely normal.  This mama is relieved.

HAPPY also comes from feeling the low feelings and letting them pass.  It's nuanced and tricky, but when I get it right, I feel better.  Actually better, not a fake better.  It's hard to describe and even harder to do it.

HAPPIER is also coming from wearing NEW PAJAMAS -- finally.  They fit better and that means progress is happening.  They don't LOOK fantastic yet, but I'm comfortable wearing them.  Next week I'll try another set.

HAPPY comes from choosing to take care of myself too.  Cliche, but true.  I needed to step away from some of the world drama that isn't directly related to me.  I need a break to regroup.  Absorbing that much anger, sadness, anxiety, hate was hurting.  Most of it isn't MY hurt to feel.  It's nuanced too.  I want to understand, help, be a good person ... but I can't act like it's MINE when it isn't.  I need to process enough that I take the right action, but not so much it drives me into the ground.

Funny enough, I decided to rent the Enneagram videos yesterday and it's some kind of payment that I need to download to my computer, etc.  Nope.  Don't trust that, so AFTER ALL THE TALK, I'm not getting them.  I bought a book instead ... oh well.  I checked YouTube for them, but no luck.  They have some other videos that I might watch once I've read the book.

I had the BEST dinner last night.  I realized I had nothing thawed and figured I'd eat eggs.  I'm newly following a recipe Instagram account ... her website is smitten kitchen.com.  She posted a new recipe -- pan fried chickpeas and zucchini with yogurt sauce.  I happened to have all the ingredients.  She promised the whole taste was greater than the sum of the parts and WOW, she was right.  Lemon, fresh herbs, red pepper flakes, garlic.  I have leftovers chick peas so I'll make it again for lunch -- can't wait.  On the lunch note, I finished Pete's Paleo meals -- that feels like a big WIN.

On the less-happy news front, my DIL had COVID exposure from a colleague at work.  They think the coworker got it from socializing, not at work (so frustrating).  DIL is isolating so no family gathering for the time being.  We haven't seen them since July 2 and I wonder if we'll see them at all this month.  Quarantine is in FULL FORCE.

Looks like just hubby and me and the dogs this weekend.  I'll make a fun dinner from the new cookbook my girlfriend gave me and we'll hang out.  Maybe even take the dogs out on a park walk if the weather isn't too hot.

Have a great day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations, have a nice day and can benefit the environment, greetings from me in Indonesia
