Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday Fun

It's Friday and it feels like a Friday.  That's not a normal thing for me.  Back when I was working, I'd work so many weekends or partial weekends that Friday rarely felt like a Friday.  Then I stopped working and Friday was the same as any other day (lucky me).

THIS FRIDAY feels like fun and I need it a lot.  Hubby comes home - yea!!  Two weeks is long during a quarantine.  Also, my girlfriend invited me to her community garden for a chat -- she's not seeing her granddaughter until next week.  We'll be outside and far apart, but together chatting.  Two people in one day -- it's practically a party.

I overdid my workouts this week.  Heel and back are okay, but I'm tired.  I had a hard run yesterday and that whipped me.  Today, I'm doing a low key stretching yoga.  I think the active rest day was too active.

I also needed to eat another mini meal last night.  I think I'm ready to add breakfast back to mix.  When I first clean up my diet, I'm not hungry in the morning so I've been doing a smidge of intermittent fasting.  If I have a potato or fruit heavy day, I'm fine with only lunch and dinner.  The last couple of days have been lean days and that caught up with me too.

Tomorrow will be a bigger eating day.  I'm doing a pasta, meatball, ricotta bake for hubby.  I'll try the hearts of palm "pasta" and let you know the verdict (!!)  Even without regular pasta (for me -- hubby would die if I tried to serve him the hearts of palm LOL), it'll be hardy.  Now I'm laughing at the idea of giving him the alternative pasta -- that man HATES vegetables.

We had an extremely short walk this morning.  Duke got stung by something when he stuck his head in a bush.  I hope it was a sting, not a poisonous bite.  He's very emotional about everything so we are back home cuddling on the bed.  I gave him a Benadryl and he can sleep it off.  No signs of anything horrible.

Have a good weekend.  I might sign off until next week depending on how long hubby sleeps in the morning.  Next week is another goodie post -- I got some fun stuff because why not :)  Stay well.  Later gators.

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