Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday Evening

Coming to you in the early hours of the EVENING.  I'm bored and, as I mentioned, morning was rushed like crazy.

Here are a few of my very boring happenings.

Got my monthly this morning.  Fun times.

Tried Publix when they opened at 7am since masks are now required.  NEVER going back until this is over.  Lots without masks ... or should I say CHIN masks ... even EMPLOYEES.  If I had my phone somewhere other than safely buried in my purse, I would've take a picture to send it to Publix.  Employees with masks around their chins -- mouth and nose out, laughing and standing next to each other and a STORE POLICY of MASKS REQUIRED.  What a joke.

Met my girlfriend under a shade tree.  It was extremely nice to catch up in person.  She brought me two glorious tomatoes from her garden.  Incredible, sweet and meaty.

Hubby comes home tonight.  On his way, but his car is having ac issues.  That's no fun.  Bet he'll extra need a shower when he gets home.

Kids coming over tomorrow.  It's been a month.  Grilled burgers, potato salad (already made), broccoli salad and kids bringing dessert.  We will socially distance, take precautions and mask if we are sitting inside.  I miss everyone.  This will feel nice -- wish I wasn't in the middle of my tough monthly days.

Nothing else to report.  Bored as ever, but staying safe.  Be well.  Find some HAPPY.  Later gators.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thursday Things

Good morning.

I don't have much to say this morning since I'm doing nothing :)

I'm running to Costco at opening today.  Still keeping well stocked as I expect things to get worse as kids return to school.  I have a couple of new favorites from the freezer section.

Wild salmon burgers.  Gluten free.  Cook from frozen -- super yummy.
Beyond Burgers (as I've mentioned before).  Also GF.  Thaw in refrigerator (will keep for a few days thawed).  Strange texture before cooking and not super delicious plain, but add burger fixings and it's delicious.

I have a few new books to recommend too.  You know the podcast, PopCast (deep dive into the shallow end of the pool) -- at the end of every episode they red light and green light things.  Often TV shows, movies and BOOKS!  I love Jamie's recommendations for books.  She loves fun, well written, beach or mysteries.  Stay tuned ... arriving soon (I'm too lazy to look up the titles this morning).  Sometimes if the episode of the PopCast isn't something I'm interested in (maybe they talk about a reality show I don't watch, etc), I jump to the end to hear the red light, green light.  So many good ideas.

My girlfriend reached out to meet tomorrow morning at the park for a chat.  I'm excited and very grateful to her for making time to see me.  BUT ... here's my complaint.  EVERY SINGLE THING is in the morning.  I need to get up and moving early to rush around and get everything finished so I can leave at 9 o'clock and then have NOTHING to do the rest of the day.  She hates sitting in the heat and wants to meet in the mornings.  I get it.  I respect it.  I appreciate her.  But, dang, I HATE this pattern of morning rushing and afternoon slumping.  I super duper hate it.  I tried to get her to meet later in the morning -- but no go.  Oh well.  My dance card is empty and I can't afford to be too particular.

Here are my pups ...  stay well.  Later gators.

Giving me sass lip because it's time for dinner.
He likes to eat at 3 o'clock.  LOL
Had a bath yesterday.  Look at this fluff ball.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Hubby got an answer yesterday.  Work TWO WEEKS from home every month for "a few months."  He's taking that to mean until the end of the year.  They weren't happy, but they said YES.

This is good news.

A break for him and some routine for me.  I need to KNOW things.  Have a little stability for a little stretch of time.  He'll be home every other week and that feels like a good balance -- a very good balance.  

I took a little ACTION yesterday.  I can't stomach that I'm not doing anything fun at all, anything productive at all -- so I pushed a few things forward.

FUN -- I chatted with my youngest and he happens to be "into" the Enneagram and wants to take the BIG 144 question test this weekend when he comes over.  I put it out to the rest of the family as a I-have-a-fun-surprise-if-you-want-to-do-it.  This sounds FUN to me.  I know I have one person willing to do it.

PRODUCTIVE -- I messaged the board team of my dog rescue saying I hadn't seen many dogs available, but I was ready.  They said they've been calling behind the scenes to ask people because some of the new fosters aren't working out.  They called in June and asked about a dog and I said I needed Monti to settle first -- that's why I haven't been called again.  They're on the lookout for a foster for me now.

HELPFUL -- One of the adopters volunteers for a refugee organization in the city.  I've donated before and I reached out to ask about how they're doing during the pandemic.  Not surprising they're struggling and I offered to help -- in a donation of money or things kind of way.  She has a project coming up and she's going to reach out.  I made another donation last night.  Helping the helpers.  Helping the GOOD.  I like that it's local too.  

I'm going to start the picture project after hubby has his work from home week next week.  I need to work on it outside his office and that's too close for comfort.  I'll work in phases and finish up sections before he's home again.  I also don't need him picking through what I'm working on.  No one can resist a box of pictures :)  No rush so if a foster comes and that's a slow working week, that's fine.   I can do one bin at a time (there are about 12 bins --- eeekkk!).  Some bins will take and hour and some bins will take a week.  

The hike will happen, but maybe not this week.  My monthly feels imminent (already have cramps today) and I don't think this is the week to go for it.  Might be better to do when hubby is home anyway.

Now that hubby has some weeks home, I'm going to put some feelers out to our couple friends for outdoor happy hours.  I need to see people.  I need to see people SAFELY.  Fingers crossed.

Forward direction feels good.  Maybe I'm climbing up for real this time.

Stay well.  Later gators. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Finding a direction is HARD.  I'm stumped.  

Here's my list ... and the scoop.  A few gems and a few duds and some in-between.

(1)  Meet my ONE girlfriend at the park.
She's the only one I trust to see in-person right now, but she is super duper busy in August -- double move and a new grand baby.  Maybe I'll get to see her a couple of times, but nothing more.

(2)  Hike local lake loop.
My heel is still having trouble and that concerns me with uneven ground on the hike.  Also, solo hiking is a little risky too (can you tell I'm a risk chicken-shit?)  I might try it later this week though.  I need to step up and out SOMEHOW.

Hiking partners are slim pickings right now too.  It's either "group" hiking and that doesn't allow for social distancing or my solo peeps are out of commission (foot problems, knee surgery, etc).

(3)  Go to Starbuck's drive-thru with dogs.
Already doing this once a week (usually).  It's okay, nothing too thrilling, but gets us out of the house in the heat of the afternoon.

(4)  Cook new recipes (look for meatless meal options too).
Also have been doing this -- but I'm getting tired of cooking.  Maybe this should say GET TAKEOUT instead.  I haven't had takeout since my birthday.  Someone else making the food sounds nice.

(5)  Organize picture and memorabilia boxes in attic. 
This one has merit if my back holds up.  HUGE project I've wanted to undertake since we moved.  This one will keep me occupied.  I'll start next week.  I need to setup the upstairs with some tables and chairs and such.

(6)  Start back with life coaching (I bought 3 sessions in June).
I need to confirm hubby's schedule.  Why get a session when he's home.  Way easier and more private to do when he's gone.  This might give me some more direction on my direction.

(7)  Read on BLM and Enneagram.
Doing this too.  I have more to go on both though.  Reading takes a backseat when I'm upset, worried, sad, etc.  Too much energy to read when EMOTIONS are swirling.  Write up the Enneagram post too -- that will take more energy than the usual what-I-did-yesterday post :)

(8)  Finish decorating the bedroom wall. 
We have a massive wall in our bedroom opposite our bed.  No windows or anything that breaks it up. I have a big mirror over the dresser, but need a lot more.  I want to do a mix-n-match stuff.  I have some ideas -- waiting on the first picture to come.  Backorder until end of August.  Cleaning the picture boxes can help on this too.  I'd like some family pictures framed in cool ways.

(9)  Start FOSTERING again.
I was waiting until Monti settled and I think we're there.  Our rescue hasn't pulled any dogs that fit my type lately, so I'm waiting ... on the watch though.  I might give myself a few more weeks so I can do the picture organization without a new pup.

Tuesday Updates

I don't have many answers to yesterday.

Hubby spoke with his bosses and gave his rationale for working from home 2 weeks a month until it's safer to fly.  Good news ... they aren't flying either.  Bad news ... they weren't happy and need to "discuss" before approving.  The conversation happened in the morning and nothing was resolved yesterday.  How long do you need to discuss it?

Then, in odd news, his immediate boss (these are Private Equity guys, but there's a pecking order), messaged him and asked him to a virtual happy hour on Wednesday.  Grab a beer, zoom call and we'll chat about all things NOT work related.  Huh?  Apparently, he's a big social guy and hubby thinks he's trying to help him feel more adjusted.  THIS, but no answer to THAT?!?!

Also, during the conversation one of the guys asked why I didn't drive up with hubby and spend the month in Virginia.  Also, huh?  He answered because I wouldn't be able to do anything but sit in a hotel room.  Duh.

Not looking good, but no answer is still no answer.  So we wait.

As far as my mindset and mood ... not much accomplished on that front.  I know I need to move into an acceptance mode.  Remember the days of "the universe works for me, not against me?"  "It's aimless to fight WHAT IS."  All the nuggets of wisdom that seemed so clear in good times and now useless.  LOL.

BUT, some good news (!!)  My life coach is back at stuff -- podcast, Instagram.  She took a 4 month break and she's back to talk about NOW.  Her insights connect very well with me and I'm hoping this is a step in the right direction toward feeling better, being more production, having a direction.  I'm setting up another meeting with her soon (as soon as I know hubby's schedule).

Also, in my defense, it's hard to FIX MY LIFE during PMS week.  PMS during Perry sucks.  This week I'll information gather, journal, think and come with a plan for when my hormones aren't complicating my every thought.

I believe this will continue well into next year and I need to figure out how to do more than just exist on a day to day basis.

One answer ... MEDITATION.  I've been lax on meditating and while skipping a day or two doesn't make a difference, not being consistent does take away the collective benefits.

Hope you have a great day in whatever way that's possible right now.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday Blues

The last few days were a big old FUNK.  Even with hubby home, maybe especially with hubby home.

He's walking on the side of unhappy too.  Not sure whether to stay working, not happy about the state of anything either.  We fed off each other and the weekend was lousy and boring,

Something needs to change for me.  I need to figure out how to do better during this time -- a time that has no foreseeable relief in the non-mask wearing south.

I keep sputtering with a little success and then falling backwards again.  I'll do some thinking today and some planning,  Hubby has a BIG conversation with his boss today.  He needs the work situation to change while it's not safe to fly (i.e. more work from home).  The answer will determine if he continue.  This is a big day.

Anyway, I'll write all about both tomorrow.  Hopefully, I'll have some better news.  I have some ideas :)

We watched a movie Saturday night -- What If.  It was a rom-com and just okay.  Hubby liked it better than I did.  Made a nice dinner too.  Broccoli salad, oven baked potato chips and cowboy chicken.  I also baked the brown butter chocolate chips cookies.  You could taste the brown butter in the dough, but not the final cookie.  More work than necessary with this recipe, but I tried it and he loved it.  I have a simpler cookie recipe he likes just as well.  Good old butter flavored Crisco cookie.  It's what he knows and it's a favorite.  Every once in a while, I try a "special" recipe to see if I can do better -- never is that much better in his mind.  Not complaining because his favorite is super simple.

I watched The Kind of Staten Island.  It was good.  Super actors, "real" feeling story -- even with the price tag.  Since the kids watched too, I felt better about spending $19 on a 48 hour rental.

I'm slowly getting into Beach Read (Emily Henry).  It seems good, but I'm only about 50 pages in -- reading and being in a crappy mood don't go hand in hand for me.

BTW -- it's PMS week (maybe that's obvious).  Sorry in advance (!!)

Strange thing happened yesterday.  I took off my nail polish (it was chipping) and didn't get around to applying more.  A few hours later, my nails started hurting.  So much by bedtime, that I had to polish them before bed.  I thought this only happened if your nail beds were too thin after SNS, gel, etc.  I googled and turns out, wearing nail polish slightly curls the nail bed up.  After it's off for a few hours, the nail bed flattens out again and that causes the pain.  They are sore this morning, but not nearly as much as last night.  I had no idea.  I guess I usually take the polish off and re-polish quickly enough that that hasn't happened before.

As bad as I felt the last few days, today feels more upbeat.  Maybe it's because I feel like today will get us closer to some answers with hubby and some ideas for me.

Have a happy Monday.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Friday, July 24, 2020

A Smidge of Complaining

I think I know why this week feels hard.

I have exactly ZERO in-person social interactions.  My girlfriend who I meet at the park is under strict isolation because she's seeing her brand new granddaughter now.  I'm super happy for her, but it's going to be a long time before I see her in person again (as it stands now ... her daughter might relax regs at some point).  They are moving locally in August and it involves a double move and that will keep her extra occupied.  It's certainly not her responsibility to entertain me, but she's the only friend I see socially because she's the only one I trust.

I also can't see the kids because my DIL's unit continues to have employee positives.  It's been a month and looking like we have weeks before it's even a possibility.

This in contrast to people doing what they want to do.  I'm not talking about the non-masker crazy peeps (they'll never do the selfless thing) ... I'm talking about regular folks taking a "breather" from the pandemic.  My friends.  My extended family.  Socializing without masks because they are EATING OUT, inside at restaurants ... too hot to be outside ...  lingering for a couple of hours with drinks, etc.  Multiple groups of friends with multiple people each time.  Vacationing and throwing all precautions out the window because they are at the beach.  As though the beach doesn't count.  Posting it all on social media for the world to see.  What are they thinking?

It's frustrating and I'm having a hard week with it.  There's only so many things I can do safely that are fun too.  I've exhausted a lot of things (TV, books, puzzles, house organizing, zoom calls).  It's too hot to do much outdoor stuff so I'm plum out of ideas.  Groundhog day, every day.

That's my complaining.  Hopefully, I'll recharge soon and plug along with a better attitude.  I know I'm lucky.  I know bored is not a tragedy and not even a problem.  But I'm tired of it all.  I WANT to be the person who takes a break too.  But I won't.  For my own safety and for the social responsibility to my fellow humans.  I also want to plan something fun ... a vacation, weekend away, dinner party, SOMETHING.  But I can't do this either.  We have no idea when this kind of thing is possible again since too many people are behaving poorly.

And, you know what?  I don't care that I'm not being understanding to people's choices.  There are rules of society for the better good of all.  These happen to be new rules since we are in a pandemic, but, dang it, they need to be followed.  I wouldn't "understand" if someone decided to drive through red lights on the regular or drive on the wrong side of the road.  Rules.  Simple as that.

Guess I wasn't finished complaining.  Now I am.
Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday Things

Good morning.

I made an executive decision to NOT early walk my dogs.  I took THIS morning to chill inside with only backyard "walks."  We long walked yesterday and one day won't kill them, but one day will revive me.  I miss a slow roll morning.  I super duper dislike rolling out of bed, getting dressed and walking 2 miles before coffee, before *that* bathroom trip, before any quiet time.

This has been a challenging week and I need something that resembles ME.

I started the Enneagram book.  Skipped right to "my" number chapter.  Each Enneagram has an additional 4 connections so I'm read those first.  It's very interesting.  I'll do a post once I've finished the book.

I decided to start Beach Read (Emily Henry) before a #BLM book because I need something lite and fun this week.  So far, it's FUN and easy and silly.

As far as The King of Staten Island and the hefty rental price ... the kids want to watch it too.  We'll all take turns over the 48 hours and that way it feels less extravagant.  My eldest and DIL will set the weekend and I'll let you know what we think.  On Prime for $19/48 hours.  Dang.

I'm making more icebox pickles today.  YUM!  The only thing I was missing last time was the mustard seed.  TJ's didn't have any, so I ordered on Amazon.  It came last night.  Hubby loves them too.

I tried Beyond Burgers this week (Costco has a big frozen pack -- separated into 2 servings per container).  At first, I tried a bite plain and it was just okay.  Then I put on the fixings and ... WOW!  Loved it.  I've been working toward some regular meatless meals.  I thawed another container and with those pickles ... dinner will be good tomorrow.

I did more online shopping yesterday.  Crate and Barrel.  Everything is backordered until late August, but I'll do pictures when it comes.  A picture for our bedroom (starting to decorate the big wall) and new drinking glasses (I hate the ones we have and my youngest wants to take them).

I tried Ariel de-alcoholized red wine last night.  Did I tell you about it?  The mock-tail account that I follow recommended it and Total Wines carries it.  It's won awards, etc.  It was HORRIBLE.  God awful disgusting.  Smelled like cheap wine, sort of tasted like wine at first ... then you swallow and it's all vinegar and grape juice aftertaste.  I tossed it.  $7.  It was worth the try though.  I'll try the non-alcoholic spirts this weekend.

Okay, my dogs are barking NON STOP.  I guess I need to walk them after all.  Ugh.  Why does this week feel so hard?  I need a vacation from this "new" life.  I guess I'll get used to it eventually.

Stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Want a Laugh?

@Blacktresscomedy on Instagram.  #CoronaChronicals Day 130.  I don't know how to link it, but she and her husband did a Trader Joe's run.

You will pee your pants.  It's spot on PERFECT.  She is incredibly funny.  After you watch it, you have to watch them all (she doesn't post every day -- maybe about a dozen??).  Laugh away.

I made it to Trader Joe's.  Got home, saw this on Instagram and the rest is history.  Lord, we need to laugh.

Anyway ...

Speaking of laughing.  Brene Brown's podcast with Judd Apatow -- all about laughs and his new movie, The King of Staten Island.  Lots of streaming services have the movie, but I can only see it on Prime.  $19 to rent for 48 hours.  Dang.  I'm not sold, but I might still do it.  It gets good review and I could use a comedy (even a comedy about grief).  What if it sucks?  But, then again, what am I actually doing for social spending.

Another interesting watch -- though not funny, is Maria Shriver's interview with Dr. Fauci (YouTube).  I was surprised by a lot of what he had to say -- aware of the overall situation (health, economy, mental health) and I'm far more paranoid than he suggests I be (QuaranTINA is out in force).  Biggest takeaway -- if we all do FIVE things, we can beat this back to the original baseline and hang on for a vaccine (which he believes is coming, effective and safe).
(1) Masks.
(2) Social distance -- in combination with masks.
(3) Wash your hands a lot.
(4) No large crowds.
(5) Close BARS (not restaurants, bars)
The interview talks a lot about nuances and he talks about schools going back (he says, mostly yes).

I finished The Giver of Stars.  It was good.  A little predictable, a little wrapped and tied with a bow in the end ... but it was a nice story.  I also appreciate a story that goes from A to Z.  No time switches, no narrator switches.  Just a story that flows in regular time.

That was yesterday.  I'm on the hunt for more laughs today and get to start a new book.  Stay tuned.

Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Updates on All Things

Having hubby home this weekend was great, but in my typical pattern ... worried Friday as he drove, happy Saturday to have him home, sad and worried Sunday as he drove back.

I have to find a way to stop this rollercoaster.  It's too much.

I also find the interruption of my new routines to be hard ... particularly hard to get back at it.  I also need to do better on that front.  I expect I'll figure it all out after a bit.  I'm working on solutions -- especially for Sunday.

My DIL had another coworker test positive so she's on isolation for another 14 days.  Ugh.  Her FOR PROFIT hospital is behaving very poorly in the policies for employees and COVID.  They have a unit meeting this week to discuss.  They currently have 5 employees with patient contact positive in a small GI unit and they have NOT shut down.  Patients are coming for routine procedures thinking they are in a relatively safe environment -- meanwhile, the unit is having an outbreak.  Be careful assuming medical areas are doing the right thing.  It all about the mighty dollar.

My niece who is an ER nurse in PA became symptomatic yesterday.  She's getting tested today and heading into isolation pending results, etc.  She lives with her husband, 3 cats in my sister's basement.  My BIL is on round 3 of chemo for rectal cancer.  They've been careful, but this is scary.  She is easily suggestible though and has allergies ... so maybe it's not COVID?!?

I spent about an hour last night on the phone with my sister while we answered back to trollers on her Facebook post saying Trump needs to go (BTW, she voted for him in 2016).  Unbelievable haters and so aggressive.  Name calling, etc.  We both hit back and then she blocked them.  What the hell, people.  I'm not going to lie ... it felt good.  I needed to EXPLODE a little.  I wasn't nice -- I met them where they live and I have ZERO regrets.  She is STILL getting people trolling that post.  Maybe a round 2 later LOL (probably not, I'm back to "normal" this morning).

I can't wait for fall and this heat to be finished.  I'm starting to go stir crazy with quarantine and outside limitations with the heat.  We had a rainy winter and spring, but no no rain to be found now.  An overcast rainy day is such a joy in the summer.  Come on rain -- I need a break from this hot sun.

I have a Trader Joe's run on the calendar today, but I'm questioning going.  I feel extra blah this morning.  I have this unspoken rule that I need to go first thing and that means leaving by 8:15 -- and I'm not feeling it.  I have an hour to see if I get more inspired.  I might punt it to later this week.

We are only on Tuesday and this week feels HARD.  Wonder if I can turn it around ...

Enough complaining and doom-n-gloom.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, July 20, 2020

More Goodies and Such (Pictures)

My new BFF -- online shopping via Instagram influencing.  When I can't see anyone, can't do much outside the house ... Instagram to the rescue LOL.  From recipes to workouts to gadgets ... great ideas and often with a discount code.  I get a lot of book recommendations from podcasts and Instagram too.

Here are some of the latest.

New tea kettle from Crate and Barrel.  It's so pretty, pours beautifully and has a temperature gauge on the front.  Upgrade from my $20 Target one and I love it.

Keeping with the drink theme.  These are non-alcoholic spirits from SeedLip.  You can go on the website and see the differences in each variety and get mock-tail recipes ideas.  Candacemread on Instagram.  These aren't a direct substitute for any particular kind of alcohol, just something that gives the mouth feel of a cocktail.  She does mock-tail Mondays and has interesting products to try.  Stay tuned -- margarita this weekend.  (I thought it would be nice to have non-alcoholic options for me occasionally and for friends who don't drink ... if I can ever see friends again.)

Workout shorts from Amazon.  Wow -- love these.  High waisted, don't pinch at the bottom and incredibly deep front pockets for anything ... phone, dog treats, tissue, etc.

I got the large.

New cutting board and new clearance highball glasses.  I'm finishing up the oil and conditioning of the board today.  It's beautiful (Sur La Table) and the glasses are so nice to hold (Crate and Barrel).

A few more books on my list.  I'm going to finish The Giver of Stars and then start the Enneagram book along side How to be an Antiracist (Brene Brown's podcast with Ibram Kendi is fantastic!!).

Last, but not least.  A new workout shirt from Amazon.  I like the sleeveless for outside walking and it has more coverage than a tank.  It's cheap, long, stretchy.  Size Large.  Does the trick.

Monti gives the BEST cuddles.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday Fun

It's Friday and it feels like a Friday.  That's not a normal thing for me.  Back when I was working, I'd work so many weekends or partial weekends that Friday rarely felt like a Friday.  Then I stopped working and Friday was the same as any other day (lucky me).

THIS FRIDAY feels like fun and I need it a lot.  Hubby comes home - yea!!  Two weeks is long during a quarantine.  Also, my girlfriend invited me to her community garden for a chat -- she's not seeing her granddaughter until next week.  We'll be outside and far apart, but together chatting.  Two people in one day -- it's practically a party.

I overdid my workouts this week.  Heel and back are okay, but I'm tired.  I had a hard run yesterday and that whipped me.  Today, I'm doing a low key stretching yoga.  I think the active rest day was too active.

I also needed to eat another mini meal last night.  I think I'm ready to add breakfast back to mix.  When I first clean up my diet, I'm not hungry in the morning so I've been doing a smidge of intermittent fasting.  If I have a potato or fruit heavy day, I'm fine with only lunch and dinner.  The last couple of days have been lean days and that caught up with me too.

Tomorrow will be a bigger eating day.  I'm doing a pasta, meatball, ricotta bake for hubby.  I'll try the hearts of palm "pasta" and let you know the verdict (!!)  Even without regular pasta (for me -- hubby would die if I tried to serve him the hearts of palm LOL), it'll be hardy.  Now I'm laughing at the idea of giving him the alternative pasta -- that man HATES vegetables.

We had an extremely short walk this morning.  Duke got stung by something when he stuck his head in a bush.  I hope it was a sting, not a poisonous bite.  He's very emotional about everything so we are back home cuddling on the bed.  I gave him a Benadryl and he can sleep it off.  No signs of anything horrible.

Have a good weekend.  I might sign off until next week depending on how long hubby sleeps in the morning.  Next week is another goodie post -- I got some fun stuff because why not :)  Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

All Fixed

Turns out there was an electrical problem.  I got to see the eroded wire and casing.  The crew who came (10 men, 5 trucks -- Electric SWAT) was on it and I only had power out for 10 minutes (hence the generator).  The first crew had no idea what they were saying or explaining.  I'm grateful because that could've been a nightmare.  About 2 1/2 hours worth of work.  Landscaping crew is coming to fix up the yard.

I ran the grill yesterday (that's usually hubby's domaine) and cooked MASSIVE amounts of chicken tenders.  I have well enough cooked chicken -- who would think I could say that.  Guess when it's mostly ONLY me eating, I don't need as much.

I also had an active rest 3.5 mile power-ish walk.  Not sure if that was too much for a rest day, but I felt like doing something.  Today starts over (after a rest day).  Either OBE or a treadmill interval run.  I need to see how my heel and back feel after I warm up.  Both are holding up, but teetering on a problem.  I'm leaning toward a run.

Birds are in full glory this year and pooping like crazy on our porches.  I had to clean both porches and the garage doors and the driveway (!!)  It was crazy town of poop, but the birds are beautiful and I love seeing them.

Yesterday felt LONG.  Even though I was busy enough, the afternoon dragged on and on.  I've been really good with keeping an eating routine and a morning routine, but that afternoon change up is hit or miss.  Honestly, I forget to do something some days.  I stopped my phone alarm because my little Duke think that means we're going out.  Not sure why that connection, but it was annoying LOL.  Still working on it.

I also think it felt long because I read a number of reports that this is just the beginning of the crisis in the US unless we start wearing masks and following restrictions.  The quarantine is looming long and longer.  It's also the back end of being home alone for 2 weeks.  Hubby comes back Friday night and that will probably restore my tanks.

AND, the one girlfriend I see on the regular is MIA since her granddaughter was born and she is being SUPER strict so she can be with them.  Kids are isolating from coworker exposure and they are off my list too.  It's lonely this week.

BTW ... The Giver of Stars (Jojo Moyes) is good.  It's a story -- straight forward in time.  No back and forth, no switching narrators.  The book is so dang big though, but the large print is nice.  Guess I need to watch that I don't order large print again.

Today has very little on the agenda.  Food Saving the chicken, workout and that's it.  I think I'll treat us all to a Starbucks run.  Car ride, pup cup and a decaf Americano for me.  We need SOMETHING today -- something safe though.  It's too hot for any outdoor activities with little dogs.

Hope you have a great day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bizarre Electrical Issues

I came home from Trader Joe's (FABULOUS safety measure and my new go-to supermarket), washed everything, took a shower, just finished getting dressed ... and a "knock" at the door.

Ring door bell didn't activate.  I checked the front door -- no one.  I checked the side door -- no one.  I went into the garage to look for the noise source and the power went out.  Alarms, emergency lighting -- hubby has the entire house rigged.

There was a big utility truck next door -- they were on the side of my house and cut the power.  "Your smart meter let us know there's a bad line and that's why you have no AC and no power to half your house."  Except I HAD FULL power.  I told them that -- they said that was impossible.  Also, I they said they "tapped" on the door to let me know they were outside.  What?!?!  Feels like they might have the wrong house.

Long story short -- electric off for an hour while they hooked my house to a portable generator (within 15 minutes you knew the ac was off).  What?!?!  Another crew will be back sometime this week to run a new line -- no power for about 3 hours and NO ADVANCED NOTICE.  Well, that's nice.

I don't know whether to be super duper happy they proactively came to help me or wonder if they are totally creating a problem where there is none.  The first choice feels better ... but I'm still skeptical.

That was my excitement yesterday.  Now I can't stop worrying about my electric going off.  They said if the main wire goes, I'll lose power with or without the generator.

Anyway ...

Today is a rest day from working out, but a busy day (assuming I have power).  Cleaning as much as my back with take -- first up vacuuming.  I have 2 Costco packs of chicken to grill.  Seems I went a bit overboard with meat.  I'll deliver some to the kids next week.  My freezer is PACKED.  (Which makes this power thing a bit unnerving.)  Also, rescue computer work to help out a fellow foster.

My girlfriend's daughter had her baby yesterday (perfect little girl) so our park chat is postponed.  So happy for this family :)

Remember the yogurt dip I make for the chickpea dish?  I used the leftovers last night with artichoke hearts.  Another Instagramer tip -- frozen bag of artichoke hearts from TJs, olive oil, salt, pepper.  Mix and roast on high heat on a pan with a rack.  Roast until brown and crispy.  Dip in a creamy dip (she makes a similar one).  WOW!!  It was so delicious.  I'm absolutely using that as an appetizer (if we ever get to entertain again).  Another Trader Joe's favorite to add to the list.

Next week I'll do another GOODIES post.  Stuff is arriving and it's FUN!!  Stay tuned.

Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Happy Day

Easier said than done, but worth the effort to try.  I'm expecting Trader Joe's to help me with this today.  I might even buy fresh flowers like I'm having company.  Remember those days?

I'm also able to choose more HAPPY because youngest thinks his chest sensations are from extra pushups and an anxiety overreaction.  He's feeling completely normal.  This mama is relieved.

HAPPY also comes from feeling the low feelings and letting them pass.  It's nuanced and tricky, but when I get it right, I feel better.  Actually better, not a fake better.  It's hard to describe and even harder to do it.

HAPPIER is also coming from wearing NEW PAJAMAS -- finally.  They fit better and that means progress is happening.  They don't LOOK fantastic yet, but I'm comfortable wearing them.  Next week I'll try another set.

HAPPY comes from choosing to take care of myself too.  Cliche, but true.  I needed to step away from some of the world drama that isn't directly related to me.  I need a break to regroup.  Absorbing that much anger, sadness, anxiety, hate was hurting.  Most of it isn't MY hurt to feel.  It's nuanced too.  I want to understand, help, be a good person ... but I can't act like it's MINE when it isn't.  I need to process enough that I take the right action, but not so much it drives me into the ground.

Funny enough, I decided to rent the Enneagram videos yesterday and it's some kind of payment that I need to download to my computer, etc.  Nope.  Don't trust that, so AFTER ALL THE TALK, I'm not getting them.  I bought a book instead ... oh well.  I checked YouTube for them, but no luck.  They have some other videos that I might watch once I've read the book.

I had the BEST dinner last night.  I realized I had nothing thawed and figured I'd eat eggs.  I'm newly following a recipe Instagram account ... her website is smitten  She posted a new recipe -- pan fried chickpeas and zucchini with yogurt sauce.  I happened to have all the ingredients.  She promised the whole taste was greater than the sum of the parts and WOW, she was right.  Lemon, fresh herbs, red pepper flakes, garlic.  I have leftovers chick peas so I'll make it again for lunch -- can't wait.  On the lunch note, I finished Pete's Paleo meals -- that feels like a big WIN.

On the less-happy news front, my DIL had COVID exposure from a colleague at work.  They think the coworker got it from socializing, not at work (so frustrating).  DIL is isolating so no family gathering for the time being.  We haven't seen them since July 2 and I wonder if we'll see them at all this month.  Quarantine is in FULL FORCE.

Looks like just hubby and me and the dogs this weekend.  I'll make a fun dinner from the new cookbook my girlfriend gave me and we'll hang out.  Maybe even take the dogs out on a park walk if the weather isn't too hot.

Have a great day.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Goodies and Such (PICTURES)

Finally ... of course, now this feels like so much build up, it might disappoint.  Here's some of my "stuff."

Books.  Serious and fun.  Committed to continue learning about social injustices and racial inequality and white supremacy.

Ibram Kendi is on Brene Brown's podcast.  I'll listen to it before I read his book.
I read I'm Still Here.
Lies My Teacher Told Me looks long and a bit boring
so that's LAST and maybe skimmed.

"Noodles."  Hearts of palm -- influenced on this.  I haven't tried it yet.  Fully cooked, shelf stable, heat and eat -- get a 4 pack on Amazon.  Each pack is 70 calories.  HealthyLittlePeach says it's better than zoodles.  I'm curious how this tastes with meatballs and sauce.

HOKA to the rescue.  Walking shoe with high cushioning is the front shoe.  Running is the back with less cushioning and a bit of stability.

And they're cute!

Summers in GA.  Also influenced.  $20 on amazon.  Rechargeable, works super well, great for being outside.  3 speeds, adjustable fan arms.

Lights up too.

Minky Couture Blanket.  I bought a second one in neutral with a discount code.  These are INCREDIBLE.

BEST dish towels.  Also influenced with a discount code.  Perfect material and fun patterns.  DIL loves them too.  Wash like a dream and work so well.  Big with a hook in the middle for hanging.

Joggers.  Also influenced -- American Eagle.  Turns out they're PJs.  Material is light weight but not clingy.  You can hike them up for capri length.  I'd have no problem wearing them out of the house.  Great for summer when you don't want shorts, but want something cool.  Pockets, high waist with fold down option.  Not bulky at all, drapes well.

There you have it.  I have a few more things on order -- kitchen addition.  Stay tuned.  When there is nothing to do, online shopping to the rescue (!!)

New Week, Same Deal

Groundhog week begins again.

Sort of ... not quite that dramatic, but pretty close.

I STILL haven't downloaded the Enneagram videos.  It's not as procrastinating as it appears.  Since you only get to view for a few days, I want to make sure I'm in the frame of mind to enjoy it (not task master it) -- and my "frame" has been all over the map.

First, it seems I can upload pictures if I go back to the old blog format, so that's something I'll do this week.  Good news.  Problem solving.

Next, my youngest thinks he has COVID.  His breathing feels "strange" -- all weekend, but he waits to tell me until Sunday night.  I slept horribly worrying about what was going on with him.  He's had no exposure and taken no risk beyond grocery stores, but he's worried so I'm worried.  He also gets some anxiety flare ups and this might be that -- seems like he doesn't feel too unwell, more concerned than sick.  No testing sights have available appointments.  Ugh.  Stay tuned.

Zoom baby shower was sweet.  Not fun, but what can you do in these times.  I was glad to be invited and I put on a real shirt for the day -- there's a win.

My habits are going well.  Routine feels okay.  Mood is ALL OVER THE PLACE.  One minute, I've got this, working the plan, doing the thing ... next minute I feel like I could cry and want to bury under the covers.  Maybe we all feel this way?!?!

Tomorrow is my FIRST Trader Joe's run since this started.  Rumor has it, masks are still required.  I'll go as they open at 9 o'clock.  I planned to go today, but Sunday evening went to hell after the phone call from my son and I didn't get my plan together (I want to go over a few recipes).

Other good news ... exactly ONE more Pete's Paleo to finish.  I'm ready to be done.  Big check off my list.

Things are ugly down here in GA.  Very, very few people are taking any kind of precautions.  Sports tournaments, crowded festivals, vacations, big parties, eating inside at crowded restaurants, travel on airlines for social trips.  You name it, they are doing it down here -- all without masks or distancing.  All this happening as schools begin talk of opening.  I have no kids in school and I need to drop this off my "worry-bitch" list.  Not my problem.  People are prioritizing sports, vacations and parties.  THEY can figure out how to put THEIR kids back to school.  Doesn't seem to bother them. It's weighing me down too heavily though.

I'm cautiously working out.  My back and heel are teetering on the edge, but I'm moving slowly forward.  Say a little prayer I can continue -- it's what's keeping me sane right now.  LOVE my new Hoka walking shoes.  I took a 5 mile power walk yesterday and they showed up!!  Well done, Hoka.  OBE is okay -- still finding what works for all my modification needs and total lack of coordination.  They changed their search engine (of course they did, ugh) and I can't search for low impact circuit anymore.  I can still find some classes by instructor though.

Stay well.  Pictures coming later today (unless my youngest needs help).  Later gators.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Happy Weekend

Still not able to upload photos.  Error and closes application.  Strange.  It's either the blog or my computer.  I'll give it a bit to see if I can it to work before I type everything out.  Much more fun with pictures.

I finished Austin Channing Brown's book -- I'm Still Here.  Very good, quick read, eye opening.  I have another couple of books on white supremacy and racism on order.  More to come.  This is my continued commitment to educate myself on how to be a better person -- it's starts with learning what you don't know you don't know.

Next up ... The Giver of Stars (Jojo Moyes).  I ordered in large print by mistake and the book is HUGE.  It's hard to hold it LOL.  Guess my muscles have atrophied in quarantine (!!)  

I tried the Hoka running shoes on the treadmill yesterday and I really like them.  We'll see how they hold up as I start back to running (fingers crossed on both).  I'm going to do another low impact cardio workout on OBE today.  

Having a ROUTINE in quarantine is helping.  The exponential growth is extremely concerning here in GA and my butt is STAYING HOME.  I'm super limited with things to do and I fight the blues on the regular.  This weekend, I'm starting the videos for Enneagram -- that's something I'm looking forward to watching. I've been "saving" them and I hope they're as good as I expect.  Expectations can be dangerous haha!

My back has "recovered" from the long walk (good lord) and I want to continue adding that into my weekly rotation.  Being outside feels good.  Maybe tomorrow, definitely next week as the new podcasts drops.

I have FOUR Pete's Paleo meals to finish up.  I'm ready to be finished with them.  They're the "loser" ones I keep pushing to the back.  Since I don't have much to do, I'm enjoying cooking for myself, getting creative with last bits to use up.  I had 2 medium yukon gold potatoes to finish so I mandolined them super thin, soaked them for 4 hours and oven cooked them until they were like potato chips.  Ketchup and sriracha mixed for a dip and WOW -- so so so good!!

I've been having an afternoon smoothy with frozen Costco organic berry mix, leftover bananas I sliced and froze and leftover veggies.  The vitamix purees anything and everything.  Other than a funky color, you'd never know there were veggies too (spinach, zucchini). 

Hope you have a happy weekend -- safe and well.  Later gators.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Goodies and Such (ON HOLD)

I've been trying and rebooting and reloading and I CAN NOT get pictures to import.  Error every single time.  Maybe it's a problem with the blog so I'll try again tomorrow.  If I can't do pictures, I'll type it out -- not nearly as fun, but what can this tech-not-savvy-person do.

Instead I'll chat about my mood.

Yesterday was a tough day.  From wake up through the end of the day.  Things felt heavy and scary and sad.  Good news is I accepted it and went with the flow.  Better news is I woke up feeling good this morning.  I still have no idea if this is hormones or pandemic blues or what.

I met with a friend in a park parking lot and chatted -- even that didn't make me feel better.  Monti had his groom and it went well.  Masks on all but one person at pickup, but he was respectful and kept away from me (groomer is in a Hollywood Feed store) and very few people overall (only 4).  It felt safe enough.

Today is NOTHING.  I planned a possible Trader Joe's run, but I don't need enough to warrant a trip.  Our numbers are skyrocketing so I'm staying home as much as I can.  Meanwhile, our neighborhood is partying away with NO PRECAUTIONS at all.  Fun Friday tonight.  Good lord.  

I LOVE the Hoka walking shoes.  They're crazy comfortable.  I haven't done any long walks with them and I'm not sure which shoes I'll wear when I do anything over a few miles.  I'm trying the running shoes on the treadmill this morning.  Since I haven't run outside in a long time, I decided to try them on the treadmill so only one factor changes.  If my heel is horrible, I'll know it's the shoes, not the outside run.

I'm in the mood for a long walk outside, but that seems to upset my lower back.  It's feeling wonky which is a precursor to going out.  I'm being super careful about bending over too.  The walk has to wait.

I tried a OBE yoga class yesterday and it was okay.  Beginner level, but the first flow was crazy hard.  I ended up doing my own thing and watching the rest.  Not a good one for me.  I'll keep looking -- so many to choose from so I think I'll need to find instructors I like and that will take some time (and some previewing).  But it's still a good option to add VARIETY to my workouts for now.

It's going to be a hot weekend with no rain.  As of now, I have no plans, but maybe I'll see the kids.  I need to clarify the risk level first -- doesn't matter THE WHO, it matters THE WHAT.  

Stay well.  Later gators.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

A Little Modifications

My power walk felt awesome -- so incredible I doubled the length and walked 6 miles.  That left my back a bit wonky (maybe it's walking hills that does my back in).  I bagged the arm express workout because arms can be a lot on my back too (planks, etc).  I'm going to do a stretch yoga this morning.

Meatballs became ONE variety with a mix of turkey and beef.  I forgot that I don't like the Costco organic ground turkey.  It's ground so fine it's like mush so I mixed it with the beef -- that bagged my plans for a couple of turkey meatball recipes.  Turned out yummy and I'll FoodSaver the lot of them today.

Groomers are STILL overbooked since the shelter-in and I can't get the boys in for a month.  I'm trying to make a switch anyway so I asked neighbors for recommendations.  Long story short, Monti has a quick groom today (she had a cancelation) and I'll trial the place for our picky boy.

My girlfriend and I were meeting to walk today, but she wants to sit instead.  Probably better for my back anyway.  Our walks usually get changed :)

I pushed back the Enneagram videos purchase.  Yesterday was more full than I expected and there's no need to push things since I only "rent" them for a limited time.  I'll buy them in the next few days -- shooting for tomorrow.

I finished This is How It Always Is (Laurie Frankel).  It got better and moved along.  It's a sweet story and I'd recommend it.  The ending wrapped up a little too cleanly, but happy endings are nice too.  The author has a daughter who transitioned from a son.  The story isn't theirs, but it pulls from her experience.  

I have some new recommendations to share tomorrow.  Books, TV, shoes, gadgets.  Fun stuff.

Until then ... stay well.  Later gators.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Mid-Week Updates

My new schedule is working well so far.

I did my first OBE Fitness workout and I'm sore -- good sore (no surprise).  I did a low impact cardio circuit and it was fun.  Lots of legs and that's what's sore and tired today, but I need that -- use muscles in different ways.  So far, OBE seems like a good option.  Lots of workouts to choose from, workout plans, longer options, express options, live classes.  Variety without a big cost (under $30/month).

I canceled the Pete's Paleo subscription.  I had lowered it to 5 meals every two weeks.  These were a nice, healthy freezer option during quarantine, but I'm tired of them.  My only complaint was SO MANY BEETS and I hate beets -- super duper hate beets and didn't eat them.  Also, the chicken was usually dark meat with skin, but I did eat it.  Also, not my preference -- I don't like the texture of dark meat chicken.  For the price, that was too many "not liking" options.  The only specification you could make was no pork.  That said, great company, great customer service and good delivery.  I still have about 10 meals to finish up.  I wish you could choose the menu since there were a lot that were excellent.

Monti is feeling better.  Antibiotic has all but kicked his cough away.  

Today is a cook up ... ground beef and ground turkey.  Hello, MEATBALLS (!!)  I have a few variations to try -- nothing fancy and I'll modify the recipes with what I have on hand.  The freezer is getting packed again.  I found organic chicken at Costco so next week is a chicken cook up.  Nice to be stocked up with cooked meat.

I'm going to take my "extra" walk today and do some podcast listening.  Hoka shoes are out for shipping -- GET HERE already LOL.  I wanted to wait to do my extra walking until they arrived, but oh well.  Long power walk and a 10 minute express OBE arms workout.  Partially sunny so I'll get some VitD happening.

This Is How It Always Is (Laurie Frankel) is okay.  I'm almost halfway and it's the same thing over and over -- the story needs to move along.  I want to finish it quickly so I can read something else (not a good sign), but shouldn't judge a book until it's over.  Stay tuned.

On the agenda today is to purchase Enneagram videos.  You rent them for a week (I think) so I needed a stretch where I was willing to listen to 6 hours of videos.  It's a recording of a seminar by Suzanne Stabile.  She's one of the "experts" and trainers on Enneagram and believes in figuring out your number through hearing about it -- not a test.  The more I learn about 6, the more I think it fits though.  Also, the more I learn about 2, the less I think it fits.  Jen Hatmaker (my guru LOL) recommends her and her videos.  $40 and since I'm doing nothing social, it's my "fun" money purchase.  I'll do an Enneagram post (or two) once I watch the videos.  

Best get moving before it's too hot.  Dogs and I had our super early walk, but it's time for me to do mine.  Stay well.  Later gators.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Bare with me ... it's a ramble ...

I've been actively working on myself for about 4 or 5 years.  Remember My Happiness Project a few years ago -- it was all about having FUN.  And I did for the entire year.  Big, little, etc. and it was amazing. 

Then the fun wasn't as fun and I felt lost again.  So I pivoted the other way -- spiritual growth.  Fun was for rookies.  It was about all IMPORTANT work, inside work, be a better person.

Then that lost its magic and felt hard and boring and obnoxiously self-righteous. 

Of course, the answer was I need both in a balance (sometimes OBVIOUS takes me years to figure out for myself).

Anyway ...

That brings me to my need for FUN.  I'm working hard on the inside stuff in this hard world, but fun is all but gone.  I'm out of balance.  Since this pandemic has some legs and I think 2020 is a wash, I need to find my way to having fun during this strange time.

The good news is FUN is very subjective and very odd things count toward my fun quota.  A new mug.  A new nail polish color.  A different workout song.

The bad news is what is also fun is wine, cake, cheese ... fun AND easy AND ultimately with not-fun consequences.  

My big, usual fun stuff (for a hardy fun fix) can't happen during a pandemic.  Massage, nails, seminars, book tour speakers, gatherings with friends, etc.  My other go-to is physical activity -- hike, trail run, walk listening to podcasts, etc.  My heel is taking me out of these options too.

Yet, there is one area of "fun" that I can control and it brings me a lot of good feels.  Can you guess it?  It's the one thing I'm fighting hard and I know it the one area that I can still find a lot of FUN feeling.  


This might seem super duper superficial, but hear me out.  I feel good when I feel good.  I enjoy wearing ALL my clothes, getting dressed when everything fits and anything is an option.  I like wearing fun PJs to bed, cute exercise clothes.  This is a huge GOOD, FUN feeling producer.

It's not about comparison to others or fitting into a smallest size.  I've spent a lifetime knowing myself and I know when my body feels well -- energized, strong, comfortable.  I'm never really thin (by standards today), but it's a size that I know works for me.

I've been bummed about feeling like I have very few FUN options these days.  Cursing the pandemic (and those abusing the rules), cursing my heel injury.  Telling myself the only option left is cake and wine and cheese -- it is a pandemic, after all.  What choice do I have?!!?

I'm ignoring the obvious because I don't want to DO THE WORK to get back to that place.  Ugh.  But it's my best option to do well in 2020.

So this long ramble to say my path to FUN is through better eating.  I'm not going to talk about what that looks like because I've talked that to death.  I know what to do.  Nothing drastic, just stop stuffing my face with junk all evening.  

I have no idea if this makes sense outside of my brain, but there you have it ... my FUN plan.  Fit back into my pants and maybe even The Green Dress.

I'll leave today with a funny ...  stay well.  Later gators.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Happier Day

As usual, morning brings a better attitude and the worry is washed away for now (I know hubby made it safely to VA -- that was the BIG worry).

Pups and I are already "walked" this morning.  Monti has some kennel cough reappearing -- might need a vet visit so we cut the walk a little short.  I'll see how he does today.  It's a resistant bugger.  Now we're back in bed getting our cuddles and nap (them, not me).  Trying to think outside the box on how to get mornings to run smoothly.  Walking before everything (coffee, dog breakfast, etc) might be the trick.  It was nice to walk before the sun was completely up -- cool, quiet, pretty moon.

I'm excited to try some new workout (activity) ideas.  I'll sign up for OBE Fitness today so I can be ready to go for tomorrow morning.  Stay tuned ...

The next part of re-thinking this quarantine is my afternoons.  As I mentioned, most everything falls in the morning (grocery store runs, long dog walks, workout, etc) and that leaves a long, boring afternoon ahead.  Guess how I usually fill it??  FOOD while watching TV.  Eeeeek.  That's a problem -- so my pants tell me.

I decided that at 3 o'clock, I'll do SOMETHING for an hour that is NOT TV.  Something to break the habit of starting to snack and sit and eat.  Puzzles are making a come back.  I have the latch hook too.  Maybe reading on the porch.  Maybe a Starbucks run with the pups.  Maybe a dog walk if it's an overcast afternoon (like today should be).  I need to change the routine to something NOT EATING.  I've set an alarm on my phone for 3 o'clock.  The GOOD NEWS is I love a routine.  I think if I give this a bit of consistency I'll form a new habit quickly.  

I'm also thinking of moving journalling to afternoon.  The mornings are pressed, but mornings usually give me loads more consistency (no interruptions, etc) so I do my "healthy" habits first thing.  Since I have NOTHING to do, afternoon consistency shouldn't be a problem during quarantine.  I'm often rushed journalling which sound ridiculous since the days are so boring, but mornings are strange.  Switching to afternoons during these weird times might be a good solution.

Next up on my figuring-out-quarantine plan is having some FUN.  This is loads trickier to figure out and might take some trial and error.  More on that tomorrow.

I finished The Ten Thousand Doors of January (Alix Harrow) -- book recommendation from Melissa Urban.  Uplifting fantasy story and I liked it a lot.  Something different.  I started a Jen Hatmaker recommendation This is How It Always Is (Laurie Frankel) about a transgender child and her family.  Good so far.  I have a long list of GOOD books and that's awesome.  I'm plugging along pretty consistently these days.

TV watching is in a bit of a slump even though I'm watching TV still.   Netflix's Bosch.  I don't like the acting -- especially the lead character, yet I'll probably watch all (5 or 6) seasons.  The storyline is okay, but predictable (and horribly acted).  I'm desperate LOL.  I still haven't watched Tiger King and I feel obligated to understand all the memes hahaha so that's on my list too.  I need a new binge series.  

That's all from here.  I have some house chores today so there's that to keep me occupied -- sad state of exciting news.  Stay well, it's a mess out there.  Later gators.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hello :)

Today is that mix of hubby leaves (I worry for him) and I get to have time to myself (yea, but guilty).  I'm feeling both the big feels and it's once again the hardest day of having hubby away.  This is his rollover week, so 13 days before he's home again.  Our little Duke gets super sad on the travel day too -- dogs know the signs (luggage, pack the car).  Believe it or not, this adds to my sad as well.  I feel for the little guy.

Things are looking bleak in COVID land and flying seems like it's a far, far away reality.  This makes this new job situation feel heavy and hard.  (Of course, it's our choice and we're lucky, etc, etc, etc ... but it still feels rotten).

If hubby can't fly by the end of August, he'll look for another plan that includes some working from home time.  Being home a total of about 4.5 days a month isn't okay longterm.  Driving 8 plus hours one way is the pits too.  Ugh.  

Still hibernating and staying as careful as possible.  Numbers are horrible.  GA doesn't give a rats ass about wearing masks, avoiding large groups, social distancing or washing hands.  Plans for the next 13 days??  Absolutely NOTHING.

I'm working on changing things up since this isn't over by a long shot.  I need to figure out a new normal that gets me doing something.  

Here's the PHYSICAL ACTIVITY changes for my new normal ...

First thing on the docket this week is joining OBE Fitness.  Online exercise classes.  Live classes and a library to choose from.  Cardio, strength, yoga ... also express 10 minute classes for quick add-ons.  I'll chat more about it once I start -- Tuesday is the plan since tomorrow is a treadmill day.  My heel is still wonky, but I'm moving forward with SOMETHING.

I ordered new running and walking shoes.  Both Hoka.  I'll see if that helps with all these nuisance injuries.  I wear Brooks, but haven't been happy with them lately.  They wear rapidly and I don't notice the same support.  My sister is an avid runner and her running group loves Hoka.  One pair for recovery/walking and another for running.

Next up is taking some longer walks.  Monti put a bit of a hiccup in my longer walks, but after I walk the dogs, I'm going to do some longer podcast-listening walks a few days a week (assuming my heel can take it) ... even in the heat.  After my morning run around, I sit on my butt for basically the rest of the day.  Everything I do happens early (grocery store, workouts, longer dog walks, cleaning, cooking).  By mid-afternoon, I'm boring out of my mind and butt plant on the sofa to read or watch TV.  That's not enough movement. 

Tomorrow I'll chat about that afternoon window and my plans to make some changes.  

I have no choice.  I can't continue feeling and being this blah.  Life continues and I need to figure out a healthy, happy way to walk through this pandemic.  

Hope you are well and happy.  I'm back to journalling and that's also a good step.  For now it's me and my dogs.  Luckily this is TRUTH (!!)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Welcome, July

I've been MIA again -- nothing in particular, just this darn morning schedule mashup has me out of habit.

I have lots of updates, but I'm up against my morning again.  Hubby is home all week so I expect to be MIA or very quick until he's back in VA on Monday.

Birthday updates
Book updates
Enneagram updates
Shopping updates
Healthy habits updates

Lots to say.  Getting back into things.  Stay well -- it's a mess out there.  Later gators.

(Have no idea how to add caption with this new format.  Monti on the top.  Me and my high school girls way back in HS -- I'm second from the left on the bottom -- this is the crew that was supposed to go to Italy this year.)